Monday, February 14, 2022

dWebServe Submit News Opinions Worldwide

dWebServe Submit News Opinions Worldwide

COMMUNICATION: Erster Werbespot Von Fur Das Spiel Des Jahres

Posted: 12 Feb 2022 02:58 PM PST

NEW YORK (USA) und TEL AVIV (Israel)–()–Das Arbeitsplatz-Betriebssystem (Work OS) Ltd. (NASDAQ: MNDY) (im Folgenden kurz ,,”), auf dem Unternehmen jeder Grosse die Tools und Verfahren einrichten konnen, die sie fur die Organisation jedes Aspekts ihrer Arbeit brauchen, hat heute seinen neuen Werbespot prasentiert, der diesen Sonntag, 13. Februar, wahrend des Super Bowl LVI laufen wird.

Das Motto der Kampagne lautet ,,Work without Limits“, was aus der Demokratisierung des Potenzials von Software durch ruhrt: Jede Fachkraft in jeder Funktion erhalt damit namlich die Moglichkeit, ihre Arbeit neu zu erfinden und uneingeschrankt zu arbeiten. In dem Spot werden innovative Filmtechniken genutzt, einschliesslich den Grenzen der Physik zuwiderlaufender Akrobatik. So entsteht grossartiges Bildmaterial, das die grenzenlosen Moglichkeiten bei einer Zusammenarbeit mit einfangt. Die Produktion der gesamten Kampagne einschliesslich des Werbespots, die in Partnerschaft mit der Mustache Agency erarbeitet wurde, erfolgte komplett auf

,,Der Super Bowl ist ein einmaliger Moment, in dem Millionen von Menschen zusammenkommen und feiern”, sagte Guy Shriki, Leiter des Bereichs fur Markenbewusstsein bei ,,Unser Konzept fur unseren ersten Spot fur das Spiel des Jahres besteht in einer visuellen Erlauterung dazu, wie das Work OS zu uneingeschranktem Arbeiten befahigt. Wir machen uns diesen Moment der Inspiration fur das Publikum und unsere Kundschaft zunutze und laden sie dazu ein, zu uberdenken, wie sie arbeiten. Gemeinsam mit einem unglaublichen Team von Kreativschaffenden haben wir diese Vision in einer buchstablich grenzenlosen Welt zum Leben erweckt und konnen es kaum erwarten, zu sehen, was Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt auf erreichen werden.”

Der neue Spot wird wahrend der ersten Halfte des Super Bowl laufen und ein Publikum von 30 Millionen in den grossten 20 Markten des Landes erreichen, darunter in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, Miami, Austin, Atlanta, Boston, San Francisco und Seattle. Die Kampagne soll ausserdem in neun Markten mit Werbetafeln, U-Bahn-Anzeigen und anderen Elementen der Aussenwerbung unterstutzt werden. Das Unternehmen hat ferner anpassbare Vorlagen fur die Planung von Public Viewings erstellt und veranstaltet ein Giveaway auf sozialen Medien.

,,Work without Limits” ist die bisher umfangreichste Marketingkampagne von und stellt einen bedeutenden Meilenstein der Entwicklung der Marke des Unternehmens dar. Gegrundet wurde im Jahr 2014 und hat sich von selbst erstellten Anzeigen auf sozialen Medien mit einem Budget von 50 USD zu einem der erfolgreichsten Borsendebuts des letzten Jahres entwickelt, worauf das Unternehmen jetzt den Super Bowl 2022 ins Visier nimmt.

Seit dem Borsengang konnte weiterhin anhaltendes Wachstum verzeichnen, da die Nachfrage nach Software fur kollaboratives Arbeiten bei Unternehmen in uber 200 verschiedenen Branchen wie Universal Music Group, Canva, NHL, Hulu, Oscar und anderen weiterhin besteht. Bei den letzten Geschaftszahlen meldete das Unternehmen einen Zuwachs von 231 % bei den Unternehmenskunden im Vergleich zum Vorjahr und einen Umsatzzuwachs von 95 %. Im letzten Herbst stellte mit ,,workdocs” ferner eine vollig neue Art vernetzter, fur die Forderung des gemeinschaftlichen Arbeitens entwickelter Dokumente mit Live-Objekten vor, die in Echtzeit uber verschiedene Quellen hinweg aktualisiert werden.

