Wednesday, February 9, 2022

dWebServe Submit News Opinions Worldwide

dWebServe Submit News Opinions Worldwide

MANUFACTURING – NEC Invests In CropX As It Goes Beyond Irrigation

Posted: 09 Feb 2022 03:08 AM PST


*)TEL Aviv, Israel, February 9, 2022/PRNewswire/ — NEC Corp, an international corporation based in Minato (Tokyo), that specializes in communication infrastructure technology, announces a strategic investor in CropX, a global leader for digital farm management …

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MANUFACTURING – IBM Watson-Powered AI Virtual Assistant Helps Customers On The TD Precious Metals Digital Store

Posted: 09 Feb 2022 03:08 AM PST

Designed to provide consistent, fast responses to customer questions MARKHAM (ON), February 9, 2022 /CNW/ — Both investors looking to diversify their portfolios as well as coin collectors looking for new treasures to add to their collections are familiar with the …

benefits and value.

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RETAIL NEWS: Samenvatting: BREITLING Herdefinieert De Verkoopservice Van Luxe Boetieks Met De FairyMo Mobile POS-App

Posted: 09 Feb 2022 01:08 AM PST


SHANGHAI–()–FairyMo Retail Tech – een cloud-native, moderne leverancier van Point of Sales Applications, werkt samen met BREITLING (Zwitserse luxe horlogemaker) die het iPad-kassasysteem implementeert voor zijn boetieks in Groot-China en ZEE. De alles-in-een, krachtige en toch eenvoudige verkooptool optimaliseert het bedrijfsproces en stelt de winkelmedewerkers in staat.

BREITLING heeft FairyMo POS geadopteerd om de verkoopservice van luxe boetieks opnieuw te definieren door gebruik te maken van de FairyMo iPad POS-app. Boutique-personeel heeft toegang tot realtime, automatische, nauwkeurige inventaris en kan de productaanvulling, overdracht en afhandeling rechtstreeks vanuit de iPad Sales-app beheren. Met een intuitief afrekenproces en een geintegreerde betalingsoplossing kan het Boutique-personeel alle klanten een soepele en naadloze winkelervaring bieden.

Deze bekendmaking is officieel geldend in de originele brontaal. Vertalingen zijn slechts als leeshulp bedoeld en moeten worden vergeleken met de tekst in de brontaal, die als enige rechtsgeldig is.

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RETAIL NEWS: Riassunto: BREITLING Ridefinisce Il Servizio Di Vendita Nelle Boutique Di Lusso Con L’app POS Mobile FairyMo

Posted: 09 Feb 2022 01:08 AM PST


SHANGHAI–()–FairyMo Retail Tech – un moderno fornitore di applicazioni Point of Sales cloud-native, collabora con BREITLING (produttore svizzero di orologeria di lusso) implementando il sistema iPad POS per le sue boutique nella Grande Cina e nel Sud-Est Asiatico. Lo strumento di vendita tutto-in-uno semplice ma efficace ottimizza il processo operativo e abilita gli assistenti del punto vendita.

BREITLING ha adottato FairyMo POS per ridefinire il servizio di vendita delle boutique di lusso utilizzando la FairyMo iPad POS App. Il personale delle boutique puo accedere all’inventario accurato, automatico e in tempo reale e gestire il rifornimento, trasferimento e adempimento dei prodotti direttamente dalla iPad Sales App.

Il testo originale del presente annuncio, redatto nella lingua di partenza, e la versione ufficiale che fa fede. Le traduzioni sono offerte unicamente per comodita del lettore e devono rinviare al testo in lingua originale, che e l’unico giuridicamente valido.

