Wednesday, October 13, 2021

dWebServe Submit News Opinions Worldwide

dWebServe Submit News Opinions Worldwide

HEALTH: The Majority Of Countries In The Americas Will Reach The COVID-19 Vaccine Target By The End Of The Year

Posted: 13 Oct 2021 06:42 PM PDT

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News


dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News

Jamaica, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Haiti, Guatemala, and Nicaragua lag behind. PAHO to accelerate vaccine delivery to countries most in need of supplies. Washington, D.C. October 12, 2021 (PAHO) – Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) Director, Carissa F. Etienne, said that while Latin America and the Caribbean is on track to reach…

The post HEALTH: The Majority Of Countries In The Americas Will Reach The COVID-19 Vaccine Target By The End Of The Year appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

The post HEALTH: The Majority Of Countries In The Americas Will Reach The COVID-19 Vaccine Target By The End Of The Year appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

BUSINESS: HBM Holdings Completes Acquisition Of Control Devices

Posted: 13 Oct 2021 05:42 PM PDT

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News


dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News

ST. LOUIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--HBM Holdings ("HBM") announced today it has acquired Control Devices, LLC of Fenton, MO. Control Devices, a portfolio company of Goldner Hawn founded in 1963, is a leading designer and manufacturer of highly engineered flow-control products utilized in niche applications across a diverse array of end markets. The acquisition expands HBM's portfolio in…

The post BUSINESS: HBM Holdings Completes Acquisition Of Control Devices appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

The post BUSINESS: HBM Holdings Completes Acquisition Of Control Devices appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

BUSINESS: Suns Legacy Partners, LLC, And Footprint Formally Dedicate Sustainability Epicenter

Posted: 13 Oct 2021 05:42 PM PDT

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News


dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News

PHOENIX--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Footprint, a materials science technology company, and Suns Legacy Partners, LLC, operators of the Phoenix Suns, Phoenix Mercury, and Footprint Center, today officially opened doors on the recently transformed Footprint Center. Leadership from Footprint, and the Suns and Mercury joined City of Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego and champions of sustainability to formally dedicate Footprint…

The post BUSINESS: Suns Legacy Partners, LLC, And Footprint Formally Dedicate Sustainability Epicenter appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

The post BUSINESS: Suns Legacy Partners, LLC, And Footprint Formally Dedicate Sustainability Epicenter appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

BUSINESS: PHChorudeingusuZhu Shi Hui She :Dong Jing Zheng Quan Qu Yin Suo Shi Chang Di Yi Bu HenoShang Chang NooZhi Rase

Posted: 13 Oct 2021 05:42 PM PDT

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News


dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News

東京--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(ビジネスワイヤ) -- PHCホールディングス株式会社(東証:6523)(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長CEO:ジョン・マロッタ)は、本日、2021年10月14日をもちまして、東京証券取引所市場第一部へ上場いたしました。ここに謹んでご報告させていただくとともに、当社のお客様、お取引先の皆様、株主の皆様をはじめとする関係各位のご支援、ご高配に心より感謝申し上げます。 当社グループは、「わたしたちは、たゆみない努力で健康を願うすべての人々に新たな価値を創造し豊かな社会づくりに貢献します」という経営理念の下、日本発のグローバルヘルスケア企業として、糖尿病マネジメント、ヘルスケアソリューション、診断・ライフサイエンスの領域において事業を行っています。2014年にパナソニックグループから独立して以降、製品ポートフォリオの多様化とグローバルに展開する中核事業の強化を図ってまいりました。 このたびの上場を機に、株式公開企業としての責任を自覚し、ステークホルダーの皆様に信頼され、広く社会に貢献できる企業となるよう、役員はじめ従業員一丸となって一層努めてまいります。また、「グローバルの診断・ライフサイエンス、日本のヘルスケアサービスにおいて、ベストインクラスのプレシジョンとデジタルソリューションを提供するリーダーとなる」という当社のビジョンの実現に向けて、お客様のニーズに応える革新的な製品・サービスを提供し、豊かな社会づくりと更なる企業価値向上への取り組みを続けてまいります。 皆様におかれましては、今後とも、より一層のご指導ご鞭撻を賜りますよう、心よりお願い申し上げます。 なお、新規上場に関する詳細につきましては、日本取引所グループのウェブサイト「新規上場会社情報」をご参照ください。 日本取引所グループ「新規上場会社情報」ウェブサイト: <PHCホールディングス株式会社について> PHCホールディングス株式会社は、傘下にPHC株式会社やアセンシア ダイアベティスケアホールディングス株式会社、エプレディアホールディングス株式会社、株式会社LSIメディエンスなどを持つグローバルヘルスケア企業です。健康を願うすべての人々に新たな価値を創造し、豊かな社会づくりに貢献することを経営理念とし、糖尿病マネジメント、ヘルスケアソリューション、診断・ライフサイエンスの事業領域において、開発、製造、販売、サービスを行っています。2020年度のグループ連結売上収益は3,060億円、世界125カ国以上のお客様に製品・サービスをお使いいただいています。