Hier konnen Sie sich den ganzen Werbespotansehen und mehr uber erfahren:


Das ,,Work OS” von ist eine offene Plattform, welche die Leistungsfahigkeit von Software demokratisiert, sodass Unternehmen auf einfache Weise Softwareanwendungen und Tools fur das Management von Arbeitsprozessen erstellen konnen, die ihren jeweiligen Anforderungen entsprechen. Die Plattform verbindet Menschen auf intuitive Weise mit Prozessen und Systemen und befahigt Teams, in jedem Aspekt ihrer Arbeit hervorragende Leistungen zu erbringen. Teams von sind in Tel Aviv, New York, San Francisco, Miami, Chicago, London, Kiew und Sydney tatig. Die Plattform ist vollstandig an jeden Geschaftszweig anpassbar und wird derzeit von mehr als 127. 000 Kunden aus uber 200 Branchen in mehr als 190 Landern genutzt.

Besuchen Sie uns auf LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok und Facebook.

Die Ausgangssprache, in der der Originaltext veroffentlicht wird, ist die offizielle und autorisierte Version. Ubersetzungen werden zur besseren Verstandigung mitgeliefert. Nur die Sprachversion, die im Original veroffentlicht wurde, ist rechtsgultig. Gleichen Sie deshalb Ubersetzungen mit der originalen Sprachversion der Veroffentlichung ab.

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COMMUNICATION: Estreia Primeiro Comercial No Grande Jogo

Posted: 12 Feb 2022 02:58 PM PST

NOVA YORK, EUA, e TEL AVIV, Israel–()–A Ltd. (NASDAQ: MNDY) (“”), empresa do sistema operacional de trabalho (Work OS) em que organizacoes de qualquer tamanho podem criar as ferramentas e processos necessarios para gerenciar cada aspecto do seu trabalho, divulgou hoje que seu novo comercial sera exibido durante o Super Bowl LVI neste domingo, 13 de fevereiro.

O tema da campanha e “Work without Limits” (“Trabalhe sem limites”), que mostra como a democratiza o poder do software para proporcionar a qualquer profissional, em qualquer cargo, a oportunidade de reimaginar o trabalho. A peca publicitaria utiliza inovadoras tecnicas cinematograficas, incluindo acrobacias que desafiam a fisica, para criar visuais incriveis que capturam as ilimitadas possibilidades ao trabalhar na Criada em parceria com a Mustache Agency, a producao de toda a campanha, como a propaganda, foi totalmente administrada na

“O Super Bowl e um momento unico, quando milhoes de pessoas se reunem e celebram”, afirmou Guy Shriki, chefe de conscientizacao de marca da “Nosso conceito para nosso primeiro comercial no Grande Jogo e explicar visualmente como o Work OS da capacita voce a trabalhar sem limites. Estamos aproveitando este momento de inspiracao para os espectadores e para nossos clientes, desafiando-os a reimaginar como eles trabalham. Juntos com uma incrivel equipe criativa, demos vida a esta visao em um mundo literalmente sem limites, e mal podemos esperar para ver o que empresas do mundo inteiro continuarao alcancando com a”

O novo comercial sera exibido no primeiro tempo do Super Bowl e alcancara 30 milhoes de espectadores nos 20 maiores mercados dos EUA, incluindo Nova York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, Miami, Austin, Atlanta, Boston, Sao Francisco e Seattle. A campanha tambem contara com outdoors, anuncios em metros e outros elementos externos em nove mercados. A empresa tambem criou modelos personalizados para o planejamento de festas para o jogo e esta realizando um sorteio na rede social.

A “Work without Limits” e a campanha de marketing mais abrangente da ate hoje, e representa um importante marco na jornada da marca da empresa. Lancada em 2014, a evoluiu de uma empresa de anuncios do tipo faca voce mesmo para redes sociais com orcamento de US$ 50 para uma das ofertas publicas iniciais de maior sucesso no ano passado, com exposicao no Super Bowl 2022.

Desde que comecou a ser negociada na bolsa de valores, a continua informando crescimento sustentavel a medida que a demanda por software de trabalho colaborativo continua entre organizacoes que abrangem mais de 200 setores, incluindo a Universal Music Group, Canva, NHL, Hulu, Oscar e muitas outras. Quanto aos seus ultimos lucros, a empresa relatou um crescimento de 231% no numero de clientes corporativos em relacao ao ano anterior e um aumento de 95% na receita. No ultimo outono nos EUA, a tambem lancou o workdocs, um estilo totalmente novo de documentos conectados criados para dar suporte a colaboracao, com objetos ativos que sao atualizados em tempo real, em diferentes fontes.

