Tuesday, February 8, 2022

dWebServe Submit News Opinions Worldwide

dWebServe Submit News Opinions Worldwide

ENVIRONMENT: The Hollywood Sign & Celebrity Mountain Lion P-22 Celebrate 10 Years Of Residence At Griffith Park In Los Angeles

Posted: 08 Feb 2022 05:08 AM PST

ENVIRONMENT: CORE Electric Cooperative Appoints Rob Osborn Director Of Business Development

Posted: 08 Feb 2022 05:08 AM PST


*)SEDALIA (Colo.), Feb. 8, 2022/PRNewswire/ — CORE Electric Cooperative is proud to announce that Rob Osborn has been hired to fill the newly created position as Director of Business Development. Effective February 22, 2022. Rob Osborn will be the Director of Business Development for …


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Posted: 08 Feb 2022 05:08 AM PST


VANCOUVER BC, February 8, 2022 /CNW/ – Northstar Clean Technologies Inc. TSXV: ROOOF (OTCQB : ROOOF). “Northstar” (or the “Company”) is happy to announce Ms. Kellie Johnsonston’s appointment as Chief Sustainability Officer (“CSO”) (CSO”) and Corporate Counsel. Ms. Johnston has a …

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NASA Tech Contest: STEM Student Experiments Win

Posted: 08 Feb 2022 04:56 AM PST

NASA Tech Contest: STEM Student Experiments Win

SPACE: NASA has selected 57 the winning teams for an inaugural national challenge to engage and prepare future scientists, engineers, and math professionals…

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Kueker’s Nursery & Landscape provides full-service outdoor living

Posted: 08 Feb 2022 04:55 AM PST

Kueker's Nursery & Landscape provides full-service outdoor living

BUSINESS: *. Kueker's Nursery and Landscaping is a leading landscaper and turf care provider, offering residential and commercial landscape services. Kueker’s Nursery & Landscaping has maintained its commitment to excellence and honesty while providing excellent service.

Kueker's Nursery and Landscaping is a leading landscaper and turf care provider for nearly two decades. They offer residential and commercial landscaping services. This firm has maintained its commitment to excellence and honesty while providing excellent service.

*)Kueker’s landscape team has strong landscaping experience. All employees have years of landscaping experience and can do the jobs they are assigned. Kueker’s employees have access to a variety of landscaping equipment and trucks that can help them complete any job.

*)Kueker’s Nursery & Landscaping aims to provide high-quality residential landscaping services. Because every project is important, their staff is dedicated to the highest quality results. They provide a variety of services including landscaping design and nursery care.

Kueker’s landscaping professionals regularly use landscaping techniques to lower landscaping costs. This allows you to do more landscaping with the money that you have.

Kueker's Nursery & Landscaping will provide comprehensive landscaping services. Landscapers who follow landscaping plans take care of landscaping elements such as trees and landscaping.

They have a well-stocked nursery that stocks all the plants that are suitable for the climate and soil of the area. You can visit their store and get their help in designing your garden.

Landscape design is a great option if you want to keep your outdoor areas looking good. Kueker’s Nursery and Landscaping can help you choose the best landscape for your space. They’ll also take care of all aspects of upkeep and design, including mowing the grass.

Kueker’s Nursery & Landscaping is a landscaping company. We know that curb appeal goes beyond attractive plants and green lawns. You’ll need walkways and fire pits as well as mailboxes to complete your outdoor space. With their hardscaping design, you can achieve the look you want as a gardening company.

There are many reasons to choose Kueker's Nursery & Landscaping. The commercial landscaping services have helped their company grow into a professional and well-structured business.

*They offer many services including landscape design, fertilization, analysis of soil, sales and marketing for professional maintenance and services. They also offer horticulture.

If you’re looking for “landscaping near me,” go to https://kuekerslandscape.com/ and learn more about how they can help you with your nursery and landscape design needs. This one-of-a kind experience with such a talented team will leave you satisfied.