The post BUSINESS: PHChorudeingusuZhu Shi Hui She :Dong Jing Zheng Quan Qu Yin Suo Shi Chang Di Yi Bu HenoShang Chang NooZhi Rase appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

The post BUSINESS: PHChorudeingusuZhu Shi Hui She :Dong Jing Zheng Quan Qu Yin Suo Shi Chang Di Yi Bu HenoShang Chang NooZhi Rase appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

BUSINESS: Inspira Technologies Choisit GlobalLogic Pour Le Developpement Logiciel De Son Systeme Extracorporel D’assistance Respiratoire Precoce Fonctionnant A La Maniere D’un >

Posted: 13 Oct 2021 05:42 PM PDT

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News


dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News

SAN JOSÉ, Californie--(BUSINESS WIRE)--GlobalLogic Inc., société du groupe Hitachi, et leader en ingénierie numérique, a annoncé aujourd'hui avoir été choisie par Inspira Technologies pour développer une plateforme numérique optimisée par des algorithmes et alimentant le dispositif ART — un système extracorporel d'assistance respiratoire précoce, destiné aux patients en insuffisance respiratoire, tels que les patients atteints…

The post BUSINESS: Inspira Technologies Choisit GlobalLogic Pour Le Developpement Logiciel De Son Systeme Extracorporel D'assistance Respiratoire Precoce Fonctionnant A La Maniere D'un << Poumon Artificiel >> appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

The post BUSINESS: Inspira Technologies Choisit GlobalLogic Pour Le Developpement Logiciel De Son Systeme Extracorporel D’assistance Respiratoire Precoce Fonctionnant A La Maniere D’un << Poumon Artificiel >> appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

BUSINESS: Zhuo Pin Zhi Hui Ke Ji Yu Tu La Ke Ji Da Cheng Ce Lue He Zuo Xie Yi

Posted: 13 Oct 2021 05:42 PM PDT

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News


dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News

October 13, 2021 06:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time 中國江蘇無錫和加州聖荷西--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美國商業資訊)--中國車輛設備製造商卓品智慧科技無錫有限公司(E-Quality Tec, Inc.)和美國推進效率軟體公司圖拉科技公司(Tula Technology, Inc.)簽署策略協議,雙方將就以下三個主要目標展開初步合作: 快速部署全整合技術,幫助中國中型和重型柴油車製造商同時大幅減少二氧化碳和氮氧化物排放,以符合中國重型汽車排放國VI標準 在卓品智慧科技的EQ16量產系列控制器中嵌入圖拉科技的柴油Dynamic Skip Fire® (DSF,汽缸休止)控制軟體和診斷程式 為客戶提供新的減排技術選擇,同時提升兩家公司在中國柴油車市場上的競爭地位 卓品智慧科技執行長李大明表示:「卓品智慧科技和圖拉科技均致力於幫助實現中國汽車業2030年碳達峰和2060年碳中和目標。雙方的合作關係基於資源分享和雙贏理念,以最大限度發揮兩家公司的技術優勢。經過深入盡職調查,我們確認圖拉科技的技術在節省燃料和減少排放方面具有顯著優勢,可符合國VI以及未來更嚴格的排放標準。我們相信,卓品智慧科技和圖拉科技之間的合作將取得1 + 1 > 2的效果。在中國交通運輸業持續升級轉型的背景下,此次合作也讓我們能夠為客戶提供更好的選擇和服務。」 圖拉科技總裁兼執行長R. Scott Bailey表示:「我們非常高興與卓品智慧科技展開合作,相信透過結合雙方的優勢技術,將能夠大幅減少氮氧化物和二氧化碳排放,同時提升商用車的燃油效率。兩家公司攜手合作,為中國柴油車市場上所有公司符合日益嚴格的排放標準開闢了一條康莊大道。節能減排對中國乃至整個世界都極其重要,圖拉科技很自豪能在這方面助一臂之力。」 關於卓品智慧科技 卓品智慧科技無錫有限公司是中國首屈一指的商用車動力系統電子控制器和解決方案提供商,由江蘇省創新企業家李大明於2017年8月創立。公司具備豐富的產品化經驗,開發週期短,回應速度快,維護服務完善,由此打造出核心競爭優勢。公司與玉柴機器集團、雲內動力集團、東風卡車、三一重工、全柴集團、卡特彼勒、柏格華納等國內外知名商用車及零部件製造商長期保持穩定合作關係。 卓品智慧科技在柴油機電控市場擁有穩固的地位,積極開發動力系統全系列電控產品。卓品智慧科技致力於完成包括無人駕駛電控在內的商用車電控產品及外包服務市場佈局。公司的使命是透過卓越的工程師團隊為客戶創造價值。 關於圖拉科技公司 總部位於美國加州矽谷的圖拉科技公司提供屢獲殊榮的創新軟體控制,以促進包括汽油、柴油、替代燃料、混合動力和電動汽車在內的各種交通工具的推進效率和排放最佳化。圖拉的創新文化造就了突破性的技術和強大的全球專利組合,擁有超過378項已頒發和正在申請的專利。圖拉科技是由紅杉資本(Sequoia Capital)、Sigma Partners、Khosla Ventures、通用汽車投資(GM Ventures)、柏格華納(BorgWarner)和Franklin-Templeton聯合投資的私有公司。如需瞭解更多資訊,請造訪。 免責聲明:本公告之原文版本乃官方授權版本。譯文僅供方便瞭解之用,煩請參照原文,原文版本乃唯一具法律效力之版本。

