Tuesday, February 1, 2022

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MetroMedi adopts the latest web technologies to launch relief program for online counseling and nutraceuticals products

Posted: 01 Feb 2022 09:57 AM PST


Hyderabad, Telangana, India

MetroMedi is the fastest growing Online Pharmacy, eHealth & Wellness store based out of South India (Hyderabad). They launched the Metromedi Relief program to help customers, including Psychologists, Endocrinologists and Diabetes specialists, as well as nutritionists. Vaddi Satyanarayana – Chief Growth Officer – Metromedi.com says, “This Metromedi Relief program helps customers to select the best medication for their specific needs. We believe everyone should have access to non-judgmental, personalized mental health care. Access to high-quality mental healthcare for all health plans. Our coordinated care model enables us to provide integrative, comprehensive care for our patients which leads to significant improvement in clinical outcomes.”

At Metromedi they make a wide range of prescription medicines and other health products conveniently available all across India. Metromedi.com allows rural villages and cities of two and three tiers to have easy access to the most recent medicines. They are currently serving 150000 Customer base in Telangana, Karnataka & Andhra Pradesh. MetroMedi offers a variety of products including pharmaceutical and wellness products such as medicines, vitamins and medical devices. They also sell fast-moving consumer goods such as home and personal care products and toiletries.

“Metromedi also plans to deliver the nutraceuticals, herbal, ayurvedic and personal care products also to their customer base on their demand and tied up with Lifespan India Pvt. Ltd. to serve their customers,” states Vaddi Satyanarayana – Chief Growth Officer – Metromedi.com.

Lifespan is India’s largest manufacturer of nutraceuticals, herbal, ayurvedic and personal care products and built according to USFDA standards and follow GMP regulations to ensure that their products are pure, safe and effective. Lifespan’s philosophy is to make high-quality natural products that meet the needs of customers.

We are pleased to strengthen our partnership with South India’s Fastest Growing eHealth & Wellness Store – MetroMedi.com as towards bringing nutraceuticals to its Customer Base in India, states Narendra Ram Nambula – Director – Lifespan India Pvt. Ltd.

Metromedi is also now collaborated with V3 digitals for latest web technologies SEO, SEM and SMO to strengthen the website more organically in PAN India.

V3 Digitals team is made up of marketing professionals with expertise in areas such as digital marketing and content strategies, website design, social media and search engine optimization, along with pay per click management. We have helped hundreds of clients win new customers and keep existing ones. This is due to our passion for digital marketing.

“The company states that V3 Digitals Pvt. Ltd. was partnered with MetroMedi, a Unified Health Platform that provides easy, holistic and quality healthcare solutions. MetroMedi is also coming up with a great notion called “MetroMedi Relief” that helps for online consultations on many health issues and many more,” states Venu Das – Founder & CEO – V3 Digitals Pvt. Ltd.

For more information, please visit www.metromedi.com.


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Super-Vaxxed Vermont: Covid Strikes, But Packs Far More Punch

Posted: 01 Feb 2022 09:57 AM PST


Even Eden is a snow-covered heaven in northern Vermont that has been poisoned with omicron.

The nearly vertical ascent in coronavirus cases over the past few weeks, which reached its peak in mid-January after reaching its highest point in mid-January had an adverse effect on nearly every mountain hamlet and every shuttered town in this state, despite the state’s near perfect vaccination record.

Vermont was the most prepared of all the states for the omicron fight. It has nearly 80% its residents fully vaccinated against covid and 95% residents aged 65 or older, which is the most susceptible to serious covid-related complications.

But even this super-vaxxed country has not proven impenetrable. Mid-January saw record numbers of residents in Vermont hospitalized with covid elective surgery. Schools and day care centers are reeling from the influx of students and staff who are absent and quarantined at their homes. Hospitals are relying on Federal Emergency Management Agency paramedics, EMTs.

And, this is a worrying sign of what lies ahead in the winter months: About 1 in 10 Covid tests in Vermont are positive. This is a remarkable increase from the summer months, when the delta variant was barely registered in Vermont.

“It demonstrates how transmissible the omicron can be,” stated Dr. Trey Dobson who is chief medical officer of Southwestern Vermont Medical Center in Bennington. “Even if someone has been vaccinated, they will still inhale it, it will replicate and, if you test positive .”