Contact Name: Brad Kueker

Email: consult@kuekerslandscape.com

About Kueker's Nursery & Landscaping

*)Kueker’s Nursery and Landscaping is a leader in landscaping and maintenance of turf for residential and commercial properties. It has maintained its commitments to quality, integrity, service, and customer satisfaction. These principles are an integral part of everything we do every day, on every project. These principles are our commitment to treating every customer and each project equally, focusing on quality service and customer service.

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Hardbacon Reveals the Best Prepaid Credit Cards in Canada for 2022

Posted: 08 Feb 2022 04:55 AM PST

Hardbacon Reveals the Best Prepaid Credit Cards in Canada for 2022

*. This list highlights the main characteristics of 11 prepaid credit cards that are available to Canadians to help them choose the right card to suit their needs and lifestyle.

Hardbacon, a personal finance application used by more than 35,000 Canadians, revealed today its list of top prepaid credit cards in Canada for 2022.

Prepaid credit cards are gaining popularity in Canada due to their many benefits. Prepaid credit cards function like a debit card but have the advantages of a credit card. You can’t spend more than the available funds with a prepaid credit card. However, you can make essential purchases such as booking a hotel room or renting a vehicle.

There are many options for Canadians interested in opening a Prepaid Card. Hardbacon is committed to helping Canadians make better financial decisions. To make it easier, they have compiled a list of the top prepaid cards and explained everything about them before you sign-up.

“Prepaid cards are a great alternative to traditional credit cards,” stated Julien Brault, Hardbacon CEO. This list is a great way for Canadians to maximize their money .”


Hardbacon’s listing highlights the main features and costs of 11 credit cards for Canadians. This includes monthly fees and spending limits.

The 11 Top Prepaid Credit Cards in Canada in 2022, According To Hardbacon:

  • Koho Visa Prepaid Credit Card
  • The STACK Prepaid Mastercard
  • The Mogo Visa Platinum Prepaid card
  • The BMO Prepaid Travel Mastercard
  • CIBC Smart Repaid Visa Card
  • CIBC Smart Travel Visa Card
  • The CIBC Air Canada Conversion Card
  • The Canada Post Mastercard
  • The Vanilla Prepaid Visa and Mastercard
  • The Titanium+ Mastercard
  • The American Express Repaid Cards

Hardbacon’s Top Prepaid Credit Cards for 2022,, including the complete list 11 Best prepaid Credit Cards in Canada for 2022,, can be found on Hardbacon's Blog.

About Hardbacon

Hardbacon is a Canadian financial planning tool that helps Canadians budget, plan and invest. It also allows users to compare various financial services, such as bank accounts, credit cards, online brokers and robo-advisors. Hardbacon can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play Store.

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Despues de un aborto espontaneo, trabajadoras no tienen ni tiempo libre ni ayuda de las empresas

Posted: 08 Feb 2022 04:54 AM PST

Despues de un aborto espontaneo, trabajadoras no tienen ni tiempo libre ni ayuda de las empresas


Durante tres anos, Rachel Makkar dijo que prospero en su trabajo como agente de bolsa y gestora de activos en J&B Building Company, en Colorado. Su desempeno laboral era sobresaliente y aseguro que asi lo reflejaban sus evaluaciones. Pensaba que era “el mejor lugar en el que habia trabajado”.

Pero todo cambio en agosto. Tras intentar concebir un segundo hijo durante “mucho tiempo”, un fin de semana sufrio en casa un aborto espontaneo temprano. Ese lunes no pudo ir a trabajar. “Estaba muy traumatizada”, conto. “Toda esa primera semana fue emocionalmente muy dura para mi”.

Ademas, tenia una cita con el medico para asegurarse de que no se trataba de un embarazo ectopico, que habria requerido una intervencion quirurgica inmediata.

Habia enviado un correo electronico a sus jefes, informandoles del aborto y de la necesidad de tomarse el lunes libre, para lo que contaba con suficientes permisos pagos. Debido a la pandemia, habia estado trabajando desde casa varios dias a la semana y opto por hacerlo de nuevo el martes porque seguia sangrando y tenia la cara “muy hinchada de tanto llorar”, conto.

Regreso al trabajo, como estaba previsto, el miercoles, y luego, dado que sus jefes estaban fuera de la oficina, trabajo desde casa el resto de la semana.