Para assistir ao comercial na integra e saber mais sobre a, acesse

Sobre a

A Work OS e uma plataforma aberta que democratiza o poder do software, para que organizacoes possam facilmente construir aplicativos de software e ferramentas de gestao de trabalho adequadas as todas as suas necessidades. A plataforma conecta intuitivamente pessoas a processos e sistemas, qualificando equipes para que se destaquem em cada aspecto do seu trabalho. A possui equipes em Tel Aviv, Sao Francisco, Miami, Chicago, Londres, Kiev e Sydney. A plataforma e totalmente personalizavel para se adequar a qualquer vertical de negocios e e atualmente utilizada por mais de 127. 000 clientes em 200 setores, em mais de 190 paises.

Visite-nos no LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok e Facebook.

O texto no idioma original deste anuncio e a versao oficial autorizada. As traducoes sao fornecidas apenas como uma facilidade e devem se referir ao texto no idioma original, que e a unica versao do texto que tem efeito legal.

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COMMUNICATION: Creative Market Welcomes Legendary Type Designer Mark Simonson

Posted: 12 Feb 2022 02:58 PM PST


SEATTLE–()–A collection of fonts in Mark Simonson’s catalog are available in his new Creative Market shop. These fonts can be licensed for Desktop and Webfont usage, as well as Epub and App usage. This opens up the doors to many creative projects. On request, broadcast and enterprise licensing options can also be arranged.

Mark Simonson has led a remarkable career of over 40 years. Starting out as a graphic designer and art director in 1976, he developed a keen eye for type design that became instrumental in his practice. Over 30 typefaces later, his work has appeared in a range of magazines, movies, books, and products. Aside from being a prolific typeface designer, Simonson covers a wide range of styles: from the airy delicacies in Coquette to a workhorse megafamily like Proxima Nova.

Simonson is excited at the prospect of reaching this fresh audience of creators: “Although I’m known for Proxima Nova, a straightforward sans serif, designing script and display typefaces is way more fun, and I think Creative Market will be a great showcase for them.”

Creative Market is home to over 30,000 shops and 6 million creators accelerating their projects with unique, well-considered design assets. Expressing enthusiasm about this new launch, Chris Roberts, Chief Business Officer of Creative Market, stated: “Mark Simonson’s collection is an invaluable addition to our catalog, putting decades of craftsmanship in the hands of creative professionals around the globe. Welcoming extraordinary designers like Simonson is part of our broader effort to provide an independent alternative in the typography distribution landscape.”

About Creative Market

Creative Market is a marketplace of 6 million ready-to-use design assets, including fonts, graphics, templates, add-ons, photos, and themes, created by independent designers around the world. Creative Market is part of Dribbble Holdings. By showcasing our unique products and skills, we are dedicated to helping the design community transform creative passion into opportunities.

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Multi-billboard Charting, Grammy/Stellar Award Nominee, Super Producer D. Bottz Announced

Posted: 12 Feb 2022 01:55 PM PST

Multi-billboard Charting, Grammy/Stellar Award Nominee, Super Producer D. Bottz Announced


The Inaugural “The Cookout” Album is to be Released Friday, Jan 28, via Tribute Music Distribution

BUSINESS: The Cookout Album Cover Vol 1

The Cookout Cover Vol 1

HOUSTONJan. 20, 2022PRLog — Although the pandemic has been the worst event to hit internationally in decades, it is crazy how such a devastatingly traumatic phenomenon has spun off many reimagined opportunities. Davion Bottz, a multi-award-nominated artist, musician, keyboardist, visionary and podcaster (better known by D. Bottz), created “The Cookout” and will undoubtedly break the internet with the debut album.

In 2021 D. Bottz developed an innovative platform designed especially for creatives and “up-in-coming artists.” “”The Cookout’ was birth from being on Clubhouse,” Bottz says. “I was often asked about my process and I gave it to the musicians and artists. They were able to see the creation and dropping of a song by award-winning producers, engineers, vocal coaches, mix mastering experts, marketing, public relations, and other professionals on site. This summit, which was sold out for two days, was a huge success. My team and I decided it would be amazing (and exciting) to create (and unleash!) ‘The Cookout’ compilation albums. This unique masterpiece is sure to be a platinum-selling record, especially with the inclusion of artists already certified platinum by Billboard. Additionally, I believe ‘The Cookout” album will change the musical landscape forever and set the standard for independent artists for the future. “

Bottz serves as Executive Producer for this innovative project. Additional production features include Rothstein Beatz and Misfit Beats. This unstoppable force assembled an amazing track listing introducing D. Bottz's daughter Dayna and featuring artists Tytanic Brittney Jaii Brittney Jones, Perri Jones Brendalynn Smackwater Crown, Corey Ronell and Versakyle to name a few.