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RETAIL NEWS: Resumen: BREITLING Redefine El Servicio De Ventas De Sus Boutiques De Lujo Con La Aplicacion De TPV Movil De FairyMo

Posted: 09 Feb 2022 01:08 AM PST


SHANGHAI–()–FairyMo Retail Tech, proveedor de aplicaciones de punto de venta modernas y nativas en la nube, colabora con BREITLING (fabricante de relojes de lujo suizo) para implementar un sistema de TPV para iPad en sus tiendas de la Gran China y el Sudeste Asiatico. La herramienta de ventas todo en uno, potente pero sencilla a la vez, optimiza el proceso operativo y facilita el trabajo a los empleados de las tiendas.

BREITLING ha adoptado la TPV de FairyMo para redefinir el servicio de ventas de sus boutiques de lujo mediante el uso de la aplicacion de TPV para iPad de FairyMo. El personal de las boutiques podra acceder a un inventario preciso, automatico y en tiempo real, y gestionar la reposicion de productos, las transferencias y el cumplimiento directamente desde la aplicacion de ventas para iPad.

El comunicado en el idioma original, es la version oficial y autorizada del mismo. La traduccion es solamente un medio de ayuda y debera ser comparada con el texto en idioma original, que es la unica version del texto que tendra validez legal.

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PUBLIC POLICY: Metropolitan Board Acts To Increase Reliability Of Southern California’s Water Supply

Posted: 09 Feb 2022 12:08 AM PST


LOS ANGELES–()–With extreme drought highlighting the vulnerability of some Southern California communities, Metropolitan Water District is pursuing additional actions to help ensure all its service area has the water it needs to withstand this year’s severe dry conditions and the impacts of climate change.

Metropolitan’s Board of Directors today voted to approve infrastructure investments, water transfer options and alternate delivery programs to improve resiliency and preserve limited State Water Project supplies for member agencies in the western portions of its service area that depend most on this drought-stricken water source, including parts of Ventura and Los Angeles counties. “We now find ourselves in the third year in a severe drought which is challenging our mission of ensuring every community in Southern California has that same level of water reliability,” stated Gloria D. Gray, Metropolitan board chairwoman. “We have made several efforts to improve water reliability in areas that rely on the State Water Project over two years. Our latest actions will continue those efforts. As we pursue these projects, we need everyone to keep saving as much water as possible.”

Southern California gets on average 30 percent of its water from the northern Sierra via the State Water Project, but drought has severely limited these water supplies over the last three years. Many residents can tap into the Colorado River water supply, the Metropolitan’s Diamond Valley Lake, or their own water supplies to meet their needs. However, certain communities are not connected to the Colorado River supply or DVL. This makes them more vulnerable to severe drought conditions.

Capital Investment Plan Improvements

Metropolitan’s board today approved a proposal to incorporate several potential infrastructure projects into its Capital Investment Plan to explore how to boost operational flexibility and water delivery capabilities so SWP-dependent agencies in the western portion of its service can access other sources of water. As part of the action, the board also authorized $700,000 in funding to conduct a feasibility analysis to examine projects that could include local water supply development, groundwater or surface water storage, and interconnecting infrastructure between agencies to increase the flexibility of water systems.

Metropolitan will also examine the possibility of expanding its Greg Avenue pump station to increase Colorado River water capacity and water stored at Diamond Valley Lake to be pumped to SWP dependent areas. It will also fund a feasibility analysis to study projects that could include local water supply development and groundwater storage. The Sepulveda Feeder will allow for the expansion of Colorado River water supplies and DVL supplies to further expand its western service area.

The action follows projects in the eastern portion of Metropolitan’s system that were incorporated into the CIP in December 2021 to support reliability for agencies in the SWP dependent areas. Adel Hagekhalil, Metropolitan General Manager, stated that all of the projects will make our water delivery system more resilient, integrated, and flexible to adapt to changing conditions, including future droughts. “We are one region, so when we invest in our infrastructure, all of Southern California benefits.”

Water Transfers

As it has done in past years, the board authorized an agreement to pursue potential water exchanges with other agencies in the Sacramento Valley to access additional SWP water supplies in 2022. Under this agreement, Metropolitan would be able to negotiate to purchase up to 100,000 acre-feet of additional water supplies to mitigate the low SWP allocation this year.