A la semana siguiente, 10 dias despues de su aborto, uno de los duenos de la empresa la llamo y la despidio, supuestamente por trabajar desde casa repetidamente, a pesar de que otros empleados tenian horarios hibridos similares, segun Makkar. Para ella “fue un shock”.

Cuando Makkar le recordo que habia trabajado desde casa por su aborto, dijo que le respondio: “Cuando mi mujer tuvo un aborto al principio de nuestro matrimonio, solo se tomo medio dia libre en el trabajo”.

Que la despidieran justo despues de sufrir un aborto espontaneo “fue verdaderamente horrible”, sollozo. “Te sientes devastada, y recibes un golpe mas”.

Makkar presento una queja contra J&B ante la Division de Derechos Civiles de Colorado, acusando a la empresa de discriminacion por genero y embarazo al despedirla, en violacion de las leyes del estado de Colorado. “Esto no deberia ocurrirle a ninguna otra mujer”, dijo.

Un abogado de J&B dijo que la empresa no comenta sobre los litigios en curso y se nego a proporcionar las alegaciones que la compania pudo haber presentado ante el estado. “Solo confiamos en que, una vez que se revisen los hechos, la empresa sera reivindicada”, senalo.

El aborto espontaneo, que se produce en una cuarta parte de los embarazos, es la forma mas comun de perdida de un embarazo. Y, sin embargo, no hay leyes nacionales que protejan a las personas cuando necesitan tomarse un tiempo para afrontar la perdida.

Las necesidades fisicas de quien sufre un aborto espontaneo varian mucho. En la primera o segunda semana, los sintomas pueden parecerse a los de una menstruacion abundante, con calambres y algo de dolor.

Cuanto mas tarde en el embarazo se produzca un aborto espontaneo, es mas probable que se sufra una hemorragia importante, “hasta el punto de provocar anemia en algunos casos”, afirmo el doctor Wael Salem, endocrinologo de reproduccion y especialista en fertilidad del CCRM de San Francisco.

Algunas personas tienen contracciones tan intensas que necesitan tratamiento del dolor, anadio. Los abortos espontaneos en el segundo trimestre, o mas tarde, pueden requerir procedimientos en el hospital. Las secuelas suelen ser imprevisibles y pueden durar semanas o meses.

“El aborto espontaneo no es algo que ocurre una vez y se termina”, dijo Salem. “Se prolonga fisica, mental y emocionalmente”.

En el aspecto emocional “puede ser una experiencia muy traumatica”, senalo Maria Brann, profesora de comunicacion en la Universidad de Indiana, que ha estudiado el aborto espontaneo durante una decada.

Hay quien se culpa a si misma, aunque la gran mayoria de los abortos espontaneos tempranos se deben a anomalias cromosomicas que escapan al control de las personas. El dolor se ve agravado porque no existen rituales establecidos como los que acompanan a otras perdidas, y por el estigma asociado al aborto espontaneo.

Luego de este trauma, “es muy dificil concentrarse”, explico Brann. “Y tu productividad probablemente va a ser menor”.

“Es realmente importante que animemos a las mujeres a cuidarse”, dijo Brann. De lo contrario, el duelo no se procesara adecuadamente y puede “causar una angustia mental aun mayor mas adelante”.

Cada vez son mas las personas que hablan sobre la experiencia del aborto espontaneo, entre ellas mujeres de alto perfil como Michelle Obama, Meghan Markle y la actriz Gabrielle Union.

Pero a muchas trabajadoras les resulta dificil conseguir este tiempo libre. La Ley Federal de Discriminacion por Embarazo prohibe a los empleadores tratar a las trabajadoras embarazadas, que dan a luz o que padecen enfermedades relacionadas –incluido el aborto espontaneo– peor que a sus companeros de trabajo.

Los tribunales, sin embargo, han interpretado esa ley de forma diferente, incluso despues de que una decision del Tribunal Supremo de 2015 fallara a favor de una demandante que alegaba discriminacion por embarazo. Los jueces han desestimado dos tercios de los casos posteriores, segun un estudio realizado por A Better Balance, una organizacion juridica nacional sin fines de lucro que promueve los derechos en el lugar de trabajo.