1. Hustle (ATL)-Tytanic-Produced by D. Bottz

2. Pull Up (ATL),-Ms. Delilia Tytanic-Produced By D. Bottz 3. Outer Space Freestyle (LA)-Produced by D. Bottz & Diny_MadeIt

4. Feels (LA),-Corey Ronell-Produced By D. Bottz 5. Body Open (NYC),-Perri Jones-Prod. D. Bottz

6. NYC Freestyle (NYC), Coltraine, Versakyle and Oran Jones II. Tytanic-Produced By Rothstein Beatz 7. Struggle (Miami)-Tytanic, Kortney White, KD, Eazy-Produced by D. Bottz & Diny_MadeIt

8. Right Now (Miami),-LE Black Swan and Dayna Brenae-Produced By Misfit Beats 9. Mood (DMV)-Brendalynn-Produced by Misfit Beats

10. Go (DMV)-Brittney Jaii, Smackwater, Diva DaVixen, KD-Produced by Rothstein Beatz

11. Love Me/Hate Me Freestyle (DMV)-Smackwater, Super Shalonda, KD-Produced by Misfit Beats


Multi-Grammy and Stellar Award Nominee Producer Bottz is a 20-year entertainment veteran with an impressive history of playing with A-List singers and Multi-Platinum Selling/Award-Winning artists. Considered a go-to “Producer” on the social media app Clubhouse, Bottz has over (125) clients and counting. The remarkable, self-taught drummer and pianist has a impressive list that includes award-winning musicians Fantasia and UGK, Mya and Natalie ,. Bottz is also a Patreon “Podcaster”. His Podcast Thinkin Outside D Bottz is consistently ranked in the “Top” podcasts on the site alongside Whorrible Decisions (#2), with radio personality/hip hop artist/reality star Joe Budden’s show at #1.


“”The Cookout’ created by D. Bottz, is a (2) day summit that allows attendees to observe firsthand the process of creating (and dropping) a song from on-site award-winning writers, producers, engineers, singers, vocal coaches, mix & mastering experts, vocal production professionals, marketing, public relations executives, etc. Without exception, these events are held in state-of-the-art recording studios nationally. Individual or group writing sessions can teach you what isn’t taught in school. To encourage creativity and incubate a custom production, a positive atmosphere is maintained. All sessions include the option to have producers, engineers, and singers contribute to your tracks. All packages include vocal coaching, songwriters and mix & mastering specialists. Vocal production is also included. Participants don’t need to stop their sessions for food and beverages. There are catered light bites available as well as adult beverages.

Previous “The Cookout” Celebrity attendees were: Raz-B (B2K), Keith Robinson (Actor), a few of the Cast Members of the Real Housewives franchises, Grammy/Stellar Award Winners/Nominees, Multi-Award Winning Writers-Producers-Engineers-Musicians, and more, to name a few. Many media outlets and platforms attended the event, with some conducting on-site interviews.

Check out footage from previous The Cookouts: “New York”, and “Los Angeles” Here is the trailer for the Miami “The Cookout”: (

Follow Bottz on Instagram: @bottzworldstudios, Patreon: Thinkin Outside D Bottz, TIK TOK: @ bottzworldstudios, Twitter: @ bottzworldstudios, and FaceBook: Bottzworld Studios.

# # #


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Public Relations Consultant — Jackie Bush

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Today is Day Changemakers: Virtual Forum and a renowned keynote speaker

Posted: 12 Feb 2022 01:55 PM PST

Today is Day Changemakers: Virtual Forum and a renowned keynote speaker


 Jodi Hope Grinwald

Jodi Hope Grinwald

NEW YORKJan. 20, 2022PRLog — Looking to make a change in your life, take steps toward your goals, change direction in your career, launch a business, start a nonprofit, improve work-life balance, or reinvent yourself? You can be inspired to take the next step in your journey by meeting other notable changemakers around the globe at “Challenge Yourself… Disrupt the status quo

Presented by Today is the Day LLC, the international forum will take place on Thursday, March 24, 2022, 10: 45 a.m. to 4: 00 p.m. (ET) via the Zoom platform. The inaugural program will feature more than 30 professionals from all corners of the globe, who will share compelling stories about changing their mindset to overcome challenges and achieve ambitious personal and professional goals.