Experts are quick to point out that Vermont is also a model for what the U.S. can do as it learns to live with covid. Although almost universal vaccination was not able to stop the spread of the highly mutated Omicron variant, Vermont’s collective measures appear to have protected residents from the worst effects of the contagion. Although Vermont’s covid-related hospitalizations rates are higher than the peak last winter, they still rank last nationally. The overall death rate is also low.

In Vermont, children are being tested positive for covid and the number of pediatric hospitalizations has increased. However, there has been a decrease in seasonal illnesses like influenza and respiratory syndrome virus and an increase in pediatric hospitalizations. This is in contrast to the pressure on hospitals across other states.

” I have to remind people cases don’t necessarily mean disease, but we’re seeing a lot of patients at the University of Vermont Health Network, Burlington. It is the only hospital for children in Vermont. “We have a lot of cases, but we’re not seeing a lot of severe disease and hospitalization.”

She said, “I haven’t admitted a vaccinated baby to the hospital with covid .”

Vermont embodies many of the goals and objectives of the Biden administration. They want to see high vaccination rates for all races, all ethnicities, and strict adherence to current public health guidelines. There is also a need to be steadfast and maintain social cohesion during a virus outbreak. There is no “good enough” in Vermont, a state of just 645,000 residents. Vermont is working hard to improve its near-perfect score, despite the fact that vaccination efforts for children and adults have been stalled elsewhere.

” We have a high proportion of children vaccinated but could do better,” stated Dobson.

He encourages unvaccinated patients still to attend his weekly vaccination clinic. It seems that the “first-timers” who show up are not due to major reservations or scheduling issues, but rather because they were indifferent to the vaccines. He said, “They are notchalant about it.” “I asked them why now?” They replied, “My job required it .'”


Replicating Vermont's success might prove challenging.

” There is a New England small town dynamic,” Dr. Tim Lahey, director of the University of Vermont Medical Center in Burlington’s clinical ethics department said. It’s easy to see how your behavior affects your neighbor, and it is reasonable to expect that we will take care of one another .”

While other rural states in South and Midwest have struggled with increasing vaccination rates, New England is generally ahead of the pack. The highest proportion of fully vaccinated citizens in the country is found in Rhode Island, Maine and Connecticut, just behind Vermont.

” It’s more than just size,” stated Dr. Ben Lee (an associate professor at Robert Larner Medical School, M.D.). The University of Vermont College of Medicine. “There is a sense here of community responsibility that is quite unique .”

In an state that proclaims “Freedom and Unity,” freedom has generally yielded to unity and the state’s pandemic response was met with enthusiastic compliance. Lahey stated that “the general attitude has been enthusiasm for safety.”

Lahey attributes the success to Phil Scott, the Republican governor of the state, for being “unambivalent” about pro-vax messaging. This is a far better outcome than places where politicians exploit that minority voice and whip people up in anger .”

Vermont’s medical experts are encouraging state leaders to move from a covid warfare footing — surveillance, contact tracing and quarantines — to rapprochement. They will stop testing for covid if it changes how doctors treat patients; they will also cease school-based surveillance and contact tracing; and they will recommend that students suffering symptoms recuperate at home.

Once Dobson’s omicron wave is over and the virus is less prevalent, Vermonters “could really drop almost all mitigation measures” and society will function well, he stated. This would be similar to wearing seatbelts and being cautious when driving to reduce the chance of an accident. He said, “But it’s never zero-risk .”


Vermont might have more than just bitterness and acrimony that has caused neighbor to neighbor tensions in other states.

” All of us are just exhausted,” stated Lahey, the ethics director. But, “we’re exhausted with our friends .”

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Listen: Generous Deals and Unwanted Surprises at Covered California

Posted: 01 Feb 2022 09:57 AM PST

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Medicare Patients Have the Right to Appeal the Gap in Nursing Home Coverage

Posted: 01 Feb 2022 09:57 AM PST

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NEC Acquires Mobile Network Innovator Blue Danube Systems, Inc. to Enhance its 5G Product Portfolio and Customer Support Capability

Posted: 01 Feb 2022 09:54 AM PST


NEC Acquires Mobile Network Innovator Blue Danube Systems, Inc. to Enhance its 5G Product Portfolio and Customer Support Capability

TOKYO, Jan 28, 2022 – (JCN Newswire) – NEC Corporation (NEC; TSE: 6701) today announced it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire privately held Blue Danube Systems, Inc., a U.S.-based provider of CBRS/4G/5G RAN products and AI/ML-based software solutions that help mobile operators address the challenge of 5G network buildouts and spectrum optimization. The deal is expected close by March of 2022,, subject to regulatory approval.