Reverse Cyclic Program

Demonstrating the commitment of the region to working together, the Reverse Cyclic Program, approved by the board, allows member agencies to purchase certain SWP supplies in 2022, but defer deliveries to a future wet year. This program would preserve SWP supplies for member agency that are in urgent need of them in dry years. It also provides Metropolitan with planned revenue and the commitment to deliver the supplies within five years.

“Our staff have been tirelessly working to develop innovative programs, projects, and services to strengthen reliability for member agencies that are more dependent upon State Water Project supplies. And we aren’t done,” Hagekhalil stated. “We will continue to explore all options, which means that we will work with our member agencies in order to develop new supplies, storage, and build on our conservation efforts. Climate change will continue to constrain our supplies in the years ahead, so we also will continue to seek state and federal investment in our region’s water supply reliability so that Southern California can continue thriving.”

The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California is a state-established cooperative that, along with its 26 cities and retail suppliers, provide water for 19 million people in six counties. To supplement local water supplies, the district imports water from Northern California and Colorado River. It also helps its members develop water conservation, storage, and other resource-management strategies.

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PUBLIC POLICY: Union Digital Continues To Expand Its Executive Team – Bob Eaton Named Chief Government And Media Relations Officer

Posted: 09 Feb 2022 12:08 AM PST


TORONTO–()–President John Camilleri is pleased to announce that former OPSEU Chief of Staff, Bob Eaton has joined the executive team at Union Digital. He will immediately be assigned to the government and media relations portfolio. Camilleri stated that Bob brings five decades of experience in dealing with staff, members and union leadership as well as media and other stakeholders.

During a distinguished and storied career at OPSEU (Ontario Public Service Employees Union), he served in almost every elected position from steward to First Vice President Treasurer. He was the architect and quarterback of the largest Canadian organizing drive for college support PT workers.

For the past 15 years, Bob worked as a senior manager in almost every OPSEU department, including collective bargaining, communications, campaigns and organizing, staff relations and finally as Chief of Staff and Executive Assistant to the President for the last 6 years. His departure from OPSEU coincided to President Warren (Smokey), Thomas.

Bob’s arrival at Union Digital brings with it a wealth labour experience and established stakeholder relationships, including major employers, government bodies, and media.

“Wherever Bob went, he assumed leadership roles. It is in his DNA. It’s a bonus that the Union Digital team has a positive track record of working with Bob to support the College Part Time Organization Drive. We are good friends. John Camilleri, Union Digital President, said that it was a great match.

Bob Eaton is an individual of the highest integrity and unsurpassed work ethic. Bob Eaton is a strategist and strategist. His greatest qualities are honesty, integrity, and his desire to help others. His core values are loyalty and friendship.

Bob has battle scars like all of us. But he will never lose his belief in the power of a team. We are stronger together. He believes that Union members should have strong advocates who are always there for them.

Eaton feels honored and excited to begin this next phase. “I’ve done a lot. I’ve seen a lot. I have fought and strategized with workers in the trenches union activism. My family and I have had incredible opportunities through the labour movement. This is something I will never forget. My parents’ golden rule has been a constant reminder to me: Give back more than you get. Eaton stated that he will continue to serve the Union Digital team and build on their legacy.

Union Digital is dedicated to helping Unions develop strong relationships with their members, their employers, and to supporting and strengthening the labour movement by empowering Unions.

For additional information, please visit Union Digital Inc. website at

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PUBLIC POLICY: City Of Escondido Authorizes Request For Proposals For Reidy Creek Golf Course As Councilmembers, UNITE HERE Locals 11 & 30 Question Current Contract With JC Resorts

Posted: 09 Feb 2022 12:08 AM PST


ESCONDIDO, Calif.–()–On January 26, 2022, the five-member Escondido City Council unanimously authorized staff to issue a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) for the management of the Reidy Creek Golf Course and Concessions.

