Sunday, January 2, 2022

dWebServe Submit News Opinions Worldwide

dWebServe Submit News Opinions Worldwide

BUSINESS: Ji Jia Can Yu CESShu Wei Zhan ,Yong INDUSTRYZhan Xin Jiao Du Shi Xian Shu Wei Zhuan Xing De Ge Zhong Ke Neng

Posted: 02 Jan 2022 11:08 PM PST

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News


January 03, 2022 01:04 AM Eastern Standard Time 台北--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美國商業資訊)--科技創新、研發技術享譽國際的GIGABYTE技嘉科技將於一月起於在每年年初重頭大戲 – CES消費電子展 – 以線上數位的形式,展出近年極力推廣的"智慧生活圈"中的各種關鍵技術及智慧物聯網應用。期間更透過官網平台 – INDUSTRY – 介紹各種可帶動產業進行數位轉型的解決方案。 技嘉擁有豐富多樣且高可靠性的伺服器產品適用於雲服務、邊緣運算以及資料中心,除了推出支援AMD EPYC與第三代Intel Xeon可擴充處理器的伺服器分別超過75款,另外還有10多款ARM架構的伺服器平台。技嘉提供豐富的伺服器種類來滿足用戶依照部署的空間、能耗、工作負載以及營運成本來做最佳化的選擇。技嘉長年以來密切研發Arm伺服器,在Arm架構下設計了多款邊緣運算伺服器,搭載Ampere的80/128高核心CPU,極大化的壓縮運算密度,用輕巧的機身配置足量的效能、儲存空間、網路速度,提供5G落地最需要的部署彈性。技嘉的伺服器解決方案也適用在各種產業中,受到大大小小的高科技企業、醫療、科學、學術研究及公家機構等器重,成功的協助其在領域中的創新突破,落實技嘉企業的「創新科技,美化人生」理念。 全球各產業都因AI、HPC、IoT等應用的持續突破而惠進入數位轉型的加速期。技嘉與旗下轉投資事業-邁爾凌科技合作提供一套軟硬體整合的AI開發系統平台,透過簡易直覺的介面及完整的AI生命週期管理平台大幅提升AI訓練及服務的效率及效益,更輕鬆的滿足智慧交通中大量的數據資料處理及交通網絡的協同作業能力。而日漸成熟的先進駕駛輔助系統(ADAS)也讓自駕車成為未來智慧交通中不可或缺的願景。技嘉身為全球車廠的合作夥伴,專門為各式車輛開發決策控制主機以及ECU, TCU等客製化產品,協助車輛設計師實現心目中的理想產品。 技嘉多年來持續針對各個不同的垂直市場領域提供完整、創新、高效能的嵌入式解決方案,也導入新一代的嵌入式系統,自主開發了適用於工廠自動化中,可依規劃動線行動的自動導引車(AGV)、可內建導航並自動位置探知及作業能力的自主移動機器人(AMR)及智慧監控系統,有效的提升倉儲物流與製造廠房的作業環境並降低人力及管理的成本。而在後疫情時代,技嘉的崁入式解決方案亦可藉由AI與物聯網技術整合的智慧空間管理進行辦公、會議、餐會等空間營運及管理的自動化,創造全新的公用空間租賃模式。 技嘉以業界頂尖的技術及品質、創新的電源配置及散熱技術,滿足新一代多核心Intel® Core™處理器在超頻時的需求,完美發揮出極致效能及卓越超頻能力,在Z690系列的主機板上更搭載了豐富的I/O介面,持續設計出更符合專業創作者及玩家的產品。技嘉將於年初推出全新搭載Intel第11代處理器及RTX 30系列顯示卡,主打頂級規格、極致效能的效能筆電,再加上4K畫質的絕美升級,發表後廣受消費者好評。以「猛虎出閘,玩創皆贏」的概念,強調高效能在電競和內容創作的重要性。全系列筆電搭載全新架構的處理器,憑藉其架構優勢,CPU效能超越上一代同級產品20%以上,甚至媲美桌上型電腦等級。 技嘉近期剛於官網推出「INDUSTRY」平台,透過該平台前衛的3D模型設計出來的智慧城市縮影,可讓使用者以一個宏觀的角度感受各產業未來的樣貌,每個實際應用自然都含有技嘉已落地的產品技術及解決方案,使用者皆可進一步點擊自己感興趣的應用連結了解技嘉如何實現智慧科技的想像。INDUSTRY最大亮點之一是線上對話功能。技嘉安排了對各個產業洞察通透的專家在線上即時待命,填補了買家及使用者通常需要藉由CES這樣實體活動與廠商洽商的需求。線上專家形象更透過AI演算合成,以生動俏皮的avatar(虛擬分身)出現,反映出每一個專家是真人線上回覆,也展現出未來元宇宙中每個人虛實共存的特色。技嘉於INDUSTRY平台展出CES所有產品及解決方案,藉此與所有關心展會的使用者進行數位的接觸。 技嘉「INDUSTRY」: 更多技嘉科技相關訊息,請參閱: 2022年CES展覽期間,歡迎前往大會平台了解更多: 【關於技嘉】 技嘉科技 GIGABYTE秉持「創新科技,美化人生 Upgrade Your Life」經營理念,專注關鍵技術研發,掌握眾多突破性的專利技術,奠定全球科技領導品牌地位。透過不斷進化的品牌動能,在伺服器、物聯網應用、筆記型電腦、電競PC及周邊等業務中,持續與全球夥伴合作,推出為企業客戶著想的頂級解決方案,呼應現今科技趨勢最重要的人工智慧、邊緣運算、資料中心,積極打造效能更優質、系統恆久穩定的產品,並提供絕佳服務,與客戶一同走在雲端、大步邁向5G。技嘉也持續探尋與企業精神不謀而合的發展目標,永續經營、不斷前進,矢志運用專業為全人類帶來更美好的生活。