NEC is a recognized leader in Open RAN and has continued to invest in 5G through both organic and inorganic efforts, in line with its “Midterm Management Plan “. NEC’s North American customer support capabilities and assets are enhanced by this acquisition. It also expands its Open RAN solution portfolio to meet the demands of customers.

Blue Danube joins NEC as part of an innovative team. NEC’s 5G R&D capabilities will be further enhanced by the company’s patented beamforming technology. This will allow NEC to continue its leadership in 4G/5G radio units based on ORAN specifications. It will also accelerate NEC’s expansion in RAN software assets to assist customers with issues related to spectrum efficiency and RAN optimization, as well as reducing network OPEX. Shigeru Okuya Senior Vice President, NEC Corporation, stated that

“Blue Danube 5G products are a complement to our Open 5G solution portfolio. This will allow us to respond to growing market demand and cater for diversified use cases.” This acquisition will allow us to increase our 5G offerings, and provide substantial value for our customers. NEC has pledged to be a leader in Open RAN network design and this acquisition will expand our reach and innovation roadmap to fulfill that promise. “

About NEC Corporation

NEC Corporation has established itself as a leader in the integration of IT and network technologies while promoting the brand statement of “Orchestrating a brighter world.” NEC helps businesses and communities adapt to the rapid changes in society. It also promotes the social values safety, security and fairness to ensure a sustainable world that everyone can reach their full potential. Visit NEC at http://www.nec.com for more information.

About Blue Danube Systems

Blue Danube Systems develops next-generation wireless solutions for mobile networks, and other applications. Our Coherent Massive MIMO solution adds 5G beamforming to today's networks, significantly increasing network capacity and user experience. Our technology is combined with cloud-based software that uses machine learning techniques to increase cellular network capacity up to X. Blue Danube Systems, a US-based privately-held start-up, is backed by Sequoia Capital as well as Silver Lake and other investors like AT&T. Visit www.bluedanube.com for more information.

Copyright (c)2022 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Japan Corporate News Network is a division.

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Hitachi Energy Achieves 100% Fossil-free Electricity in Own Operations

Posted: 01 Feb 2022 09:54 AM PST

The global technology and market leader in power grids has achieved the first-step target in its Sustainability 2030 plan and steps up the pace towards carbon-neutral

ZURICH, SWITZERLAND, Jan 28, 2022 – (JCN Newswire) – Hitachi Energy today announced that it has achieved the first-step target set out in its Sustainability 2030(1) plan – the use of 100% fossil-free electricity in its own operations(2). The company is driving towards being carbon-neutral in its own operations by 2030(3), in line with its Purpose, ‘Advancing a sustainable energy future for all’.

Photovoltaic installation, Zhongshan, China

“By achieving 100% fossil-free electricity in our own operations, we have reduced our CO2 equivalent emissions by over 50% compared to 2019,” says Claudio Facchin, CEO of Hitachi Energy. He said, “The Net Zero Challenge is global. It’s about acting now and innovating across industries and societies. We are working together with our customers, partners and other stakeholders to make the world’s energy system more sustainable, flexible, secure, and adaptable. “

The targeted 50% reduction achieved ahead of plan will amount to approximately 175 kilo tonnes of CO2e per year, equivalent to removing over 35,000 passenger cars off the road.

To achieve 100% fossil-free electricity in its own operations – and in support of the Hitachi Group’s carbon-neutrality goal(4) – the company has pursued a number of pathways including supporting projects to generate its own fossil-free electricity, such as installing solar roof panels combined with e-mesh digital solutions for distributed energy resources maximizing energy efficiency and minimizing CO2 emissions. In its Zhongshan factory in China(5), the company is generating nearly 20% of its total energy consumption from solar panels. In its first year of operation, the power generated at the factory is expected to reach 1,510 megawatt hours (MWh), contributing to the reduction in annual carbon emissions by more than 1,000 tonnes.

