Tuesday, February 1, 2022

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COMMUNICATION: IQor Celebrates Black History Month 2022

Posted: 01 Feb 2022 02:08 PM PST


ST. PETERSBURG, Fla.–()–iQor celebrates Black History Month this February by honoring the extraordinary contributions and achievements of Black Americans. We recognize these accomplishments while reflecting on a history of struggle and hope. At iQor, we create opportunities and are accountable to each other for the betterment of all. We are inspired by the determination of individuals throughout the Black community who encourage us to listen and learn.

"We reflect on the contributions of Black American leaders throughout history as well as the ongoing work to advance racial justice and equity. We promote ongoing conversation and healthy dialogue for solutions to address injustices that are a reality for the Black community. We work together to pave the way to a more equitable future where opportunity is not for a select few but for us all. iQor is committed to fostering rewarding experiences in an inclusive environment founded in respect and opportunity," said president and CEO of iQor, Gary Praznik.

As we strive for a more equitable and just society, iQor works hard to create a workplace that reflects the global diversity of our communities. iQor empowers employees to define their own path to success. We harness digital technology to identify coaching needs and personalize employee development to provide opportunities for growth. Our award-winning training platforms make education and development accessible to all employees, empowering them to Be More with iQor.

"iQor's DEI Committee works to increase our cultural competency, advance open dialogue, and provide tools to build an inclusive culture where everyone is valued and celebrated for their unique contributions. We believe that we are greater as we elevate the collective experiences and appreciate the varied talents expressed through our differences," said Daynette Blackwell, chair of the DEI Committee and iQor vice president of finance, retail and residential.

Across social media channels this month we feature iQorians sharing what Black History Month means to them. We celebrate contributions of the past as part of our culture of respect, support, and opportunity. Throughout our workplace and our communities across the globe, we create meaningful relationships with empathy that result in excellent experiences for employees, customers, and clients.

About iQor

iQor is a managed services provider of customer engagement and technology-enabled business process outsourcing (BPO) solutions comprised of 35,000 amazing employees spanning 10 countries. We are passionate about delivering an outstanding omnichannel customer experience for brands across the globe. Harnessing intelligent CX technology that can scale teams anywhere, our BPO solutions create happy employees and delighted customers. Our irresistible culture results in a smile with each interaction to create optimal customer experiences. We enable diverse teams to scale our BPO digital solutions from local to global to create the CX experience brands demand to win and keep customers. Read, see, and hear more at iQor.com.

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COMMUNICATION: Gillette Presenta La Gillette Cup Con Sus últimas Gillette Bed Battles Incorporadas En Fortnite Creative

Posted: 01 Feb 2022 02:08 PM PST


BOSTON–()–Gillette (NYSE: PG), la empresa de productos para el aseo masculino más grande del mundo, hoy anunció su última iniciativa en materia de juegos y ciberdeportes: La Gillette Cup. Este torneo de dos días, que comenzará el 3 de febrero, será conducido por anfitriones y comentaristas de ciberdeportes, entre los cuales se encuentran Alan “Bricey” Brice e Iain Chambers. Además, en la Gillette Cup participarán miembros de la Gillette Gaming Alliance que competirán en las Gillette Bed Battles, un mapa construido en Fortnite Creative, junto a miembros de la comunidad mundial de Fortnite. La Gillette Gaming Alliance, ahora en su cuarto año, es un equipo de streamers de todo el mundo seleccionados para representar la marca y crear contenido para audiencias de todo el mundo.

Gillette, una empresa pionera entre marcas que, sin ser de juegos, se involucran en la industria de los ciberdeportes, presentó el mapa personalizado de Gillette Bed Battles en noviembre de 2021. En sus primeras dos semanas de vigencia, el mapa se jugó más de 250.000 veces, lo que lo convirtió en uno de los mapas de combate con mayor crecimiento en Fortnite Creative. Lo miembros de la Gillette Gaming Alliance de todo el mundo fueron los primeros en disfrutar de jugarlo, entre los cuales se encuentran Dr. Lupo (Norteamérica), Elded (México), Jolavanille (Francia), y Juansguarnizo (México), y Ocastrin (Brasil). Actualmente, Gillette Bed Battles es un juego de formato individual y se jugará en formato de dúos en la Gillette Cup. Volverá al formato individual una vez que concluya el torneo.