The course has presented challenges for Escondido taxpayers under the tenure of operator JC Resorts. The San Diego Union-Tribune called it a “municipal money pit” in October 2018. Since 2018, Escondido taxpayers have continued to subsidize the Reidy Creek course.

Councilmembers questioned the course's performance and terms of the city's contract with JC Resorts.

  • Mayor Paul McNamara said, “I think we’re all a little bit nervous that we don’t want to go back to years and years of us losing money.”
  • Councilmember Consuelo Martinez said, “When I got on the council in late 2018 and all through 2020 it made me cringe to see how much the city was losing with this golf course.” Martinez acknowledged that course revenue increased in 2021 and encouraged other operators to apply to manage the Reidy Creek Golf Course.
  • Joe Garcia, a Councilmember, asked why the contract was for ten years. Staff said it could be shorter.

Prior to the meeting, Sierra Club North County Group, Climate Action Campaign and the hotel workers’ union called on the Escondido City Council to replace JC Resorts as golf course operator and consider alternative uses for the site given its prior performance. The groups stated that “We do not understand the rationale behind a contract that increased JC Resorts’ management fees even as taxpayers had to kick in money to subsidize the operation.”

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Karen Hockstad, Partner, Dinsmore and Shohl LLP to Speak at The Knowledge Group’s Trends and Developments in the TCPA:Compliance and Important Updates

Posted: 08 Feb 2022 11:54 PM PST

Karen Hockstad, Partner, Dinsmore and Shohl LLP to Speak at The Knowledge Group’s Trends and Developments in the TCPA:Compliance and Important Updates


BUSINESS: Top Quote The Knowledge Group, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Karen Hockstad, Partner, Dinsmore & Shohl LLP will speak at its webcast entitled, Trends and Developments in the TCPA: Compliance and Important Updates. This event is scheduled for Wednesday, February 23, 2022, from 12: 00 PM to 1: 30 PM ET. BUSINESS: End Quote

  • (1888PressRelease) January 22, 2022 – The Knowledge Group, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Karen Hockstad, Partner, Dinsmore & Shohl LLP will speak at its webcast entitled, Trends and Developments in the TCPA: Compliance and Important Updates. This event is scheduled for Wednesday, February 23, 2022, from 12: 00 PM to 1: 30 PM ET.

    For further details, please visit:

    About Karen Hockstad

    Karen has more than 25 years of experience focused on commercial litigation and commercial finance. She has worked with closely held and publicly traded companies, banks and call centers to address consumer issues. This includes the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, Junk Fax Protection Act and federal and state regulatory compliance issues. Also, she is familiar with state and local privacy and consumer issues. She is a nationally recognized speaker on TCPA class actions defense and has extensive experience defending nationwide class actions. Karen has been lead counsel in dozens TCPA and JFPA cases. She also provides compliance counseling and advice to her clients, ensuring that their clients are protected by privacy policies, terms and conditions of websites, and other contractual provisions.

    About Dinsmore & Shohl LLP

    Dinsmore is a full-service law firm with more than 725 attorneys in 29 cities across the country. Our lawyers represent capital sources, government entities, top businesses, and individuals in many areas including public and commercial financing, corporate, mergers and acquisitions, labor and employee, compensation and benefits and intellectual property, real-estate, bankruptcy, litigation, and other legal matters. Dinsmore is an AmLaw 200 and National Law Journal 250 firm, and a member of the BTIs Client Service A-Team.

    Event Summary

    To boost their marketing goals, businesses continue to use technology like automated messaging to communicate with customers. There are still many complaints, such as the use of an automated telephone dialer (or prerecorded voice) in job robocalls and the opt-out requirements to facsimile transmissions. These issues raise questions about consumer privacy, and a call was made to review the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), rulings. Notable lawsuits like Loyhayem v. Fraser Financial and Insurance Services have a significant impact on how courts interpret the TCPA. This leaves questions about other pending cases.