To achieve 100% fossil-free electricity, Hitachi Energy has also switched to green tariffs, bought Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs), and signed Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) across its operations and facilities in 90 countries. Hitachi Energy continues to invest in its carbon-neutrality journey by increasing energy efficiency and electrifying its operations. In Ludvika, Sweden, the company is now using 100% renewable electricity generated from hydropower and from solar panels to support its operations. Ludvika is Hitachi Energy’s largest manufacturing facility. It is close to eliminating all fossil fuels. The company has a history of using its own technologies to integrate renewable energy into its operations. For example, in 2015 its South Africa operations installed a 750 kW rooftop photovoltaic plant and a 1 MVA/380 kWh battery-based PowerStoreTM for enhancing the use of renewables and providing a continuous supply of power.

Through its Sustainability 2030 plan and targets, the company reinforces its commitment to accelerating actions driving business in a sustainable way. Based around four pillars – Planet, People, Peace, and Partnerships – the strategy draws from the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with specific focus on the following eight: 3 (Good health and well-being), 4 (Quality education), 5 (Gender equality), 6 (Clean water and sanitation), 7 (Affordable and clean energy), 12 (Responsible consumption and production), 16 (Peace, justice and strong institutions); and 17 (Partnerships for the Goals). Each pillar is linked to the SDGs and has its own targets. These goals help drive the business’s social, environmental, economic, and financial value.

(1) Hitachi ABB Power Grids announces Sustainability 2030

(2) The contract for its South Korea operations (equivalent to 0.4% total electricity usage) is expected to be signed in February 2022 retrospectively through green tariffs.

(3) Discover more about Hitachi Energy’s approach to Sustainability 2030

(4) Hitachi Sustainability Report 2021

(5) Hitachi Energy builds green factory with smart energy solutions

About Hitachi Energy Ltd.

Hitachi Energy is a global technology leader that is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. With innovative solutions and services throughout the value chain, we serve customers in the utility and industry sectors. We are pioneering technologies that enable digital transformation and accelerate the transition to a carbon-neutral energy future. We work to make the world’s energy system more sustainable, flexible, and secure while balancing economic, social, and environmental value. Hitachi Energy has a proven track record and unparalleled installed base in more than 140 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, we employ around 38,000 people in 90 countries and generate business volumes of approximately $10 billion USD. https://www.hitachienergy.com

About Hitachi, Ltd.

Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE: 6501), headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, contributes to a sustainable society with a higher quality of life by driving innovation through data and technology as the Social Innovation Business. Hitachi’s focus is on strengthening the environment, resilience of businesses and social infrastructure, as well as comprehensive programs that improve safety and security. Hitachi’s proprietary Lumada solutions help solve the problems faced by society and customers in six domains: IT, Energy, Mobility, Industry, Smart Life and Automotive Systems. The company’s consolidated revenues for fiscal year 2020 (ended March 31, 2021) totaled 8,729.1 billion yen ($78.6 billion), with 871 consolidated subsidiaries and approximately 350,000 employees worldwide. For more information on Hitachi, please visit the company’s website at https://www.hitachi.com.

Copyright (c)2022 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Japan Corporate News Network is a division.

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Hitachi to Establish Hitachi Automation in Japan and ASEAN Countries

Posted: 01 Feb 2022 09:54 AM PST

Hitachi to Establish Hitachi Automation to Reinforce Robotic SI Business in Japan and ASEAN Countries

Aiming to Become Global Leader through the Provision of Full Turnkey Solutions in Line Building and Fusion with Digital Solutions

TOKYO, Jan 27, 2022 – (JCN Newswire) – Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE: 6501, “Hitachi”) and Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd. (“Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems”) today announced that they have been accelerating the global development of the line building business leveraging industrial robots (“the robotic SI(1) business”) and will establish Hitachi Automation, Ltd. (“Hitachi Automation”) on April 1, 2022, by reorganizing and integrating the operations and resources within group companies, with the aim of reinforcing the robotic SI business in Japan and ASEAN countries.

Assembly line using robots

Specifically, the robotic SI business involving assembly and conveyor lines for all kinds of manufacturers will be transferred from Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems, a Hitachi subsidiary to KEC Corporation (“KEC”), a Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems subsidiary handling robotic SI business mainly in the automobile industry through a company split, while transferring shares of KEC’s stock from Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems to Hitachi’s Industry & Distribution Business Unit and changing the tradename at the same time. For the past few years Hitachi’s Industry Sector has strengthened the robotic SI business by acquiring KEC(2) from Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems and Hitachi's Industry & Distribution Business Unit’s purchase of JR Automation(3). (Kyoto Robotics Corporation”). Hitachi’s Industry & Distribution Business Unit will now integrate the robotic SI business with Hitachi’s Industry & Distribution Business Unit. This reorganization will allow Hitachi to offer digitally-enabled solutions and expand its capabilities to deliver turn-key solutions with JR Automation. It will be able to provide OT(5) centered around robotic SI and IT as a one-stop solution, increasing customer’s business value.