The post BUSINESS: Ji Jia Can Yu CESShu Wei Zhan ,Yong INDUSTRYZhan Xin Jiao Du Shi Xian Shu Wei Zhuan Xing De Ge Zhong Ke Neng appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

BUSINESS: GIGABYTE Revisits CES, Invites Participants To Explore Industries From A Different Perspective

Posted: 02 Jan 2022 11:08 PM PST

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News


TAIPEI--(BUSINESS WIRE)--GIGABYTE is joining CES Virtual with its website extension – INDUSTRY – to present products and solutions that propel digital transformation in industries such as 5G & telecom, automotive, creative & gaming, data centers, manufacturing, and retail. GIGABYTE takes pride in having an incredibly deep portfolio of enterprise products that support cloud, edge, and…

The post BUSINESS: GIGABYTE Revisits CES, Invites Participants To Explore Industries From A Different Perspective appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

South Africa: A Fire breaks out at the Parliamentary Precinct

Posted: 02 Jan 2022 10:44 PM PST

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News

South Africa: A Fire breaks out at the Parliamentary Precinct

Parliament's Presiding Officers want to confirm that a fire broke out in the Parliamentary precinct at the beginning of this morning. Investigators are currently investigating the incident to determine the cause. The fire affected both the Old Assembly Wing as well the National Assembly Wing of Parliament's buildings, which houses the National Council of Provinces…

The post South Africa: A Fire breaks out at the Parliamentary Precinct appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

Malawi: Queer representation in Malawi’s media

Posted: 02 Jan 2022 10:44 PM PST

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News

Malawi: Queer representation in Malawi’s media

This series of four articles explores issues of culture, law, rights, languages, language, stigmat, crimes, discrimination, and individual experiences of the queer community of four African countries. Tiwonge Chimbalanga keeps an archive of press clippings in her one-bedroom home in Tambo Village's Cape Flats township. It has been 12 nearly a decade since Chimbalanga was…

The post Malawi: Queer representation in Malawi’s media appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

Botswana: Botswana Court’s Same-Sex Ruling–a Young Man’s Victory Offers Hope For Queer Africans

Posted: 02 Jan 2022 10:44 PM PST

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News

Botswana: Botswana Court's Same-Sex Ruling–a Young Man's Victory Offers Hope For Queer Africans

This series of articles examines issues of policy and laws, rights, culture. Six years ago, Letsweletse Motshidiemang was just 21, and decided to challenge the Botswana government. Motshidiemang is soft-spoken and calm in his explanation of why he challenged sections of Botswana's penal code that criminalize same-sex sexual relationships. " When you accept who you…

The post Botswana: Botswana Court's Same-Sex Ruling–a Young Man's Victory Offers Hope For Queer Africans appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

Africa: Nearly 10 million confirmed Covid-19 Infections End in 2021

Posted: 02 Jan 2022 10:44 PM PST

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News

Africa: Nearly 10 million confirmed Covid-19 Infections End in 2021

As of December 31, 2021, confirmed cases of Covid-19 from 55 African countries reached 9,659,957 while over 188,696,109 vaccinations have been administered across the continent. Reported deaths in Africa reached 228,196 and 8,589,384 people have recovered. South Africa has the most reported cases 3,446,532 and 90,935 people died. Other most-affected countries are Morocco ( 961,058…

The post Africa: Nearly 10 million confirmed Covid-19 Infections End in 2021 appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

Egypt: In Egypt, Lending Apps Boost Cash-Strapped Women Business Owners

Posted: 02 Jan 2022 10:44 PM PST

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News

Egypt: In Egypt, Lending Apps Boost Cash-Strapped Women Business Owners

By Menna A. Farouk An age-old savings system in Egypt is going digital - helping to plug a gap in funding for women-led businesses Egypt's businesswomen face high microlending rates To cope, many turn to online loan circles New apps offer lifeline in pandemic Nagat Mohammed was in dire straits. After the sales at her…

The post Egypt: In Egypt, Lending Apps Boost Cash-Strapped Women Business Owners appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

Experts evaluate ways to reduce produce safety risk

Posted: 02 Jan 2022 10:42 PM PST

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News

Experts evaluate ways to reduce produce safety risk

European growers and experts have listed a number of recommendations this month to reduce the chance of produce contamination. A workshop in 2019 brought together growers, regulators, and other stakeholders to discuss best practices for controlling human pathogenic microorganisms within plant production systems. The meeting was hosted by Teagasc, the Irish Agriculture and Food Development…

The post Experts evaluate ways to reduce produce safety risk appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

What restaurants and CDC can do

Posted: 02 Jan 2022 10:42 PM PST

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News

What restaurants and CDC can do

to prevent hepatitis A epidemics Opinion As of Nov. 9, 2021, health officials in Roanoke, Virginia, confirmed a total of 50 primary cases and two secondary cases of hepatitis A linked to a hepatitis A positive food service employee who worked at three Famous Anthony's restaurants. Of those 52 cases, there have been at least…

The post What restaurants and CDC can do appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

FDA issues warnings to businesses about seafood and import violations

Posted: 02 Jan 2022 10:42 PM PST

dWeb.News Article from Daniel Webster dWeb.News

FDA issues warnings to businesses about seafood and import violations

The Food and Drug Administration issues warning letters to entities that fall under its jurisdiction as part of its enforcement activities. Some letters are not made public until several weeks or months later. Business owners have 15 days to respond to FDA warning letters. Sometimes warning letters are not issued until the company has had…

The post FDA issues warnings to businesses about seafood and import violations appeared first on dWeb.News dWeb.News from Daniel Webster Publisher dWeb.News - dWeb Local Tech News and Business News

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