Sunday, August 22, 2021

dWebServe Submit News Opinions Worldwide

dWebServe Submit News Opinions Worldwide

Risen Energy ????????? ???????? ?????????? ? ??????? ?????????????? ? BHP

Posted: 22 Aug 2021 05:23 PM PDT

dWeb.News Article from dWeb.News

Risen Energy ????????? ???????? ?????????? ? ??????? ?????????????? ? BHP ??? ??????????? ?????????? ???????? Nickel West ????? (?????), 23 ??????? 2021 ?. /PRNewswire/ — ???????? Risen Energy ????????? ???????? ?????? 10-??????? ?????????? ? ??????? ?????????????? ??????? (PPA) ?? ????? ????????? ?????????????? <> ? 20 ?? 50 ??? ?????????????? ??? ??????????? Nickel West, ????????????? ???????? BHP. […]

The post Risen Energy ????????? ???????? ?????????? ? ??????? ?????????????? ? BHP appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

Risen Energy erweitert Stromliefervertrag mit BHP, um Emissionen von Nickel West weiter zu senken

Posted: 22 Aug 2021 05:23 PM PDT

dWeb.News Article from dWeb.News

NINGBO, China, 23. August 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Risen Energy hat seinen 10-jahrigen Stromliefervertrag (PPA) fur erneuerbare Energien aus seiner Solarstromanlage in Merredin von 20 MW auf 50 MW Strom fur den Nickel West-Betrieb von BHP ausgeweitet. Ab dem 1. August werden die zusatzlichen 30 MW an die Kalgoorlie-Schmelzanlage von BHP Nickel West geleitet und damit […]

The post Risen Energy erweitert Stromliefervertrag mit BHP, um Emissionen von Nickel West weiter zu senken appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

TransPerfect Announces Opening of New Facility in Richmond, Virginia

Posted: 22 Aug 2021 05:23 PM PDT

dWeb.News Article from dWeb.News

NEW YORK and RICHMOND, Va., Aug. 22, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — TransPerfect, the world’s largest provider of language and technology solutions for global business, today announced the opening of a new office in Richmond, Virginia. Richmond is TransPerfect’s newest office. In addition to providing language services and technology, it will also serve as a regional hub […]

The post TransPerfect Announces Opening of New Facility in Richmond, Virginia appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

Spolecnost Risen Energy rozsiruje dohodu o nakupu energie se spolecnosti BHP s cilem dalsiho snizeni emisi spolecnosti Nickel West

Posted: 22 Aug 2021 05:23 PM PDT

dWeb.News Article from dWeb.News

Ning-po, Cina, 23. srpna 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Spolecnost Risen Energy rozsirila desetiletou dohodu o nakupu obnovitelne energie (PPA) pro svou solarni farmu Merredin z puvodnich 20 MW na 50 MW elektricke energie pro provozy Nickel West spolecnosti BHP. S platnosti od 1. srpna bude dalsich 30 MW smerovat do hute BHP Nickel West v Kalgoorlie. […]

The post Spolecnost Risen Energy rozsiruje dohodu o nakupu energie se spolecnosti BHP s cilem dalsiho snizeni emisi spolecnosti Nickel West appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

Risen Energy amplia el acuerdo de compra de energia con BHP

Posted: 22 Aug 2021 05:23 PM PDT

dWeb.News Article from dWeb.News

R isen Energy amplia el acuerdo de compra de energia con BHP con el fin de reducir aun mas las emisiones de Nickel West NINGBO, China, 23 de agosto de 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Risen Energy ha ampliado su contrato de compra de energia renovable (PPA) hasta 10 anos para su granja solar Merredin, pasando las […]

The post Risen Energy amplia el acuerdo de compra de energia con BHP appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

Risen Energy rozszerza zakres umowy w sprawie zakupu energii przez BHP, co pozwoli hucie BHP Nickel West zredukowac emisje

Posted: 22 Aug 2021 05:23 PM PDT

dWeb.News Article from dWeb.News

NINGBO, Chiny, 23 sierpnia 2021 r. /PRNewswire/ — Firma Risen Energy rozszerzyla zakres 10-letniej umowy w sprawie zakupu energii odnawialnej pochodzacej z farmy slonecznej Merredin z 20MW do 50MW energii elektrycznej na potrzeby dzialalnosci BHP Nickel West. Z dniem 1 sierpnia dodatkowe 30MW energii trafi do huty BHP Nickel West w Kalgoorlie, co pozwoli jej […]

The post Risen Energy rozszerza zakres umowy w sprawie zakupu energii przez BHP, co pozwoli hucie BHP Nickel West zredukowac emisje appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

Risen Energy etend son accord d’achat d’energie avec BHP pour reduire davantage les emissions de Nickel West

Posted: 22 Aug 2021 05:23 PM PDT

dWeb.News Article from dWeb.News

NINGBO, Chine, 23 aout 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Risen Energy a etendu son accord d’achat d’energie renouvelable (PPA) avec Nickel West Operations de BHP de 10 ans et passera de 20 MW a 50 MW d’electricite pour sa ferme solaire Merredin. A partir du 1er aout 2021, les 30 MW supplementaires seront diriges vers la fonderie […]

The post Risen Energy etend son accord d’achat d’energie avec BHP pour reduire davantage les emissions de Nickel West appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

Risen Energy expands Power Purchase Agreement with BHP to further cut Nickel West’s emissions

Posted: 22 Aug 2021 05:23 PM PDT

dWeb.News Article from dWeb.News

NINGBO, China, Aug. 23, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Risen Energy has expanded its 10-year renewable power purchase agreement (PPA) for their Merredin Solar Farm from 20MW to 50MW of electricity to BHP’s Nickel West operations. Commencing on 1st August, the additional 30MW will be directed to BHP Nickel West’s Kalgoorlie Smelter and reduce the smelters Scope […]

The post Risen Energy expands Power Purchase Agreement with BHP to further cut Nickel West’s emissions appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

Technology: AMD shows off more 3D-stacking technologies at Hot Chips 33

Posted: 22 Aug 2021 05:15 PM PDT

dWeb.News Article from Elroy Byron dWeb.News

Technology: AMD shows off more 3D-stacking technologies at Hot Chips 33

Technology: AMD shows off more 3D-stacking technologies at Hot Chips 33Forward-looking: 3D chip stacking technology has yet to arrive in a big way, with only Intel Foveros reaching the market in Lakefield CPUs, and some Zen3-with-vertically-stacked-cache products waiting in the wings. But at this year's Hot Chips symposium, AMD is already laying out where it intends to go from here, with ambitious ideas on how…

The post Technology: AMD shows off more 3D-stacking technologies at Hot Chips 33 appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

Technology: Claim these free PC games before August is over, including Battlefield V

Posted: 22 Aug 2021 05:15 PM PDT

dWeb.News Article from Yuri Mote dWeb.News

Technology: Claim these free PC games before August is over, including Battlefield V

Technology: Claim these free PC games before August is over, including Battlefield VDownload this: Many platforms have different free offerings that rotate from time to time. Others have free finds buried in their store pages with little to no promotion. We've done the search for you to bring you some digital goodies to play with. There's AAA shooters, point-and-click games from the 90's, and even a silly…

The post Technology: Claim these free PC games before August is over, including Battlefield V appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

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