Moreover, the Hitachi Group aims to be a global leader in the robotic SI business based on JR Automation which is developing business mainly in North America and Europe, Hitachi Automation and Kyoto Robotics which will be developing business in Japan and ASEAN countries.


In manufacturing fields in recent years, there has been rapidly growing demand for the automation of workplaces using robots reflecting labor shortage due to the declining birthrate, the aging population, the decrease of the working-age population, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Digital transformation (DX), which leverages advanced technologies to create new value, has been accelerated in response to rapidly changing markets.

Business strategies of the Hitachi’s Industry Sector

The basic policy of the Hitachi’s Industry Sector is to globally develop “Total Seamless Solutions” that solve “boundary” issues that exist between management, workplaces and supply chain to create new value for businesses leveraging Lumada(6) and Hitachi’s combination of OT, IT and products.

At a similar time, automation is becoming more important in workplaces. Robotic SI is a field that involves large amounts of data and plays a key role in connecting managers and workplaces to optimize overall performance. In this environment, through the acquisition of KEC and U.S.-based JR Automation in 2019, and the acquisition of Kyoto Robotics in 2021, Hitachi is globally expanding and strengthening its capabilities in the robotic SI field.

With the goal of increasing its competitiveness in the robotic SI business in Japan and ASEAN countries, Hitachi has decided to integrate its robotic SI business resources into Hitachi Automation.

Objectives of the establishment of Hitachi Automation

KEC has developed the robotic SI business for automobiles and other manufacturing workplaces mainly for Japanese companies in Japan, South Korea, China, the U.S. and India since its foundation in 1981. It is the only company that has a proprietary understanding of robotic SI technologies, particularly in welding processes. Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems is a developer of the robotic SI business. It focuses on conveyor and assembly processes across a variety of business sectors. The company leverages its control technologies such as connected products.

The Hitachi Group is striving to become a global leader within the robotic SI industry through the strengthening and expansion of its business. Integrate resources including the robotic SI technical capabilities, expertise and customer bases of KEC and Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems and reinforce the foundation of the business by expanding their front engineering functions.

2. Expand Hitachi Automation’s capabilities to provide full turnkey solutions in line building in Japan and ASEAN countries through a partnership with JR Automation that has knowledge and advantages in a wide range of industries and line of robotic SI and provides full turnkey solutions in line building, from upstream proposal, design and manufacturing through to construction in the U.S., Europe and ASEAN countries.

3. Hitachi Automation will be placed under Hitachi’s Industry & Distribution Business Unit. This will accelerate the fusion of digital solutions analyzing, optimizing and leveraging Lumada and robotic SI that involves a large amount of data from work places. Hitachi will be able to offer “Total Seamless Solutions” to optimize overall productivity by connecting manufacturing workplaces to digitally connect management. This will allow Hitachi to increase the customer’s value.

Statement by Kazunobu Morita, Vice President and Executive Officer, CEO of the Industry & Distribution Business Unit, Hitachi, Ltd.

“The needs for automation have been increasing rapidly in the manufacturing industry due to a shortage of labor, the retirement of highly skilled workers and a decrease in production engineers. Hitachi has been focusing on strengthening its robotic SI business by acquiring companies in Japan and the U.S. in recent years. I am optimistic that Hitachi Automation will solve the problems of customers in the ASEAN and Japanese manufacturing industries. It will do this by reorganizing the group and integrating its resources. We will offer ‘Total Seamless Solutions’ which maximize the customer’s business value by combining robotics SI with Hitachi products, OT, IT and Lumada. This combines advanced digital technology and cyber-physical systems, linking cyberspace and physical space, thereby contributing towards the improvement of economic, social, and environmental value. “

(1) SI: Systems Integration

(2) Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd. news release titled “Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems Entered into Agreement to Acquire KEC, Robotic System Integrator” announced on March 22, 2019.

(3) Hitachi, Ltd. news release titled “Hitachi Agrees to Acquire JR Automation, a Robotic System Integrator in the US” announced on April 24, 2019.