The keynote speaker will be Hon. Henry F. De Sio, Jr., is the global ambassador for changemakers. He is a leader advisor, campaign and organizational strategist. He has worked as an executive in startups as well as larger, more complex organizations. As the 2008 Chief Operating Officer of Barack Obama’s presidential campaign and Deputy Assistant to the President in the Obama White House, De Sio came to be intimately acquainted with an emerging pattern of societal change and has since followed his passion to make changemaking a global phenomenon. He has engaged with the world’s leading social and business entrepreneurs to bring the powerful message of his book, CHANGEMAKER PLAYBOOK: The New Physics of Leadership in a World of Explosive Change, to boardrooms, newsrooms, community forums, universities, and governmental halls across the globe.

Additional speakers will include a diverse group of TEDx speakers, CNN Heroes, CEOs, founders, authors, entrepreneurs, creators, and motivators who have all been guests on the Today is the Day Changemakers podcast, founded and hosted by New Jersey entrepreneur Jodi Hope Grinwald. She is the CEO and co-founder at the Zzak G. applaud Our Kids Foundation. This foundation provides financial support for children in need to explore the arts.

“If you’re dreaming about making changes to positively impact your life and the lives of others, but are unsure how to get started or need guidance from someone who’s walked the path, this is a chance to change your mindset, get inspired, and discover ways to achieve your goals from a dynamic group of changemakers,” Grinwald said.

Forum participants can also interact with panelists and other attendees in two breakout sessions designed to inspire and inform. Topics include:

  • Create Change – Disrupt the Status Quo
  • If Not You, Then Who?
  • How Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Challenges You as a Changemaker & Disrupts the Status Quo
  • Building Your Story & Creating Your Personal Brand
  • .2008.How to Create Authentically Meaningful Relationships / Connections That Matter


  • How Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Challenges You as a Changemaker & Disrupts the Status Quo
  • Building Your Story & Creating Your Own Personal Brand
  • How to Create Authentically Meaningful Relationships & Connections That Matter
  • The Balance Between Making a Living & Making a Life

Tanuja Dehne, CEO of the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, will open the forum with a global mission moment and Grinwald will share welcome remarks. Fred Wasiak, the CEO of South Jersey’s Food Bank of South Jersey, will lead an international networking session. Dennis Budinich will receive the Catalyst for Change Award from Investors Bank, Short Hills, NJ.

Tickets for the Changemakers Forum are $50 if purchased before Feb. 1, 2022 ($65 after) and sponsorships at various levels are available to individuals and businesses. To purchase tickets and sponsorships, view the list of participating changemakers or learn more information, visit

About Today is the Day LLC

Today is the Day LLC produces the Today is the Day Changemakers podcast and is the creator of an international Changemakers Forum debuting online March 24, 2022. Jodi Hope Grinwald, founder and podcast host, is an entrepreneur from the New York metropolitan area and CEO of Zzak G. Applaud our Kids Foundation. Grinwald explores the thoughts of inspiring and bold people who make a difference in the world. The podcast is available on YouTube as well as on many podcast platforms. In its inaugural year, the show has been followed in over 335 cities and 26 countries. Connect with Today is the Day on social media @todayisthedayliveit or email

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Webster, NY Author and Educator Publishes Children’s Book

Posted: 12 Feb 2022 01:55 PM PST

Webster, NY Author and Educator Publishes Children’s Book


RoseDog Books has released William Was Worried!, a brand new book written and illustrated by Claudia Uschold.

William is nervous about moving to a new school. He tries to make friends but soon realizes that it is difficult to get accepted into the group. His teacher Mrs. Pringle sees William’s struggles and offers her help to make new friends.

William was Worried! It shows how children can be positive and responsive to others’ needs. This story shows how one person can make an impact on the lives of others.

About the Author

Claudia Uschold received a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and Speech Pathology at Brockport State University, and a Master’s degree in Education from Nazareth College upstate New York. She and her husband live in Webster, New York. Claudia loves spending time with her grandchildren and children of all ages. Claudia is inspired to write stories about caring and concern for others, as a result of her Christian faith.

About the Illustrator

Marissa Birke, a mother and educator from Ontario, New York, is a homeschooling mom. Her hobbies include crafting, DIY, and creating art with her three children. Marissa has a BS from Buffalo State College in Early Childhood Education and a MS from Johns Hopkins University.