"Gillette ha sido uno de los defensores del deporte y de los atletas más reconocido del mundo durante sus 120 años de vigencia y, en los últimos años, hemos trasladado ese legado al mundo apasionante y creciente de los ciberdeportes", explica Gary Coombe, gerente general de Gillette. "Con la Gillette Cup, expandimos esta presencia en la comunidad de los ciberdeportes y les ofrecemos a los fanáticos las nuevas experiencias y el acceso que realmente valoran”.

El primer día de la Gillette Cup se centrará en los Regionales, donde ocho equipos “dúo” jugarán para cada una de las seis regiones que participan: Francia, Alemania, Italia, Rusia, España y Reino Unido, con un total de 96 jugadores. Todos los equipos jugarán tres rondas de Bed Battle con un sistema de puntos clasificados, y los dos equipos de cada región con más puntos pasarán a la semifinal. En el segundo día se jugarán las semifinales y las finales, donde los doce equipos que hayan pasado se dividirán en dos grupos de seis para jugar una ronda. Los tres mejores dúos de cada grupo (seis dúos en total) pasarán a jugar la final de tres rondas. Los últimos dos dúos serán nombrados ganadores de la Gillette Cup y repartirán el premio de u$s 25.000.

Entre los miembros de la alianza Gillette Gaming Alliance que se enfrentarán a otros fanáticos, seguidores y miembros de los ciberdeportes y de la comunidad de juegos incluyen:

"Estoy muy entusiasmado por ser parte de la Gillette Cup inaugural, y por jugar las Gillette Bed Battles con mis compañeros miembros de la Gillette Gaming Alliance", comenta Vicens, miembro de la Gillette Gaming Alliance de España, y jugador de ciberdeportes de Fortnite. "Siempre es divertido ofrecerles contenido nuevo a nuestros fanáticos y seguidores, y esperamos con ansias experimentar lo último de Gillette".

Conéctese para verlo en Twitch.tv/Gillette mientras los miembros de la Gillette Gaming Alliancese comienzan la Gillette Cup, defienden su base, perfeccionan su estrategia, y determinan quién se va a convertir en el ganador de la Gillette Cup.

Además, recientemente Gillette presentó su propio canal de Gaming, @GilletteGaming en TikTok, que muestra lo más destacado de los miembros de la Gillette Gaming Alliance y sus transmisiones. ¡No te lo pierdas!

Para más información, visite el sitio oficial de Gillette aquí, y en Twitter y Facebook.

*Esta es una experiencia creativa de Fortnite creada de forma independiente y no está patrocinada, respaldada ni administrada por Epic Games, Inc.

Acerca de Gillette

Desde hace más de 120 años, Gillette suministra tecnología de precisión y productos con un rendimiento sin paralelo que mejora la vida de más de 800 millones de consumidores en todo el mundo. Desde el afeitado y la higiene personal, la cosmética y la protección antitranspirante, Gillette ofrece una amplia variedad de productos, entre ellos, afeitadoras, gel para afeitarse (gel, espuma y crema), productos para el cuidado de la piel, lociones para después de afeitarse, desodorantes y antitranspirantes y colonias. Para más información y para conocer las últimas noticias sobre Gillette, visite www.gillette.com. Para ver nuestra selección completa de productos, visite www.gillette.com. Siga a Gillette en Twitter, Facebook e Instagram.

Acerca de Procter & Gamble

P&G ofrece servicios a los consumidores de todo el mundo, con una de las carteras más sólidas de marcas líderes, confiables y de calidad, entre las cuales se encuentran Always®, Ambi Pur®, Ariel®, Bounty®, Charmin®, Crest®, Dawn®, Downy®, Fairy®, Febreze®, Gain®, Gillette®, Head & Shoulders®, Lenor®, Olay®, Oral-B®, Pampers®, Pantene®, SK-II®, Tide®, Vicks® y Whisper®. La comunidad P&G tiene operaciones en aproximadamente 70 países de todo el mundo. Visite http://www.pg.com para recibir las últimas novedades e información sobre P&G y sus marcas. Para recibir otras noticias sobre P&G, visite nuestra página web en www.pg.com/news.