Treinta estados y cinco localidades –incluido Colorado– han promulgado leyes que obligan a los empresarios a ofrecer a las trabajadoras ayuda relacionada con el embarazo, que puede incluir tiempo libre para recuperarse de un aborto. Pero fuera de esos estados, las trabajadoras solo estan protegidas por la ley del embarazo o la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades, si un aborto espontaneo es lo suficientemente grave como para limitar sustancialmente una “actividad vital”.

En la actualidad, 13 estados, 20 ciudades y cuatro condados, entre los que tambien se encuentra Colorado, han promulgado leyes que obligan a algunas empresas a conceder a los trabajadores una baja laboral remunerada por necesidades medicas, como los efectos en la salud fisica y mental del aborto espontaneo. No se exige que los empleados digan por que necesitan el tiempo libre, solo presentar una nota del medico.

“No hay que hacer recaer sobre la trabajadora la responsabilidad de revelar algo que puede ser muy personal y muy delicado”, expreso Sarah Brafman, consejera de A Better Balance.

Nueve estados y el Distrito de Columbia cuentan con programas de baja familiar remunerada, que pueden utilizarse para las complicaciones mas graves derivadas de un aborto espontaneo. En otros lugares, los trabajadores pueden tomar una licencia no remunerada bajo la Ley de Licencia Familiar y Medica si cumplen los requisitos.

Para llenar los vacios que existen, la senadora Tammy Duckworth (democrata de Illinois) y la diputada Ayanna Pressley (democrata de Massachusetts) presentaron una ley que garantizaria tres dias de permiso remunerado por aborto espontaneo y otros problemas de fertilidad.

Los democratas tambien han presentado una legislacion federal para garantizar la baja por enfermedad remunerada, y han incluido esta licencia en el plan de gasto social del presidente Joe Biden, aunque esa disposicion ha encontrado un fuerte rechazo por parte de algunos legisladores.

Makkar vive con las secuelas de su aborto. “Todavia estoy muy traumatizada”, dijo. Intenta encontrar un nuevo trabajo, pero la busqueda es complicada. Se siente “aterrada de volver a vivir la misma situacion”, anadio, porque quiere tener mas hijos. “No quiero trabajar en un lugar donde eso no se apoye”.

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Workers have few guarantees for job-based help or time off after miscarriages

Posted: 08 Feb 2022 04:54 AM PST

Workers have few guarantees for job-based help or time off after miscarriages

Rachel Makkar stated that she was a successful broker and asset manager at J&B Building Co., Colorado, for three years. She was a star performer at her job, she stated in her performance reviews.

This changed in August. She had tried for “a very long time” to conceive another child. But she was unsuccessful one weekend. That Monday, she couldn’t return to work. She said that she was traumatized. “That whole first week was like an intense level of emotion that had never been experienced before,” she said. She also had a doctor’s visit to make sure she wasn’t suffering from an ectopic baby, which would have meant she needed immediate surgery.

She had sent an email to her bosses informing them about the miscarriage. She also needed to take Monday off because she had enough paid time. She said that she had been working from home for several days due to the pandemic. Tuesday was her second day at work, as she was still bleeding from tears and her face was puffy. According to her, she returned to work on Wednesday as planned. However, since her managers were away, she worked from home for the remainder of the week.

The week after her miscarriage, 10 days later, one of her company owners called her. He alleged that she had been working at home too often, while others in the firm had similar schedules. Makkar says she was shocked. She was shocked .”

When Makkar reminded her that she had been working from home due to her miscarriage she replied, “When my spouse had a miscarriage at the beginning of our marriage she only took half a day off work .”

She was devastated to hear that she had been fired after her miscarriage. It’s another blow .”

that you’re already so distraught.

Makker filed an allegation against J&B with Colorado Civil Rights Division. She accused the company of discrimination in pregnancy and gender for her firing. This was in violation of Colorado state law. She stated that “this shouldn’t happen to other women.”

