Thursday, January 13, 2022

dWebServe Submit News Opinions Worldwide

dWebServe Submit News Opinions Worldwide

BUSINESS: ArutamutekunorozizutoRi Tie EnziniaringugasumatokuriningusabisunoKai Shi WoFa Biao , MataarutamutekunorozizuhaCi Duan Jie NiXiang KetaCheng Chang Zi Jin WoHuo De

Posted: 13 Jan 2022 12:43 AM PST

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News


January 13, 2022 01:43 AM Eastern Standard Time ヘルシンキ--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(ビジネスワイヤ) -- アルタム・テクノロジーズ(最高経営責任者(CEO):Matias Tainela、本社:フィンランド・ヘルシンキ、以下「アルタム」)と日鉄エンジニアリング(代表取締役社長:石倭行人、本社:東京都品川区、以下「NSE」)は、新しいスマートクリーニングサービスの開始に向けての協業を発表します。 この新しいサービスにより、プロセスメーカーはソフトウエアガイド下超音波技術で産業用機器や配管のクリーニングや汚れ防止を行うことができます。両社はエネルギー、石油化学、製紙、食品、飲料の分野における企業など、日本のさまざまな業界にこのスマートクリーニングサービスを提供すべく、アルタムのZPD技術のライセンス契約を締結したところです。 今回、アルタムとNSEが力を合わせることで、十分に強力であるのみならず効果的な超音波ソリューションを、数種類の大型産業プロセス設備・装置向けに提供できるようになります。企業はこれから、汚れや関連する生産量低下および容量損失のような多くの問題に苦労する必要がなくなります。 現在の市場規模について、日本でスマートクリーニングサービスの対象となるのは18億ドル(2000億円)と見積もられています。NSEとアルタムは今後、この市場規模を新たなレベルへと拡大すべく協力を続けていきます。 アルタムとNSEの協業の目的は、産業界に恩恵をもたらすことだけではありません。産業生産設備からの二酸化炭素排出量を削減し、地球全体にも恩恵をもたらすことが目的です。また、このサービス以外のクリーニング方法では有毒な化学物質を使用することから、こうした化学物質を生産プロセスのクリーニングに使用する必要性を解消または低減することも、アルタムとNSEの狙いです。NSEとアルタムによる超音波サービスは気候変動対策のための前例のないツールとして機能し、国連が設定したSDG目標を幾つか達成しようとする企業に貢献します。 またアルタムは、LocalTapiola傘下の複数の保険会社、Tesi(フィンランド産業投資)、Maki.vcより、次なるラウンドの成長資金を獲得しました。 アルタムは当社のZPDサービスを世界規模でプロセス業界に提供し、工場のエネルギー効率改善に貢献しています。これは環境負荷を低減するとともに、広範な使用を通じてカーボンニュートラルな社会の実現にも貢献します。 本記者発表文の公式バージョンはオリジナル言語版です。翻訳言語版は、読者の便宜を図る目的で提供されたものであり、法的効力を持ちません。翻訳言語版を資料としてご利用になる際には、法的効力を有する唯一のバージョンであるオリジナル言語版と照らし合わせて頂くようお願い致します。

The post BUSINESS: ArutamutekunorozizutoRi Tie EnziniaringugasumatokuriningusabisunoKai Shi WoFa Biao , MataarutamutekunorozizuhaCi Duan Jie NiXiang KetaCheng Chang Zi Jin WoHuo De appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

BUSINESS: Planet Launches 44 SuperDove Satellites On SpaceX’s Falcon 9 Rocket.