El texto original en el idioma fuente de este comunicado es la versión oficial autorizada. Las traducciones solo se suministran como adaptación y deben cotejarse con el texto en el idioma fuente, que es la única versión del texto que tendrá un efecto legal.

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COMMUNICATION: Liberated Syndication Reports January Podcast Advertising Rates

Posted: 01 Feb 2022 02:08 PM PST


PITTSBURGH–()–Liberated Syndication Inc. (LSYN) ("Libsyn" or "the Company"), the industry's leading podcast hosting platform and advertising marketplace, today provided an update on podcast advertising rates.

These rates, which are denoted as cost per thousand or CPM, are published monthly by Libsyn's AdvertiseCast, the industry's leading podcast advertising marketplace connecting advertisers to podcasters. The data is derived from actual sales data from across the 2,500+ podcasts in the AdvertiseCast marketplace.

For January 2022, the average CPM rate for a 60-second spot was $25.38.

"We are really pleased to see a rate increase from December to January, signaling that demand from podcast advertisers continues to be strong," said Dave Hanley, Chief Revenue Officer at AdvertiseCast. "Generally, demand tapers off slightly after the holiday season, so this is a great sign that podcast advertising is entering 2022 with great momentum."

Historical rates can be found on the AdvertiseCast podcast marketplace website at: https://www.advertisecast.com/podcast-advertising-rates

The Company will continue to announce these figures monthly to enable podcasters, advertisers, and the investor community to readily monitor market pricing and provide greater insight into advertising monetization within the podcasting industry.

For more information on podcast advertising rates or other inquiries, please contact Dave Hanley at dave@advertisecast.com.

About Liberated Syndication

Liberated Syndication Inc. ("Libsyn") is a world leading podcast hosting platform and advertising marketplace that has been providing publishers with hosting, distribution, and monetization services since 2004. Libsyn hosts over 5.8 million media files from more than 75,000 podcasts and delivered over 6 billion downloads in 2020. Podcast producers choose Libsyn to measure their audience via IAB V2 certified stats, deliver popular audio and video episodes, distribute their content through smartphone apps (iOS and Android), and monetize via premium subscription services and advertising. The Company also owns Auxbus, Glow, Pair Networks and AdvertiseCast, the industry's leading podcast advertising marketplace connecting advertisers to podcasters.

Brands powered by Libsyn help all creators podcast better by providing innovative tools for creation, hosting, growth, and monetization. Visit Libsyn on the web at www.libsyn.com; Auxbus at www.auxbus.com; AdvertiseCast at www.advertisecast.com; and Pair Networks at www.pair.com. Investors can visit the Company at the "Investor Relations" section of Libsyn's website at https://investor.libsyn.com.

Liberated Syndication is headquartered in Pittsburgh with a world-class team and global reach.

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Eisai Receives the Tokyo Governor Prize for Corporate Governance of the Year 2021

Posted: 01 Feb 2022 01:55 PM PST

Eisai Receives the Tokyo Governor Prize for Corporate Governance of the Year 2021


Eisai Receives the Tokyo Governor Prize for Corporate Governance of the Year 2021

TOKYO, Feb 01, 2022 – (JCN Newswire) – Eisai Co., Ltd. announced today that it was selected as the winner of the Tokyo Governor Prize for Corporate Governance of the Year 2021, which is an award program organized by the Japan Association of Corporate Directors (JACD). The award ceremony was held on January 31, 2022.

Left: Mr. Eiichiro Kodama: Director General for Global Financial City Strategy, Office of the Governor for Policy Planning, Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Right: Haruo Naito: CEO, “Eisai”

The awards have been established to recognize the companies which have achieved and maintained the medium to long term profitability by implementing good corporate governance, since 2015. Among the eligible companies for selection of the Corporate Governance of the Year 2021, the Tokyo Governor Prize goes to a company which has excellent corporate governance and also practices ESG activities such as environmental activities, women empowerment, initiatives for diversity and work style reforms.