Makkar's lawyer, David E. Gottlieb said that they "intend to file lawsuit in the coming month in Colorado state court .”

A lawyer for J&B stated that the company’s policy was not to comment on ongoing litigation. He also declined to respond to any state responses the company might have filed. He stated that the company would be vindicated if all facts have been reviewed.

Miscarriage is the most common type of pregnancy loss. It occurs in around 25% of all pregnancies. Yet, there are no national laws to protect those who need time off work to cope with the loss.

The physical needs of a miscarriage sufferer vary. The symptoms of a miscarriage can look like heavy periods with cramping and pain for the first few weeks. A miscarriage can occur at any time during pregnancy, but more often than not, Dr. Wael Salem of CCRM San Francisco, a reproductive endocrinologist, fertility specialist, said that there is a greater chance of bleeding. He said that some people experience severe pain from heavy contractions and need pain management. Hospital admission may be required for miscarriages that occur in the second or third trimester. These effects can be unpredictable and last for several weeks or even months.

“Miscarriage does not happen in one go,” Salem stated. It drags on emotionally, mentally, and physically

The emotional side of miscarriage can be “very traumatic,” said Maria Brann, an Indiana University professor of communications studies who has been studying it for a decade. People blame themselves, even though most early miscarriages are caused by chromosomal abnormalities that are beyond their control. The lack of rituals and stigma associated with miscarriage adds to the grief.

In the aftermath of traumas like these, it can be very difficult to concentrate,” Brann stated. “An individual is likely not going to be as productive

” It is very important that we encourage women take care of themselves,” Brann stated. The grief will not be dealt with and can cause more mental anguish .”


More people have been speaking out about miscarriage, including celebrities like Michelle Obama and Meghan Markle.

Many workers struggle to take time off work. Employers cannot treat pregnant women, giving birth or with related medical conditions, including miscarriage, worse than their co-workers under the federal Pregnancy Discrimination Act. However, courts have applied the law in a different way to cases, even though a 2015 Supreme Court ruling was in favor of a plaintiff claiming pregnancy discrimination. According to A Better Balance, an organization that promotes workplace rights, two-thirds (or more) of the cases have been dismissed since then.

Thirty-five states and five localities, including Colorado, have passed laws that require employers offer accommodations to pregnant workers. This can include time off for recovery from miscarriage. However, workers in states other than those mentioned are not protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act or the pregnancy act. This applies only if the miscarriage results in a substantial limitation of a worker’s “life activity .”


Currently, 13 States, 20 Cities, and four counties (also including Colorado) have passed laws that require some employers to offer paid sick leave to workers to cover medical needs such as the mental and physical effects of miscarriage. The laws don’t require employees, except for a doctor’s note, to explain why they are seeking the time off.

“It is not for workers to disclose information that may be sensitive or personal,” Sarah Brafman, senior policy counsel at A Better Balance, said.

Nine US states and the District of Columbia offer paid family leave programs. These can be used to treat more serious miscarriage-related complications. If they are eligible, workers in other countries can use the Family and Medical Leave Act to take unpaid leave.

To fill in the gaps, Senator Tammy Duckworth (D.Ill.) & Rep. AyannaPressley (D.Mass.) Legislation was introduced that would guarantee three days of paid time off for miscarriage or other fertility issues. Federal legislation has been introduced by Democrats to guarantee paid sick leaves. They’ve also included paid family leave within President Joe Biden's social spending plan. However, some lawmakers are resisting the inclusion of this provision and it is languishing at Congress.

Makkar lives with the consequences of her miscarriage. She said that it was still so distressing. It’s difficult for her to find a job. She said she is “terrified” of being in the same situation again because she wants more children. “I don't want to go somewhere that doesn't support .”


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What the Federal ‘No Surprises Act’ Means in California

Posted: 08 Feb 2022 04:54 AM PST

What the Federal 'No Surprises Act' Means in California

Betty Chow, a Los Angeles resident, had a cervical disc replaced in August 2020 at a surgery center that was part of her Anthem Blue Cross PPO network.

Thirteen months later, she was blindsided by a bill for nearly $2,000 from the anesthesiologist who was on her surgical team but was not contracted with her PPO, or preferred provider organization.