(4) Hitachi, Ltd. news release titled “Hitachi Acquires Kyoto Robotics, a Start-up Developing Intelligent Robotic Systems” announced on April 8, 2021.

(5) OT: Operational Technologies

(6) Lumada: General name of solution service technology using Hitachi’s advanced digital technology to generate value from customer data and accelerate digital innovation

About Hitachi, Ltd.

Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE: 6501), headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, contributes to a sustainable society with a higher quality of life by driving innovation through data and technology as the Social Innovation Business. Hitachi’s focus is on improving its contribution to the Environment and the Resilience to business and social infrastructure, as well as comprehensive programs that enhance Safety & Security. Hitachi’s proprietary Lumada solutions help solve the problems faced by society and customers in six domains: IT, Energy, Mobility, Industry, Smart Life and Automotive Systems. The company’s consolidated revenues for fiscal year 2020 (ended March 31, 2021) totaled 8,729.1 billion yen ($78.6 billion), with 871 consolidated subsidiaries and approximately 350,000 employees worldwide. For more information on Hitachi, please visit the company’s website at https://www.hitachi.com.

About Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd.

Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd. headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, is a subsidiary of Hitachi, Ltd., and is engaged in the manufacturing, sales and services of industrial components and equipment. The company sells a variety of industrial products, including motors, factory automation/control system, wind/water systems and power distribution systems. For more information, visit http://www.hitachi-ies.co.jp/english.

Source: Hitachi, Ltd.

Sectors: Engineering, Automation [IoT]

Copyright (c)2022 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Japan Corporate News Network is a division.

Production of New Mazda CX-50 Crossover SUV for North American Market Starts at New U.S. Plant

Posted: 01 Feb 2022 09:54 AM PST

Production of New Mazda CX-50 Crossover SUV for North American Market Starts at New U.S. Plant

HIROSHIMA, Japan, Jan 27, 2022 – (JCN Newswire) – Mazda Motor Corporation began production of its brand-new Mazda CX-50 crossover SUV, targeted at the North American market, from January 18 at Mazda Toyota Manufacturing, U.S.A., Inc., a new plant jointly constructed with Toyota Motor Corporation in Huntsville, Alabama. Mazda’s first vehicle manufactured at this plant is the CX -50. Building on our sales network reforms and the provision of products satisfying the needs of local customers, as well as now beginning production for CX-50, we have renewed our determination to become a company that North American customers will keep choosing.

Since 2016, Mazda has been engaged in initiatives to strengthen its sales area in the U.S. — Mazda’s most important market — based on our Medium-Term Management Plan that spans from fiscal year ending March 2020 through to fiscal year ending March 2026. These initiatives include upgrading dealers to the next-generation, introducing sale finance and reforming sales operations. In addition, we plan to launch in spring this year, the Mazda CX-50, which meets the lifestyle and needs of North American customers through its design that respectfully interacts with the outdoors, its strong and highly efficient powertrain in combination with an AWD system fitted across the board, and its high running stability off-road. We have established a supply and production system that allows us to deliver high-quality products quickly to our customers. This is possible because we are using the latest technology from Toyota and Mazda.

“The CX-50 is a model that serves as the driving force for Mazda’s business growth in North America,” said Takeshi Mukai, Senior Managing Executive Officerat Mazda upon the start of production of CX-50. We would love to see the plant take root in the community, creating employment opportunities and a supply chain within the region. We are committed to nurturing the plant into a productive and connected U.S. corporation. “

Mazda strives to be a brand that builds strong relationships with customers. We focus on the essence of cars, the joy of driving. And we commit ourselves to making a beautiful world, enriching lives and creating a society that is joyful and lifts everyone’s spirits.

For more information, visit https://newsroom.mazda.com/en/publicity/release/2022/202201/220127a.html.

Copyright (c)2022 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Japan Corporate News Network is a division.

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Toyota Announces Adjustments to Domestic Production in January and in February, as of January 26

Posted: 01 Feb 2022 09:54 AM PST

Toyota Announces Adjustments to Domestic Production in January and in February, as of January 26

Toyota City, Japan, Jan 26, 2022 – (JCN Newswire) – Due to the shortage of parts supply caused by the spread of COVID-19 at our supplier in Japan, on January 21 we announced additional suspensions of domestic plant production for completed vehicles (Adjustments to Domestic Production in January) and also our revised production plan for February (Production Plans in February 2022) due to the shortage of semiconductor-related parts. Toyota today announces additional suspensions in domestic production of completed vehicles.