Commenting about the reasons for choosing Eisai, Mr. Eiichiro Kdama, Director General of Global Financial City Strategy at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, stated that “Eisai was a pioneer in incorporating their corporate philosophy into the Articles of Incorporation” and “Purpose Management”. Eisai takes advantage of its company status, which includes a nomination committee and a system to separate business execution and management oversight. It also values dialogue with all its stakeholders, including patients. In terms of ESG, Eisai is a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact and actively participates in climate change-related initiatives such as “RE100” and the Japan Climate Initiative. Eisai also has the challenge of quantifying value that does not appear on the balance sheets, such as investments into human capital. She is also trying to identify KPIs related ESG, including the ratio women in management positions and analyze the relationship with PBR (Price Book Value Ratio) and use the verification results for engaging investors. Eisai is working hard to show the relationship between ESG initiatives and corporate value enhancement. “

Eisai describes its corporate mission as “giving priority to patients and their families, and to increasing the benefits that health care provides”, and it shares this with its stakeholders. This philosophy is called the human health care philosophy (hhc), by Eisai. She believes that a philosophical management approach based on the philosophy of hhc will help to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and increase its corporate value.

Eisai has committed to strengthening its corporate governance to achieve the hhc philosophy.

For further information on the awards, please visit www.jacd.jp/en/conference.

*Corporate Governance of the Year is a registered trademark of JACD

Media Inquiries:

Public Relations Department,

Eisai Co., Ltd.


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Lexus Announces 2021 Global Sales Results

Posted: 01 Feb 2022 01:55 PM PST

Lexus Announces 2021 Global Sales Results

Toyota City, Japan, Feb 01, 2022 – (JCN Newswire) – Lexus announced today its 2021 global sales results as described below.

Global sales for the period of January-December, 2021 were 760,012 units (106% compared to the previous year), showing a recovery trend and surpassing last year’s results. On a regional level, North America achieved approximately 332,000 units (112% compared to the previous year), and China achieved a record high of approximately 227,000 units (101% compared to the previous year), driving the recovery of global sales. On a model level, sales of electrified vehicles reached a record high of approximately 260,000 units (110% year-on-year) thanks to the strong sales of ES, RX and UX hybrid models. Lexus is also accelerating electrification in order to meet customers’ and society’s needs with the new NX model and the newly introduced PHEV. Lexus aims to achieve offering a full lineup of BEVs in all segments by 2030, 100% BEV sales in Europe, North America, and China, and 1 million units sold globally as a new challenge of realizing a carbon-neutral society. Furthermore, we also aim to achieve 100% BEVs globally by 2035. Lexus will continue to make vehicles that suit the varied lifestyles and needs of its customers.

January-December, 2021 sales results by major region are as follows:

North America approx. 332,000 units (112% compared to prev. year)

China approx. 227,000 units (101% compared to prev. year)

Europe approx. 72,000 units (102% compared to prev. year)

Japan approx. 51,000 units (104% compared to prev. Year Middle East approx. 28,000 units (103% compared to prev. Year

East Asia approximately. 30,000 units (95% compared to prev. year)

Lexus International President / Chief Branding Officer, Koji Sato said, “I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of our Lexus customers around the world. Despite the continuing impact of the spread of the COVID-19 and the tight parts supply chain, we were able to recover sales to a record level in 2021, selling approximately 760,000 units. In 2022, we will continue to refine Lexus’ unique design and driving taste that appeals to the sensibilities of our customers, based on our thoughts to ‘be the brand that people who know the real thing choose at the end of the day’. We will accelerate the development and production of electric vehicles. Starting with the exclusive BEV model ‘RZ’ in spring we will launch a number of new models to suit the lifestyles of many customers. We look forward to the future Lexus. “

Copyright (c)2022 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Japan Corporate News Network is a division.