William Was Worried! is a 42-page hardback with a retail price of $25. 00 (eBook $20.00). The ISBN is 978-1-6376-4445-4. RoseDog Books, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania published it. For more information, or to request a review copy, please go to our virtual pressroom at or our online bookstore at

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RETAIL NEWS: Oswiadczenie Lucy Gildea, Dyrektor Ds. Innowacji W Mary Kay Inc., Z Okazji Miedzynarodowego Dnia Kobiet I Dziewczat W Nauce 2022

Posted: 12 Feb 2022 01:08 PM PST


DALLAS–()–Ponizej znajduje sie oswiadczenie dr Lucy Gildea, dyrektor ds. innowacji, produktow i nauki w Mary Kay Inc., przygotowane z okazji obchodow Miedzynarodowego Dnia Kobiet i Dziewczat w Nauce 2022.

W przelomowym badaniu przeprowadzonym w latach 1966-1977 prawie 5000 dzieci poproszono o narysowanie naukowca. Zaledwie 0,6% rysunkow przedstawialo kobiety naukowcow. Nowsze badania tego rodzaju wskazuja na poprawe sytuacji – 28% wspolczesnych dzieci postawionych przed tym samym zadaniem narysowalo kobiety naukowcow.

To krok do przodu, ale jest jeszcze duzo do zrobienia.

Mary Kay Inc. wyobraza sobie przyszlosc, w ktorej kobiet naukowcow jest wiecej nie tylko na papierze, ale takze w prawdziwym swiecie. Dlatego dzis, w dniu obchodow Miedzynarodowego Dnia Kobiet i Dziewczat w Nauce, wzywamy wszystkie rzady, instytucje edukacyjne i partnerow z sektora prywatnego do inwestowania, motywowania i opowiadania sie za wieksza liczba kobiet i dziewczat zajmujacych sie naukami scislymi, technologia, inzynieria i matematyka (STEM). Wiecej dziewczat podejmujacych nauke w zakresie STEM oznacza wieksza liczbe kobiet wykonujacych zawody zwiazane z tymi dziedzinami. To z kolei zapewnia bardziej wyrownane szanse dla kobiet, prowadzi do zmniejszenia roznic w wynagrodzeniach miedzy plciami, korzystnie wplywa na gospodarke i eliminuje uprzedzenia w nauce.

Dlatego Mary Kay wspiera grupy mniejszosciowe studiujace nauki scisle, technologie, inzynierie i matematyke, inwestujac miliony dolarow w projekty takie jak Akademia Nauk Marketingowych (ang. Academy of Marketing Science), Stowarzyszenie Dermatologii Badawczej (ang. Towarzystwo Dermatologii Badawczej oraz Stypendium Madam C.J. Walker.

Dlatego kazdego roku Mary Kay Ash FoundationSM wspiera rozwoj kobiet naukowcow dotacjami na badania, ktore pomagaja w znalezieniu leku na nowotwory zlosliwe szczegolnie czesto wystepujace u kobiet.

Dzieki innowacjom i nauce kobiet na calym swiecie codziennie rozwiazuja bardzo zlozone problemy – jednak wiele pozostaje do zrobienia w kwestii uznania ich osiagniec, dania im przestrzeni do wypowiedzi i zwiekszenia ich udzialu w dziedzinach STEM.

Mam nadzieje, ze gdy w przyszlosci poprosimy mlode dziewczeta o narysowanie naukowcow, w swoich pracach przedstawia siebie.

Mary Kay

Mary Kay Ash, jedna z pierwszych kobiet, ktorej udalo sie rozbic tzw. szklany sufit, ponad 60 lat temu zalozyla firme kosmetyczna, aby zrealizowac trzy cele: stworzyc atrakcyjna oferte dla kobiet, tworzyc olsniewajace produkty oraz uczynic swiat lepszym. Na przestrzeni lat z tego marzenia powstala firma warta miliardy dolarow, wspolpracujaca z milionami niezaleznych konsultantek i konsultantow w prawie 40 krajach.

Oprocz inwestowania w badania naukowe nad kosmetykami, ktore pozwalaja na tworzenie nowoczesnych produktow, Mary Kay z oddaniem zajmuje sie kwestia upodmiotowienia kobiet i ich rodzin. Nasza firma sprawia, ze wizja Mary Kay Ash jest nadal zywa dzieki wspieraniu badan nad nowotworami, ochronie ofiar przemocy domowej, upiekszaniu naszego otoczenia i zachecaniu dzieci do realizacji swoich marzen. Wiecej informacji na stronie

Oficjalna, obowiazujaca wersje niniejszego zawiadomienia stanowi tekst oryginalny sporzadzony w jezyku zrodlowym. Tekst tlumaczenia sluzy wylacznie celom orientacyjnym, zostal sporzadzony wylacznie dla celow ulatwienia zrozumienia zawiadomienia i nalezy interpretowac go w odniesieniu do tekstu zrodlowego, ktory jest jedyna wersja majaca skutki prawne.