February: Parts that were scheduled for January’s suspension can now be used by February. This means that some lines and plants originally suspended in February will continue to operate. We will make every effort to get as many vehicles to our customers as possible at the earliest date.

We sincerely apologize to our customers, suppliers, and employees for any inconvenience caused by these changes.

For more information, visit https://global.toyota/en/newsroom/corporate/36833227.html.

Copyright (c)2022 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Japan Corporate News Network is a division.

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Pakistan’s Silkbank Taps Silverlake Axis for Growing its Credit Card Footprint

Posted: 01 Feb 2022 09:34 AM PST


SINGAPORE, Jan 28, 2022 – (ACN Newswire) – SGX-listed Silverlake Axis Ltd, the ASEAN leader in next-generation digital core banking systems and solutions, today announced an expansion of its partnership with Silkbank, a leading commercial and Islamic bank in Pakistan. Silkbank has agreed to upgrade its card management software to Silverlake’s Symmetri OmniCard V6.

SINGAPORE, Jan 28, 2022 – SGX-listed Silverlake Axis Ltd, the ASEAN leader in next-generation digital core banking systems and solutions, today announced an expansion of its partnership with Silkbank, a leading commercial and Islamic bank in Pakistan.

OmniCard V6 is an internationally certified card management system that allows banks to run flexible and secure operations including issuing and acquiring of all types of credit, debit and prepaid cards, ATM management, 3D secure e-commerce transaction processing, management of fraud, disputes, and cardholder’s loyalty. This latest move also strengthens Silverlake’s leadership position within Pakistan’s credit card market, where it currently commands an 80 percent market share. This allows Pakistan’s banks and those in the region to access Silverlake’s award-winning technologies to expand their card footprints and better serve customers.

Gyorgy Ladics, CEO of Silverlake Symmetri, commented: “We are immensely proud of the deep and long-standing partnership we have forged with Silkbank. Pakistan is a rapidly-growing market with enormous potential to build its credit card market. We are optimistic about its future growth. We consider it a great honor to have been trusted by Silkbank. As we embark on this exciting journey together, we expect strong returns. “

Nabeel Malik, Executive Director, Strategy Implementation & Ops/Admin/IT/CSQ at Silkbank, commented: “Silkbank always aims to stay ahead of the market by introducing unique products supported by latest technological tools. Silverlake has been Silkbank’s trusted partner for nine years. We will continue to improve the banking system in Pakistan through our innovative products and best-in class services. The Silverlake team’s in-depth knowledge, system understanding and professionalism will be key to our success. We look forward to continuing this mutually beneficial partnership for many years. “

With over 30 years of experience across industries, Silverlake creates technologies to empower businesses in the digital economy, transforming industries like banking, insurance, retail, and logistics. Silverlake Symmetri OmniCard, a universal card- and payment management system, is designed to assist both issuing and acquiring institutions in running efficient, secure, and profitable operations. Banks can speed up the time it takes to launch new products and offer exceptional customer service to increase loyalty. They can cross-sell and sell up, reduce fraud, and ensure regulatory compliance.

“With Silverlake Axis already issuing 80% of cards in the market, Silkbank’s partnership to deploy our credit card solutions only solidifies our leadership position in Pakistan. It’s just one step in our growth strategy. Ladics said that we are seeing strong opportunities in the MENA, South, and Southeast Asia regions. We also have strong relationships with Islamic and retail banks partners.

About Silverlake Axis

Silverlake Axis Ltd. (SLVX.SI; SILV:SP) is a leading enterprise technology, software and services company focused on financial services and serving 40% of the top 20 largest banks in South East Asia. Founded in 1989, Silverlake has an impeccable track record of successful delivery of innovative and transformative solutions to its enterprise customers and their ecosystems. The Group has more than 380 enterprise customers in over 80 countries across Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa and the Americas.

Silverlake Axis was listed on the Singapore Exchange (SGX) Catalist in 2003 and moved to the SGX Mainboard in 2011. For more information, please visit https://www.silverlakeaxis.com.

Topic: Press release summary

Source: Silverlake Axis Ltd

Sectors: Exchanges & Software, Cards & Payments, Daily Finance, Banking & Insurance, Local Biz, FinTech


From the Asia Corporate News Network

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