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Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Creates a New Specialized Organization for Marine Decarbonization

Posted: 01 Feb 2022 01:55 PM PST

Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Creates a New Specialized Organization for Marine Decarbonization

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Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Establishes New Specialized Organization for Marine Decarbonization

– Accelerating new business development in response to the energy revolution.

– Establishing an infrastructure to respond quickly to global trends, market needs, and to support the realization of a world that is carbon neutral.

TOKYO, Feb 01, 2022 – (JCN Newswire) – Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., a part of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Group, today established Marine Decarbonation Business Development Group responding to the energy transition strategy promoted by MHI Group. The new organization will consolidate a variety of functions, including technology development and market analysis to the formulation of business strategies. It will also respond quickly to global trends and markets to achieve a carbon-neutral world.

Illustration of an LCO2 carrier

MHI/Mitsubishi Shipbuilding has built more than 5,000 vessels since its founding in 1884, actively adopting new technologies as a pioneer in the construction of energy carriers, including coal carriers, oil tankers, and liquified gas carriers (LPG and LNG carriers). A shift to new energy is required in the wake of recent decarbonization efforts. Based on global trade, there will be an increase in demand for clean energy carriers for ammonia, other materials, and LCO2 carriers to support fossil fuel reverse logistics. Mitsubishi Shipbuilding is responding to this need by bringing together many technologies and products for land and sea from MHI Group and offering customers and partners who are looking to decarbonize. Its differentiated technologies, products systems and comprehensive solutions will help to realize a decarbonized world.

Tom Kitamura, President & CEO of Mitsubishi Shipbuilding, commented on the creation of the Marine Decarbonation Business Development Group. “We have received many inquiries from customers about growth sectors like LCO2 carriers or ammonia fuel vessels. We need a dedicated organisation to coordinate technological innovation and manage this business. The Marine Decarbonation Business Development Group, which combines traditional shipbuilding technologies with oil and gas technology, will help accelerate the creation of new businesses. “

As part of the energy transition strategy promoted by MHI Group, Mitsubishi Shipbuilding has set a growth strategy called “MARINE FUTURE STREAM,” focused on the ship and marine sector. The company’s strategy aims to decarbonize the maritime economy by using clean energy and the carbon cycle. It also aims to make the most of the marine space through digitalization and electrification. Mitsubishi Shipbuilding will implement the strategy to meet the needs of society and customers to solve problems.

About MHI Group

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Group is one of the world’s leading industrial groups, spanning energy, logistics & infrastructure, industrial machinery, aerospace and defense. MHI Group is a combination of cutting-edge technology and deep experience that delivers innovative, integrated solutions that improve the quality life, make the world safer, and help realize a carbon neutral future. Visit www.mhi.com for more information. You can also follow our stories and insights at www.spectra.mhi.com.

Source: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.

Sectors: Transport & Logistics, Energy

Copyright (c)2022 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Japan Corporate News Network is a division.

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Corinium Presents: CISO zero trust online ASEAN

Posted: 01 Feb 2022 01:54 PM PST

Corinium Presents: CISO zero trust online ASEAN


Singapore, Feb 1, 2022 – (ACN Newswire) – As we become more connected and the digital space becomes an essential part of life, opportunities for new threat vectors to emerge from the digital underbelly have also grown and multiplied.

IT leaders and cyber security experts around the world are preparing to address new risks and bad actors. Their focus is now on securing our increasingly connected systems and networks. The Zero Trust principles are here to help support global initiatives to secure our data and networks. Infosec leaders are now better positioned to defend their digital territories and plan for future cyber battles. CISO Zero Trust ASEAN Online will bring together Southeast Asia’s Infosec leaders and future leaders to discuss the risks and the strategies that will be used to promote a Zero Trust mentality in the region. This will help to protect their perimeterless domains as well as their networks and connections.

In the ever-evolving mission to ensure your organisation’s IT Security remains gapless and an enterprise stronghold, CISOs, IT Security leaders and influencers have been taking steps to incorporate the principles of Zero Trust into their organisation’s IT Security framework. They are constantly asking themselves key questions and working hard to answer them.

– What is the Zero Trust Principles?