The post BUSINESS: Zhuo Pin Zhi Hui Ke Ji Yu Tu La Ke Ji Da Cheng Ce Lue He Zuo Xie Yi appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

The post BUSINESS: Zhuo Pin Zhi Hui Ke Ji Yu Tu La Ke Ji Da Cheng Ce Lue He Zuo Xie Yi appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

NFL SPORTS: 2021 NFL Fantasy Football Start ‘Em, Sit ‘Em Week 6: Quarterbacks –

Posted: 13 Oct 2021 05:11 PM PDT

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News

NFL SPORTS: 2021 NFL Fantasy Football Start ‘Em, Sit ‘Em Week 6: Quarterbacks –

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News

You have lineup questions. We have answers. At least we hope. Start 'Em & Sit 'Em has helped fantasy managers for years make those pressing lineup decisions. And you know what is a good decision? Starting Patrick Mahomes. But that's too obvious, so you won't see that here. Instead here are some of the most-pressing…

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The post NFL SPORTS: 2021 NFL Fantasy Football Start ‘Em, Sit ‘Em Week 6: Quarterbacks – appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

NFL SPORTS: Lamar Jackson, Ravens QB and Buccaneers QB Tom Brady are the Players of the Week –

Posted: 13 Oct 2021 05:11 PM PDT

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News

NFL SPORTS: Lamar Jackson, Ravens QB and Buccaneers QB Tom Brady are the Players of the Week –

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News

Published: Oct 13, 2021 at 08: 29 AM Tampa Bay Buccaneers' quarterback Tom Brady performed a spectacular Sunday performance in a win. On Monday, the Baltimore Ravens' quarterback Lamar Jackson gave another thrilling performance in a thrilling comeback. Jackson led the way Wednesday, when the league released the NFL Players of the Week. With the…

The post NFL SPORTS: Lamar Jackson, Ravens QB and Buccaneers QB Tom Brady are the Players of the Week – appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

The post NFL SPORTS: Lamar Jackson, Ravens QB and Buccaneers QB Tom Brady are the Players of the Week – appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

Front Page: VC Firm Embedded Ventures Signs Cooperative Agreement With U.S. Space Force

Posted: 13 Oct 2021 04:42 PM PDT

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News


dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News

by Sandra Erwin — October 13, 2021 Embedded Ventures co-founder Jenna Bryant participates in a STEM forum on the streaming site Twitch. Credit: @EmbeddedVC This is the Space Force's first cooperative agreement with a venture capital firm WASHINGTON — Embedded Ventures, a venture capital firm investing in space startups, has signed a cooperative agreement with…

The post Front Page: VC Firm Embedded Ventures Signs Cooperative Agreement With U.S. Space Force appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

The post Front Page: VC Firm Embedded Ventures Signs Cooperative Agreement With U.S. Space Force appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

Front Page: Virtual Reality, Spacesuits, Departure Preps Keeping Crew Busy

Posted: 13 Oct 2021 04:42 PM PDT

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News


dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News

NASA astronaut Megan McArthur poses with an AstroBee robotic free-flying assistant inside the space station's Kibo laboratory module.Exercising wearing virtual reality goggles, replacing spacesuit components, and getting ready for this weekend's crew departure were the main objectives for the Expedition 65 crew today. The residents aboard the International Space Station also juggled ongoing research and…

The post Front Page: Virtual Reality, Spacesuits, Departure Preps Keeping Crew Busy appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

The post Front Page: Virtual Reality, Spacesuits, Departure Preps Keeping Crew Busy appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

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