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The post RETAIL NEWS: Oswiadczenie Lucy Gildea, Dyrektor Ds. Innowacji W Mary Kay Inc., Z Okazji Miedzynarodowego Dnia Kobiet I Dziewczat W Nauce 2022 appeared first on dWeb.News.

RETAIL NEWS: TANAAKK HITSERIES Jetzt Im Microsoft Azure Marketplace Verfugbar

Posted: 12 Feb 2022 01:08 PM PST


TOKIO–()–TANAAKK K.K. (Hauptsitz: Tokio, Japan; CEO: Shoichiro Tanaka, ,,TANAAKK”) gab heute die Verfugbarkeit von HITSERIES im Microsoft Azure Marketplace bekannt, einem Online-Shop, der Anwendungen und Dienste zur Verwendung auf Microsoft Azure anbietet.

TANAAKK-Kunden konnen jetzt die Vorteile der Skalierbarkeit, Hochverfugbarkeit und Sicherheit von Azure mit optimierter Bereitstellung und Verwaltung nutzen.

HITSERIES umfasst Referenzarchitekturen, Schnellstart-Container-Images und praktische Unterstutzung durch das Entwicklerteam von TANAAKK. HITSERIES verfugt uber eine breite Fortune Global 500-Kundenbasis in den Bereichen Automobil, Energie, Ol, Einzelhandel, Finanzen, Bauwesen und Logistik.

Allein in Japan werden jahrlich 190 Milliarden US-Dollar fur Forschung und Entwicklung ausgegeben. TANAAKK bietet entscheidende Vorteile bei der Migration der Fruchte von Forschung und Entwicklung (F&E) auf Cloud-native, skalierbare Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). HITSERIES unterstutzt Startups dabei, innerhalb von 5 Jahren durch eine Kombination aus DevOps, RevOps (Revenue Operations) und EquityOps (Equity Operations) neue Einnahmen in Hohe von 100.000. 000 US-Dollar zu erzielen.

HITSERIES bietet CEOs und CTOs entscheidende Vorteile, darunter 10 Mal schnellere Innovationen bei kostengunstigen Betriebsablaufen, schneller Beschaffung und Bereitstellung sowie verbrauchsabhangigen Abonnementpreisen. TANAAKK findet Wachstumsoptionen in Forschung und Entwicklung, wahlt das richtige Cloud-SaaS-Programm aus und stellt Liquiditat fur vergunstigtes geistiges Eigentum bereit.

,,Wir freuen uns, HITSERIES uber den Microsoft Azure Marketplace zu skalieren. Jedes Cloud-native Unternehmen hat von Natur aus die entscheidende Nachfrage nach DevOps- und RevOps-Exzellenz. SaaS-Besitzer mussen die richtige Architektur fur Wachstum auswahlen. HITSERIES realisiert das geeignete Wachstumsprogramm”, sagte Shoichiro Tanaka, CEO, TANAAKK Inc.

Jake Zborowski, General Manager, Microsoft Azure Platform bei Microsoft Corp., sagte: ,,Wir freuen uns, HITSERIES von TANAAKK Inc. auf dem Microsoft Azure Marketplace willkommen zu heissen, was unseren Partnern eine hervorragende Prasenz bei Cloud-Kunden auf der ganzen Welt bietet. Der Azure Marketplace bietet erstklassige, hochqualitative Erlebnisse von globalen, vertrauenswurdigen Partnern mit Losungen, die darauf getestet sind, nahtlos mit Azure zu arbeiten.”

Der Azure Marketplace ist ein Online-Markt fur den Kauf und Verkauf von Cloud-Losungen, die fur den Einsatz auf Azure zertifiziert sind. Der Azure Marketplace hilft Unternehmen auf der Suche nach innovativen, cloudbasierten Losungen mit Partnern in Kontakt zu treten, die bereits einsatzbereite Losungen entwickelt haben.

Erfahren Sie mehr uber HITSERIES auf seiner Seite im Azure Marketplace.


TANAAKK bietet Wachstum als Dienstleistung fur Fortune Global 500 an, um den Wert fur Aktionare zu maximieren.