– What are the Zero Trust Principles?

– How to Maintain a Zero Trust Environment. What Are the Key Things? A range of best-practice strategies are available to you at CISO Zero Trust ASEAN Online. These include the Zero Trust Principles, applying Zero Trust and SASE, what a successful Zero Trust implementation looks like, establishing risk appetite, asking the top questions of the board, strengthening perimeterless security and managing the human risk component of Zero Trust.

Join us, 12-13 April, for two days of engaging discussions on how to effectively protect your organisation’s most valuable digital assets by adopting a practical Zero Trust approach, advancing your strategy through risk intelligence, strengthening your Data Privacy and Security framework, and scaling business.

2022 Key Themes:

Zero Trust Applicability to Infosec Objectives

Explore the advantages “zero trust” model can offer your business through clear understanding of the principles and how they can meet security objectives and maintain safer connections.

Risk and Reward in a No Trust Environment

An in-depth look at the risks involved with implementing a Zero Trust Framework, how to optimally implement Zero Trust, and the rewards that can be reaped by businesses if done successfully.

Building and Maintaining A Trustworthy Organisation

Even in a Zero Trust environment, some trust must be established between IT Security and other departments and functions to make the initiative a success – and the first step towards that is to embrace change. Here are some ways organisations can make their digital environments safer.

Future Direction for a Secure Future

Prepare your security plan for the future by taking into account new risks and threats, implementing different strategies to improve visibility, and investing back into your security resources and networks.

Registrations are now open!

– Engage with 300 plus attendees, speakers and solution providers and find the security answers that you are seeking

– Benchmark your Zero Trust journey strategy through exciting case studies, 3 engaging panels, and interviews

– Wide range of industries sharing their roadmaps and plans for a Zero Trust strategy including banking and finance, hospitality, manufacturing, cryptocurrency, payments, and more

– Dedicated event to Zero Trust, a premier event in the Southeast Asia region

– Unique look at an extremely current topic with the best strategies and solutions in the market

– Many companies are starting their Zero Trust journey, so a lot of opportunities for both vendors and delegates to share their findings and learn from their peers

Claim your free place here: https://bit.ly/3rhmIaX

For Further details regarding this event, visit our website, https://zerotrustasean.coriniumintelligence.com

You can contact us at: info@coriniumintel.com

Topic – Press release summary

Source: Corinium

Sectors: Trade Shows, CyberSecurity


From the Asia Corporate News Network

Copyright (c) 2022 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved. Asia Corporate News Network is a division.

CWD GLOBAL Expands its DAO Capabilities

Posted: 01 Feb 2022 01:54 PM PST

CWD GLOBAL Expands its DAO Capabilities

Dubai, UAE – Feb 1, 2022 – (ACN Newswire) – CWD GLOBAL is a decentralized platform with a strong team of industry leaders and professionals behind it, who work hard on a daily basis to develop revolutionary blockchain ideas in the fields of decentralized finance and autonomous societies.

In an effort to implement the best of a fast and modern blockchain, and a pure DAO (Delegated Proof of Stake), platform developers used Daniel Larimer’s works and BitShares blockchain to build a unique platform that guarantees excellence, equality, and fairness to all users.

The first block was generated on March 22, 2019, and to date, the number of registered accounts has already exceeded 118,348 and counting. As its next step, CWD GLOBAL plans to enter the Bkex exchange – planned as early as February 2022.

The figures above are not surprising. The usage of the CWD GLOBAL blockchain platform offers not only all the functionality of Bitshares, but also an average of 50 new operations introduced into the core of the original blockchain.

CWD token owners become DAO participants. This means that they can decide how the platform develops and also issue their own tokens thanks to the open-source hallmark. Participants can create products, connect to existing ones through APIs, and generate new blockchain nodes.

CWD GLOBAL now offers several tokens:

  • CWD – cryptocurrency CROWD is the underlying asset of the network. It’s used to make transfers, pay commissions, and distribute rewards on the network. A basic coin that allows users vote, stake, and play, as well to open a business account and issue their token
  • .

