Thursday, November 11, 2021

dWebServe Submit News Opinions Worldwide

dWebServe Submit News Opinions Worldwide

FITNESS Networking Knowledge: 7 Effective Ways To Build Your Base

Posted: 11 Nov 2021 06:19 PM PST

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News


As health and exercise professionals, we know credentials are not only important, but they are also necessary. Credentials help set us apart from the influencers and fitness stars who sometimes take creative liberties with the science of fitness, exercise and nutrition to sell a product or image. Another aspect of our professionalism that helps us…

The post FITNESS Networking Knowledge: 7 Effective Ways To Build Your Base appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

FRONT PAGE: 'Tuition Myopia' May Negatively Impact Students' Financial Future, Study Finds

Posted: 11 Nov 2021 05:08 PM PST

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News


Newswise — INDIANAPOLIS -- Choosing more expensive colleges may seem like an unwise financial decision considering a large student debt burden after graduation. However, new research led by the Indiana University Kelley School of Business demonstrates that avoiding such colleges can lead to bigger financial problems in the long run.The work, titled "Early Cost Realization…

The post FRONT PAGE: 'Tuition Myopia' May Negatively Impact Students' Financial Future, Study Finds appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

FRONT PAGE: Sitting More Linked To Increased Feelings Of Depression, Anxiety

Posted: 11 Nov 2021 05:08 PM PST

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News


Newswise — AMES, Iowa - As people adhered to stay-at-home orders or self-isolated during the early months of the COVID-19 outbreak, daily commutes turned into shuffles between the bedroom and the living room. Clicking Zoom links erased time spent walking to meeting rooms, and Netflix spilled into time otherwise dedicated to the gym.In short, a…

The post FRONT PAGE: Sitting More Linked To Increased Feelings Of Depression, Anxiety appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

FRONT PAGES: Discrimination Increases Mental Health Risks In Young Adults

Posted: 11 Nov 2021 05:08 PM PST

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News


Newswise — A UCLA study has found that young adults who have experienced discrimination have a higher risk for both short- and long-term behavioral and mental health problems.Researchers examined a decade's worth of health data on 1,834 Americans who were between 18 and 28 years old when the study began. They found that the effects…

The post FRONT PAGES: Discrimination Increases Mental Health Risks In Young Adults appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

FRONT PAGE: Does Environmental Stress Drive Migration?

Posted: 11 Nov 2021 05:08 PM PST

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News


Newswise — With the United Nations climate conference in Glasgow, the world is focused on the consequences of a climate crisis and how we can still change course. Yet while climate-driven migration has been deemed a major threat in public discourse and academic research, comprehensive studies that take into account both environmental and social factors…

The post FRONT PAGE: Does Environmental Stress Drive Migration? appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

FRONT PAGES: A Yale Cancer Center Study Shows That PSA Testing For Prostate Cancer Has Increased After Revisions To National Guidelines

Posted: 11 Nov 2021 05:07 PM PST

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News


Newswise — In a large study led by Yale Cancer Center, more men received a prostate-specific antigen or PSA test to detect prostate cancer following revisions to the recommendation by the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) on screening. The results also showed significant increases in PSA testing among older men, a group for whom…

The post FRONT PAGES: A Yale Cancer Center Study Shows That PSA Testing For Prostate Cancer Has Increased After Revisions To National Guidelines appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

FRONT PAGE: Study Reveals Common Loud Noises Cause Fluid Buildup In The Inner Ear And Suggests Simple Possible Cure For Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Posted: 11 Nov 2021 05:07 PM PST

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News


Newswise — LOS ANGELES — Exposure to loud noise, such as a firecracker or an ear-splitting concert, is the most common preventable cause of hearing loss. Research suggests that 12% or more of the world population is at risk for noise-induced loss of hearing.Loud sounds can cause a loss of auditory nerve cells in the…

The post FRONT PAGE: Study Reveals Common Loud Noises Cause Fluid Buildup In The Inner Ear And Suggests Simple Possible Cure For Noise-Induced Hearing Loss appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

FRONT PAGES: A New Drug Delivery Method Could Dramatically Improve The Treatment Of Localised Prostate Cancer

Posted: 11 Nov 2021 05:07 PM PST

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News


Newswise — Researchers at Queen's University Belfast have developed a new treatment to be used in combination with radiotherapy that could significantly improve treatment outcomes for men with locally advanced prostate cancer. The treatment can make cancerous cells up to 30% more receptive to radiotherapy while simultaneously reducing adverse side effects that limit quality of life.  Radiotherapy is…

The post FRONT PAGES: A New Drug Delivery Method Could Dramatically Improve The Treatment Of Localised Prostate Cancer appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

FRONT PAGES: Researchers Link Pollution To Cardiovascular Disease, Create Strategies To Reduce Exposure, Encourage Government Intervention

Posted: 11 Nov 2021 05:07 PM PST

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News

front-pages:-researchers-link-pollution-to-cardiovascular-disease,  create-strategies-to-reduce-exposure,-encourage-government-intervention

Newswise — CLEVELAND--In a new review article, published today in The New England Journal of Medicine, researchers from University Hospitals (UH), Case Western Reserve University and Boston College discuss evidence linking pollution and cardiovascular disease. The research team highlights strategies for reducing individual exposure to pollution, and the importance of government-supported interventions encouraging clean energy.The…

The post FRONT PAGES: Researchers Link Pollution To Cardiovascular Disease,
Create Strategies To Reduce Exposure, Encourage Government Intervention
appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

FRONT PAGES: Yale Researchers Create An RNA-Based Treatment That Eliminates SARS-CoV-2 In Mice

Posted: 11 Nov 2021 05:07 PM PST

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News


Newswise — Researchers at Yale School of Medicine have discovered that an RNA molecule that stimulates the body's early antiviral defense system can protect mice from a range of emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants. The study, published today in the Journal of Experimental Medicine (JEM), could lead to new treatments for COVID-19 in immunocompromised patients, as well…

The post FRONT PAGES: Yale Researchers Create An RNA-Based Treatment That Eliminates SARS-CoV-2 In Mice appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

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