Posted: 13 Jan 2022 12:43 AM PST

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News


SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Planet Labs PBC (NYSE: PL), a leading provider of daily data and insights about Earth, today announced that the launch of their Flock 4x, consisting of 44 SuperDove satellites, will take place on Thursday, January 13th on SpaceX's Falcon 9 Transporter-3 SSO. This marks the first satellite launch under Planet's new multi-year, multi-launch…

The post BUSINESS: Planet Launches 44 SuperDove Satellites On SpaceX’s Falcon 9 Rocket. appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

CDC to Recommend You Wear Better Masks as Omicron Spreads

Posted: 12 Jan 2022 11:43 PM PST

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News

CDC to Recommend You Wear Better Masks as Omicron Spreads

Jan. 12, 2022 -- The CDC is preparing to update its COVID-19 mask recommendations to emphasize the use of N95 and KN95 masks that better filter the virus, Director Rochelle Walensky, MD, said Wednesday. We are updating the information on our mask website in order to better reflect the choices people have and the different…

The post CDC to Recommend You Wear Better Masks as Omicron Spreads appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

HPV Vaccine Could Shift Rates of Non-Cervical Cancers

Posted: 12 Jan 2022 11:42 PM PST

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News

HPV Vaccine Could Shift Rates of Non-Cervical Cancers

Jan. 12, 2022 -- A recent headline about dramatic reductions in cervical cancer among young women as a result of the HPV vaccine did not tell the whole story of how vaccination could also have an impact on many other cancer types. Despite the fact that cervical carcinoma rates have dropped dramatically, HPV remains associated…

The post HPV Vaccine Could Shift Rates of Non-Cervical Cancers appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

How to Make Sense of Omicron and Changing COVID Protocols

Posted: 12 Jan 2022 11:42 PM PST

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News

How to Make Sense of Omicron and Changing COVID Protocols

Jan. 12, 2022 -- If you're confused about guidance on the Omicron coronavirus variant -- which seems to change almost daily at this point -- you are not alone. It is easy to see the record-breaking rise in daily cases. Many unanswered questions remain beyond that: Are cloth facemasks always OK? What rapid antigen tests…

The post How to Make Sense of Omicron and Changing COVID Protocols appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

Biden Administration to Provide 10 Million More Tests Per Month to Schools

Posted: 12 Jan 2022 11:42 PM PST

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News

Biden Administration to Provide 10 Million More Tests Per Month to Schools

Jan. 12, 2022 -- The Biden administration announced on Wednesday that 10 million more COVID-19 tests will go to schools each month in an effort to reduce the spread of the virus and keep in-person classes going. Schools will receive approximately 5 million rapid tests free of charge and 5,000,000 PCR tests for free each…

The post Biden Administration to Provide 10 Million More Tests Per Month to Schools appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

More Olive Oil May Bring Longer Life

Posted: 12 Jan 2022 11:42 PM PST

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News

More Olive Oil May Bring Longer Life

By Denise Mann HealthDay ReporterTUESDAY, Jan. 11, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Swapping outthe butter or other artery-clogging fats in your diet for heart-healthy olive oil may add years to your life, researchers say. Folks who consume more than 1/2 a tablespoon of olive oil a day are less likely to die from heart disease, cancer,…

The post More Olive Oil May Bring Longer Life appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

children of God

Posted: 12 Jan 2022 11:42 PM PST

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News

children of God

"The Spirit itself testifies to our spirit that we are children of God." (Romans 8: 16) By accepting Jesus Christ as your savior, you become a child of God. This truth is wonderful and cannot be ignored. Above all, the Holy Spirit testifies to our spirit that we are indeed children of God. Thus, we…

The post children of God appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

From drug addict to vice president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

Posted: 12 Jan 2022 11:42 PM PST

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News

From drug addict to vice president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

When asked how he went from being a heroin user to being part of an international evangelical organization, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association vice president Ken Barun replied that "it's all about Jesus." According to Chosen People Ministries, Ken's father disowned him when he became addicted to drugs, which he was dependent on for seven years…

The post From drug addict to vice president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

Evangelico has a guitar seized for praising on the street, in Balneario Camboriu

Posted: 12 Jan 2022 11:42 PM PST

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News

Evangelico has a guitar seized for praising on the street, in Balneario Camboriu

A street singer named Regis da Silva, known for singing in Balneario Camboriu and Itajai, on the North Coast of Santa Catarina, had his guitar and speaker seized by the Municipal Guard. Recently the singer was filmed by comedian Jonathan Nemer, when he was in the municipality, at the moment he was praising Agnus Dei.…

The post Evangelico has a guitar seized for praising on the street, in Balneario Camboriu appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

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