  • GCWD- Earns income based on platform activity
  • MGCWD – a Gold Crowd derivative equal to 1/1000 of a GCWD with the same function
  • MCENT – an MGCWD derivative equal to 1/100 of an MGCWD with the same function

What opportunities does CWD GLOBAL offer its users other than a fair DAO?

  • CROWD DEX – a decentralized P2P exchange platform
  • DEX – a decentralized crypto-asset exchange
  • GAMEZONE – blockchain games based on smart contracts
  • IDO – the opportunity to hold IDOs on the platform and attract investors

The platform enables users to receive both passive and active income, as follows:

Passive income can be generated by participating in the staking programme, which allows users to lock their CWD coins. Every 2.5 seconds, the staker receives income from staking. When the staking period ends, a full unlock occurs. CWD GLOBAL offers a high annual return at 36%, which tops the indicators of most major blockchains, such as the Polkadot, Solana, and Cosmos blockchains.

Active Income, however, is variable. Platform users can play Heads or Tails to win CWD coins, or try their luck at the Big Win lottery or the Matrix.

There are many ways to generate active income that are less lucrative, but still very profitable. These include issuance of securities, participating in referral programs, and earning on arbitrage.

The platform’s most active users receive additional rewards for their contributions to the development of the project.

One can find out more information on the company and stay tuned for updates via the following;

Website: https://cwd.global/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cwd.global.official/

Telegram: https://t.me/cwdglobal

Media Contact


Contact: Maria

Email: info@cwd.global

Website: https://cwd.global/


Topic: Press release summary



From the Asia Corporate News Network

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UNIVERSITY: ScholarShare 529 Launches 5th Annual Matching Grant Program

Posted: 01 Feb 2022 01:08 PM PST


SACRAMENTO, Calif.–()–ScholarShare 529, California's official college savings plan, is making it easier for eligible families to start saving for college by offering a grant of up to $225 if they open a college savings account and contribute regularly. The Matching Grant Program begins February 1, 2022 and runs through the end of the year.

The Matching Grant Program is designed to help low- to moderate-income families save for their children's future college expenses. It provides a dollar-for-dollar match for contributions to a new ScholarShare 529 account up to $200 and also offers a $25 bonus for establishing automatic recurring contributions. All families who meet the eligibility requirements are encouraged to participate.

"Studies have shown that children with college savings of less than $500 are three times more likely to enroll in higher education, and four times more likely to graduate, than those without a college savings account," said Fiona Ma, California State Treasurer and Chair of the ScholarShare Investment Board. "The Matching Grant Program is a great opportunity for families to start saving for college and make higher education a reality for their children. Nearly half of California's population is eligible to participate so I encourage all eligible families to take advantage of this great opportunity."

Overseen by the ScholarShare Investment Board, the Matching Grant Program has helped thousands of parents realize their higher education dreams since 2018. "We are excited to offer this program again in 2022," said Julio Martinez, Executive Director of the ScholarShare Investment Board. "As California's official college savings program, ScholarShare 529 champions higher education. The Matching Grant Program is one of the ways we're able to help make college more accessible for eligible families. There's no better time than now to start saving for college."

ScholarShare 529 works closely with community-based organizations across California, to help eligible families participate in the Matching Grant Program. Eligible parents and guardians must be California residents at enrollment, have a valid social security number or a federal tax ID number, and have an annual household adjusted gross income of $75,000 or less.

For more information about ScholarShare 529's 2022 Matching Grant Program, including eligibility requirements, complete terms and conditions, and instructions for applying, visit www.ScholarShare529.com/MGP.

About ScholarShare 529

ScholarShare 529 serves as California's official college savings plan. Administered by the ScholarShare Investment Board, ScholarShare 529 provides families with a valuable tool that offers a diverse set of investment options, tax-deferred growth, and withdrawals free from state and federal taxes when used for qualified higher education expenses, such as tuition and fees, books, certain room and board costs, computer equipment, and other required supplies. ScholarShare 529 manages over $13 billion in plan assets across more than 374,000 ScholarShare 529 accounts as of 12/31/21.