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RETAIL NEWS: HITSERIES De TANAAKK Est Desormais Disponible Sur Microsoft Azure Marketplace

Posted: 12 Feb 2022 01:08 PM PST


TOKYO–()–TANAAKK K.K. (Siege : Tokyo, Japon ; PDG : Shoichiro Tanaka, << TANAAKK >>) a annonce aujourd’hui la disponibilite de HITSERIES sur Microsoft Azure Marketplace, une boutique en ligne fournissant des applications et des services qui peuvent etre utilises sur Microsoft Azure.

Les clients de TANAAKK beneficient desormais de l’evolutivite, la haute disponibilite, et la securite d’Azure, avec un deploiement et une gestion rationalises.

HITSERIES comprend des architectures de reference, des images de conteneurs a demarrage rapide et une assistance pratique de la part de l’equipe des developpeurs de TANAAKK. HITSERIES beneficie d’une large base de clients parmi les entreprises du classement Fortune Global 500, notamment dans les secteurs de l’automobile, de l’energie, du petrole, de la vente au detail, de la finance, du batiment et de la logistique.

Rien qu’au Japon, les depenses annuelles de R&D s’elevent a 190 milliards USD. TANAAKK offre des avantages cles permettant de migrer le fruit de la recherche et du developpement (R&D) vers un logiciel en tant que service (software-as-a-service, SaaS), evolutif et natif du cloud. HITSERIES aide les startups a realiser 100 000 000 USD de nouveaux revenus en 5 ans grace a une combinaison de DevOps, RevOps (operations de revenus) et EquityOps (operations de capitaux propres).

HITSERIES offre des avantages cles aux PDG et aux directeurs techniques, avec notamment une innovation dix fois plus rapide, des operations a faible cout, un approvisionnement et un deploiement acceleres, le tout ajoute a une tarification des abonnements, basee sur la consommation. TANAAKK trouve des options de croissance dans la R&D, selectionne le bon schema SaaS cloud, et fournit des liquidites aux actifs intellectuels a prix reduit.

<< Nous sommes ravis de faire evoluer HITSERIES via Microsoft Azure Marketplace. Toute entreprise native du cloud doit par nature faire face a une demande cruciale en termes d'excellence DevOps et RevOps. Les proprietaires de SaaS doivent selectionner la bonne architecture a des fins de croissance. HITSERIES permet de realiser le schema de croissance approprie >>, a commente Shoichiro Tanaka, PDG de TANAAKK Inc.

Jake Zborowski, directeur general de la plateforme Microsoft Azure chez Microsoft Corp., a confie pour sa part : << Nous sommes heureux d'accueillir HITSERIES de TANAAKK Inc., au sein de Microsoft Azure Marketplace, qui confere a nos partenaires une exposition exceptionnelle aupres des clients cloud du monde entier. Azure Marketplace offre des experiences d'une qualite de classe mondiale aupres de partenaires mondiaux de confiance qui proposent des solutions testees pour fonctionner de maniere fluide avec Azure. >>

L’Azure Marketplace est un marche en ligne destine a l’achat et a la vente de solutions cloud dont le fonctionnement sur Azure est certifie. L’Azure Marketplace met en relation des entreprises a la recherche de solutions innovantes basees dans le cloud, avec des partenaires qui developpent des solutions pretes a l’emploi.

Pour en savoir plus sur HITSERIES, rendez-vous sur la page qui lui est consacree sur l’Azure Marketplace.

A propos de TANAAKK

TANAAKK fournit des solutions de croissance en tant que service, a des entreprises du classement Fortune Global 500, afin de maximiser la valeur pour les actionnaires.

Le texte du communique issu d’une traduction ne doit d’aucune maniere etre considere comme officiel. La seule version du communique qui fasse foi est celle du communique dans sa langue d’origine. La traduction devra toujours etre confrontee au texte source, qui fera jurisprudence.

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The post RETAIL NEWS: HITSERIES De TANAAKK Est Desormais Disponible Sur Microsoft Azure Marketplace appeared first on dWeb.News.

PUBLIC POLICY – OPSEU/SEFPO Calls For Premier To Discuss Retention Bonuses To Nurses

Posted: 12 Feb 2022 12:08 PM PST


.TORONTO, February 2022/CNW/ – OPSEU/SEFPO would like to meet Premier Doug Ford to discuss the announcement made by the province late Friday that it had reportedly paid a $5 ,000 dollars bonus to all frontline nurses. It was made by the Ontario Nurses Association late Friday. However, it is …

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