    These updates and others highlight the importance of companies staying current with the evolving TCPA paradigm in order to avoid potential violations and litigation.

    The Knowledge Group has assembled a group of thought leaders to provide a comprehensive analysis and commentary on the latest trends and court decisions relating to the TCPA. The speakers will also provide practical guidance on how to comply with the rapidly changing TCPA landscape.

    Key topics include:

    TCPA: Recent Developments

    TCPA Litigation: Impact of Notable Cases on Court Decisions

    Businesses Obligations on the Use of Automated Messaging

    Compliance Tips

    TCPA Landscape: What’s Next


    About The Knowledge Group

    In November 2006,, The Knowledge Group was founded. It has been a leader in providing continuing education programs for lawyers and accountants, financial executives and risk and compliance specialists.

    The Knowledge Group is committed to being the best provider of continuing education. We provide relevant content that you won’t find anywhere else.


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LONG AFTER THIS by Howard Jackson is published by Red Rattle Books

Posted: 08 Feb 2022 11:54 PM PST

LONG AFTER THIS by Howard Jackson is published by Red Rattle Books

 Top Quote A personal account of how Elvis's life and music shaped a whole generation of people around the world.  End Quote

  • (1888PressRelease) January 22, 2022 – ISBN #978-1909086319

    LONG AFTER THIS by Howard Jackson is published by Red Rattle Books

    A personal account of how Elvis's life and music shaped a whole generation of people around the world

    About the Book:


    'Long After This' remembers the music of Elvis Presley that author Howard Jackson sometimes loved and sometimes hated. In 'Long After This' the individual record albums are used to mark what was happening in the career of the singer but also events in the wider world and the life of the author. The memories of Jackson recall triumphs and tragedies and how a century and important years of change shaped both the idol and a fan. Without ever neglecting the music, 'Long After This' insists upon the persistence of memory and the impact of fate.

    'Jackson is the King of left-wing Elvis fandom.' Tom Watson

    About the Author:

    A decade ago, Howard Jackson published 'Treat Me Nice'. The book compared Elvis to the creature created by Dr Frankenstein. At the time, someone suggested that instead of concerning himself with Frankenstein and gothic fiction, he would make better use of his time if he wrote a book about the record albums of Elvis Presley. Most people who write about Elvis find one book insufficient to make sense of their interest.

    In 2016, Sony repackaged the albums of Elvis that released by RCA in his lifetime. Because Sony decided to add the occasional extra song to individual albums, 'The RCA Album Collection' contains every Elvis recording released while Elvis was alive. 'The RCA Album Collection' suffices both for collectors and those who wish to use it for reference.

    In 'Long After This', Howard recalls how the appearance of these records related to what was happening in his life. 'Long After This' is then a kind of memoir. This is a response to the music of Elvis but it has the added ambition of sharing a personal perspective that some may find of interest.

    Despite the books that have appeared, the life of Elvis still exists without adequate explanation. To some, he is a victim, a huge talent that others helped destroy. Others regard him as inconsequential and overrated. Mystery, of course, is not confined to Elvis. The past blurs not just the life he led, but the lives of all of us. Howard has listened to his music, watched his movies and read volumes about Elvis Presley throughout his life. Events in his life help him remember incidents in his own life. But the successes and failures of Elvis have marked lives besides his own. All his fans have memories of Elvis and stories to tell.

    The title of 'Long After This' is taken from the song 'I’ll Remember You'. The song was recorded by Elvis in 1966.

    LONG AFTER THIS by Howard Jackson is available from bookshops & online in the UK, Europe, USA and Australia and in paperback from Amazon at:

    and in e-book format from Amazon at:

    For info. about Red Rattle Books, see:

    Press/Media Contact Details:

    Howard Jackson

    Managing Director

    Red Rattle Books

    E-mail: jacksonhoward09 ( @ ) googlemail dot com


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