To open a ScholarShare 529 account or get more information about the plan, visit www.ScholarShare529.com. For information about the ScholarShare Investment Board, visit www.treasurer.ca.gov/scholarshare, like ScholarShare 529 on Facebook at www.facebook.com/scholarshare529, and follow them on Twitter at @ScholarShare529. For more information about ScholarShare 529, visit www.ScholarShare529.com.

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UNIVERSITY: Morgan Stanley Global Sports & Entertainment Continues Financial Education For College Football All-Stars In Partnership With Reese’s Senior Bowl

Posted: 01 Feb 2022 01:08 PM PST


NEW YORK–()–Morgan Stanley Global Sports & Entertainment (GSE), a division of Morgan Stanley Wealth Management dedicated to serving the unique needs of professional athletes and entertainers, remains the exclusive financial education partner of the Reese’s Senior Bowl for the eighth consecutive year.

The Senior Bowl, renowned as the most prominent college football All-Star game in the United States, is the yearly post-season event that showcases the best NFL Draft prospects around the country who have completed their college eligibility.

"Our team is proud and excited to continue working closely with our partners at the Reese's Senior Bowl for the eighth consecutive year to bring financial education and expertise to the event," said Sandra L. Richards, Head of Morgan Stanley’s GSE division. "Navigating the transition from college to the professional ranks can be an exhilarating yet stressful time for athletes, and so we relish the opportunity to support the players and their families in this journey each year, helping them prepare for the unique and complex financial situations that can come with pursuing a professional sports career."

Morgan Stanley GSE will host a virtual financial education session for all the players invited to participate in this year's Senior Bowl. The session will include Global Sports and Entertainment Directors, as well as current NFL player Brandon Copeland, as a featured guest. Copeland, who spent the 2021 NFL campaign playing with the Atlanta Falcons, is a Professor at University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School and a highly regarded financial literacy advocate.

Like years prior, the 2022 program will emphasize financial fundamentals, stress the importance of creating a personally tailored financial game plan and guidance on how best to build a team of advisors to help them in the next stage of their athletic careers and throughout their personal and professional journeys.

Added Reese's Senior Bowl Executive Director Jim Nagy: "The Senior Bowl experience is about more than just what happens on the field. Our players are about to embark on a new phase of their lives and Morgan Stanley Global Sports & Entertainment's financial education program will help them transition from being student-athletes to professionals. We are excited about having our trusted partners at Morgan Stanley be a part of our game for years to come."

The game will take place on Saturday, February 5, 2022 in Mobile, AL. It will broadcast on the NFL Network. For more information on the game, please visit the Senior Bowl website.

For more information about Morgan Stanley's Global Sports & Entertainment division, please visit the GSE website*.

About Morgan Stanley Wealth Management

Morgan Stanley Wealth Management, a global leader, provides access to a wide range of products and services to individuals, businesses and institutions, including brokerage and investment advisory services, financial and wealth planning, cash management and lending products and services, annuities and insurance, retirement and trust services.

About Morgan Stanley

Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS) is a leading global financial services firm providing investment banking, securities, wealth management and investment management services. With offices in more than 41 countries, the Firm’s employees serve clients worldwide including corporations, governments, institutions and individuals. For more information about Morgan Stanley, please visit www.morganstanley.com.

About the Reese's Senior Bowl

The Senior Bowl is an annual college All-Star football game that is played at the conclusion of the NCAA season. The event is considered the most prominent college football All-Star game in the United States and is the first stage in the NFL Draft process. The first game was played on January 7, 1950, featuring two squads made up of All-Star NFL Draft prospects playing at the Gator Bowl Stadium in Florida. The following year, the game moved to Mobile, AL, where it is still played today. In 2021, a new era in the Senior Bowl’s history began with the game moving to Hancock Whitney Stadium on the South Alabama Jaguars' campus. Throughout its history, the Senior Bowl has produced over 55 players that went on to be inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. The game is unique among college All-Star games as the teams are coached by NFL staff. Former MVPs of the game include the likes of Dan Marino, LaDainian Tomlinson, Dak Prescott and Justin Herbert.

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