Chow, a 35-year-old veterinarian, says she discussed the bill with her boyfriend, a registered nurse. He told her about a California law that took effect in 2017 and prohibits such "surprise bills" from out-of-network medical providers who work at in-network facilities.

Unfortunately, that law does not protect Chow or nearly 6 million other Californians who get health coverage through employers that pay employee medical bills out of their own treasuries. These "self-funded" plans are regulated by the U.S. Department of Labor — and thus are beyond the reach of state law.

But a federal law that took effect Jan. 1 bridges that gap for the more than 100 million people enrolled in such health plans across the United States, including those nearly 6 million Californians. And it covers millions more in the 32 states that have no laws against surprise bills or have laws offering only partial protection.

The new federal law, the No Surprises Act, also protects nearly 1 million Californians not covered by a 2009 California Supreme Court ruling that prohibits emergency room doctors and other providers of emergency services from billing HMO patients for out-of-network charges not paid by their insurers — a practice known as balance billing.

"Millions more Californians will now be protected against these bills that are not just unfair but put families' economic security at risk," says Anthony Wright, executive director of Health Access California, a consumer advocacy group.

It's high time. Surprise bills have inflicted financial pain on millions of Americans for far too long.

When patients are seen by out-of-network providers they didn't choose, it is often a double whammy: They pay more out-of-pocket — even if their health plan covers some out-of-network care — and they may later receive balance bills from providers that can total thousands of dollars.

Research shows that surprise bills are common among the nearly 200 million U.S. residents enrolled in private health plans.

A 2020 study found that 20% of privately insured patients who had elective surgery at a hospital that was in their insurance network received surprise bills from providers who were not. Bills from anesthesiologists averaged $1,219. Bills from surgical assistants averaged more than twice that amount.

"When patients pay their insurance premiums, they presume — and I believe fairly presume — that they will be covered financially," says Katie Berge, director of federal government affairs at the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

The No Surprises Act covers all privately insured people in employer-sponsored and individual/family health plans. Medicare and Medicaid already protect their enrollees against nasty billing surprises.

The new federal law, which is largely in sync with California's, bans balance billing for nonemergency care by out-of-network providers at in-network facilities and for most emergency room care at any facility. Insurers must cover those services at in-network rates, and providers may not bill patients for any amounts beyond that. Providers and health plans must negotiate how much the plan will pay, leaving patients out of the fray.

The federal law also protects against outlandish bills from out-of-network air ambulance services. A California law that took effect in January 2020 does the same thing. But it doesn't cover the millions of people in federally regulated health plans and has been vulnerable to a possible legal challenge because it may conflict with the 1978 deregulation of airlines, which included air ambulances.

In cases where its provisions are stronger, the federal law will trump state laws.

What about enforcement? The federal government will defer to states in cases that involve state-regulated plans, and in those that involve federally regulated ones if the target of the complaint is a provider, says Loren Adler, associate director of the USC-Brookings Schaeffer Initiative for Health Policy. But the federal government will step in if states refuse or cannot enforce the law, he says.

Federal health officials are sending letters about enforcement to the governors of every state.

California, with its strong laws against surprise billing, certainly has the means and experience for enforcement, though it has not seen a huge number of cases. In the past four years, the Department of Managed Health Care has resolved 1,006 consumer complaints about balance billing, and 467 of them yielded total reimbursements of nearly $1 million to enrollees, says Rachel Arrezola, a department spokesperson.

Of course, not all bills that surprise patients are regulated by state or federal law. Sometimes people owe more than they thought on their deductible, or their cost sharing was higher than they realized, or their procedure wasn't covered by their health plan, or the facility they chose wasn't in their network.

So, bone up on your insurance policy. Know what and who it covers, which facilities are in the network, how much your out-of-pocket costs are, and how much of your deductible remains to be paid.

That will help you determine whether a bill is illegitimate. And there still will be illegitimate bills — because people make mistakes. And some medical professionals act in bad faith.

When you get a bill, don't pay it right away. Ask questions. Compare it with the explanation of benefits you receive from your insurer — and if that hasn't arrived yet, wait for it. If there's a discrepancy between what your provider and your health plan say, call them both, and try to iron it out.

If that doesn't work, don't get discouraged. You can file a grievance with your health plan. And if that doesn't resolve your problem, contact the Department of Managed Health Care to open an appeal, either on its website (www.healthhelp.ca.gov) or by calling 1-888-466-2219. The department also has a fact sheet that may answer some of your questions about California's surprise billing law.

The federal government has launched a website (www.cms.gov/nosurprises) that may answer many of your questions about the No Surprises Act and will enable you to lodge a complaint or dispute a bill. You can also contact a federal "no surprises" help desk at 1-800-985-3059.

If you are simply befuddled by medical bills or lack the confidence to contest one on your own, the Health Consumer Alliance is a great resource. Find an office near you by going to www.healthconsumer.org or calling 1-888-804-3536.

Chow, a native of Hong Kong who has been a patient in the single-payer system there and in the United Kingdom, says she is baffled by the U.S. system, "where you pay for medical insurance, but then you have to pay more."

Although California's law does not protect her from the anesthesiologist's $2,000 bill and the new federal law is not retroactive, she nonetheless appears to be headed toward a happy ending.

After three collection attempts by the anesthesiologist and several phone calls by Chow, Anthem agreed to knock the bill down to $83 and to update the anesthesiologist's billing office. That still hasn't happened, but Chow is hopeful.

"I don't really understand what I'm responsible for," she says, "except $83 is a lot less than $2,000."

This story was produced by KHN, which publishes California Healthline, an editorially independent service of the California Health Care Foundation.

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ENVIRONMENT: Driivz Acquired By Vontier To Accelerate Its E-Mobility Strategy

Posted: 08 Feb 2022 04:50 AM PST


TEL AVIV, Israel–()–Driivz, the leading end-to-end EV charging and smart energy management software platform, today announced its acquisition by Vontier Corporation (“Vontier”), a global industrial technology company focused on transportation and mobility solutions. This acquisition will accelerate Vontier’s strategy of providing smart, sustainable mobility solutions. Driivz’s white label solutions enable utilities, gas and oil firms, automakers, and EV charger service providers to offer a range of sophisticated, yet simple-to-use solutions for all players in the ecosystem, such as hosts, fleets, municipalities, industrial buildings, MDUs, host cities, commercial and industrial buildings, and municipal governments.

Driivz is still managed by Doron Frenkel. It will operate as an independent company and a fully owned subsidiary of Vontier.

“Vontier believes that the next decade will bring about the greatest changes in global mobility since the invention and use of the automobile.” Mark Morelli, president and CEO of Vontier, stated that clean, efficient fueling technology was no longer an option. “The acquisition Driivz will accelerate our portfolio diversification, e-mobility strategies towards long-term secular growth drivers, and position us well to capitalize upon the global EV Charging Infrastructure Market (EVCI). Driivz offers us market-leading technologies in the most lucrative and high growth segment of network management software. “We are thrilled to offer our customers the best-in-class software, which is hardware agnostic, and allow them to continue owning the consumer experience.” Doron Frenkel (Driivz founder, CEO) said, “This acquisition will accelerate the market leadership in smart energy management and EV charging.” We can make a greater impact on a global scale by using the most flexible platform, innovative technology, and flexible business models. Our commitment is to our customers and to our motivated team of experts, who we will continuously cater for customers’ current and future needs.”

About Driivz

Driivz is the leading global software supplier to EV operators and service providers, accelerating the plug-in EV industry’s dynamic and continuous transformation. The company’s cloud-based, intelligent platform covers EV charging operations as well as energy management, advanced billing capabilities, and driver self-service tools. Based in Tel Aviv, Israel, Driivz’s team of EV experts serve customers in more than 20 countries, including global industry players such as Volvo Group, EVgo, Gilbarco Veeder-Root, Centrica, ElaadNL, ESB, Mer and eMobility Power. Driivz manages tens to thousands of EV charging stations in North America, Europe and APAC. Nearly 1 million EV drivers use the platform. For more information, please visit http://www.driivz.com.

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