Monday, October 14, 2013

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dWebServe Submit Press Releases for SEO Search Engine Optimization

Webster gets carried away when reads Old MacDonald Had A Farm for children

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 09:34 PM PDT

Daniel Reads Old MacDonald Had A Farm for Children

Daniel Webster, dWebServe editor and publisher, gets carried away - imagine that - when he reads Old MacDonald Had A Farm for children during his kids' story time.

Native American singer shares tribute song for father Charlie Redhawk Thom

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 09:24 PM PDT

niinamich Native American Storyteller Singer Teacher YouTube Video

niinamich, a Native American singer, storyteller and teacher shares his tribute to his father Charlie "Redhawk" Thom in this YouTube video.

niinamich is a from the Karuk Tribe in Northern California along the Klamath River. niinamich Native American videos

Daniel Webster shares dWebServe foundation speech Who Are You?

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 09:18 PM PDT

Who Are You by Daniel Webster YouTube Video

Daniel Webster shares his foundation speech "Who Are You?" on home page

"It is our version of that very long user agreement no body ready," said dWebServe Editor and Publisher Daniel Webster. "I hope it helps challenge and encourage users to seek out who they really are."

By encouraging people to be who they are, Webster hopes the natural outgrowth is the use of talents and abilities given at birth - some of which may never have been used before

Veterans rally at WWII Memorial, take it to White House

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 08:16 PM PDT

Our vets are a priceless bunch, literally. God bless our vets. - Daniel Webster

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Rally at World War II Memorial Ends at White House

Sunday, Oct 13, 2013 | Updated 8:27 PM EDT

Day 13 of the government shutdown brought major fireworks to the White House. Protesters broke down the gates blocking the World War II memorial on the National Mall and carried them to the White House. Despite some clashes with police, no one was arrested. News4's Derrick Ward reports.



Protestors of the government shutdown began at the World War II Memorial early Saturday morning and ended at the White House gates and fence Saturday afternoon.

The group was upset with the closure of memorials in Washington due to the shutdown stalemate. The original WWII protest was organized by the Million Vet March group, but took on a more political tone.

According to NBC News, the president was in the White House at the time the protesters arrived at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Video from cameras on the White House lawn showed people carrying barricades, presumably from the WW II memorial, to the fence. The DC Police Department said via Twitter that they were on the scene with the U.S. Secret Service and the U.S. Park Police.

Iran plays bargaining chips with nuclear program

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 08:16 PM PDT

Did we all miss the announcement or did the United States quietly lose its position of power? Now Iran feels as if they have bargaining chips to play with their nuclear program - Daniel Webster

Full article

Iran to Offer Proposal and Speak of Peaceful Aims at Nuclear Talks in Geneva

Published: October 13, 2013

TEHRAN — Iranian nuclear negotiators will offer a new proposal on Tuesday that is intended to persuade world powers that the country's nuclear program has only peaceful aims, a top official said on Sunday.
The announcement came from Abbas Araghchi, the deputy foreign minister and one of Iran's negotiators in the nuclear talks set to begin Tuesday in Geneva. Mr. Araghchi told Iranian news media that his team would present a three-step plan that would secure the independence of Iran's civilian nuclear program while giving assurances that the country is not trying to assemble atomic weapons.

"We need to move towards a trust-building road map with the Westerners," Mr. Araghchi told the Islamic Student News Agency in an interview. "To them, trust-building means taking some steps in the nuclear case, and for us this happens when sanctions are lifted."

Iran's new president, Hassan Rouhani, has promised Iranians that he would end the 10-year standoff with the West over the nuclear program. The sanctions have seriously impeded Iran's ability to sell oil, and have cut the country off from the international banking system.

Mr. Araghchi did not discuss details of the new plan. The foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, posted a message on his personal Twitter account on Friday saying that new proposals from his country would be presented in Geneva on Tuesday and not before. "No speculations please (of course if you can help it!!!)," he wrote.

Great thoughts on succeeding in business as a woman

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 08:12 PM PDT

Great thoughts on succeeding in business as a woman. - Daniel Webster

Full article

Four Executives on Succeeding in Business as a Woman


Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times

Clockwise from top left, Lisa Price, president of Carol's Daughter, a beauty products company; Marjorie Kaplan, Group president at Animal Planet; Amy Schulman, general counsel at Pfizer; and Doreen Lorenzo, president of Quirky. Gender inequality at work is "still an issue," Ms. Lorenzo says. "It's not better. There's still a glass ceiling."

When I started the Corner Office column more than four years and about 250 interviews ago, I set several guidelines for the conversations I would have with top executives about leadership.

I was going to pursue, for example, a diverse mix of voices, in terms of age, race, nationality and the kind of organizations they led. I would also interview a lot of women, though I planned never to ask them any gender-related questions. My thinking was simply to interview leaders who happened to be women, rather than focus on the fact that they were women leaders.

But a few things have happened. The vigorous debates started by Sheryl Sandberg, with her "Lean In" book, and by Anne-Marie Slaughter, with her provocative article, "Why Women Still Can't Have It All" in The Atlantic, suggest that we are not even close to being done with the gender conversation (though Janet Yellen's nomination to lead the Fed is certainly a noteworthy milestone). I've also kept in touch with many of the women I've interviewed over the years, and I've heard from them a growing frustration with the stubbornly low number of women in executive suites.

Gravity pounded the oh-dear-it-may-have-all-been-a-lie Captain Phillips

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 08:10 PM PDT

Gravity pounded the oh-dear-it-may-have-all-been-a-lie Tom Hanks Hollywood hopeful Captain Phillips. Rules are rules, laws are laws. - Daniel Webster

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Box Office Report: Gravity Pulls In $44.2 Million In Second Weekend

By: Scott Johnson on October 13, 2013

Even though it was going up against another well-reviewed film, Gravity continued its dominance at the box office for the second week in a row. Gravity finished in the top spot at the U.S. weekend box office with $44.2 million. The film has now taken in $123.4 million at the U.S box office over the course of ten days. Gravity has also brought in $68 million at the international box office, which means the film is quickly closing in on crossing $200 million worldwide.

Captain Phillips, which premiered in movie theaters this weekend, took second place with a total of $26 million. Just like Gravity, Captain Phillips has received highly positive reviews from both critics and moviegoers. In its third week of release, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 took third place with $14.2 million. Machete Kills, which is another new release, managed fourth place with $3.79 million.

India temple stampede in Madhya Pradesh 'kills 91'

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 08:09 PM PDT

Another tragedy in India. - Daniel Webster

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India temple stampede in Madhya Pradesh 'kills 91'

Eyewitness Atul Chaudhary: "We saw people jumping into the river"
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Timeline: Deadliest stampedes

Some 91 pilgrims, mostly women and children, have been killed in a stampede at a Hindu festival in central India, local officials have said.

Many were crushed after panic broke out on a bridge near the Ratangarh temple in Madhya Pradesh state. Others died when they jumped from the bridge.

Officials said the stampede may have been sparked by a rumour that the bridge was about to collapse.

Hundreds of thousands had gathered near the town of Datia for the festival.

Local devotee Atul Chaudhary, who survived the crush, told BBC Hindi there had been a couple of thousand people on the bridge.

Netflix in talks with US cable providers -- report

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 08:08 PM PDT

The world of Netflix and the world of cable had to connect at sometime. They may clash, just a lil bit, don't ya think? - Daniel Webster
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Netflix in talks with US cable providers -- report

Talks are in early stages with Comcast and other pay TV providers to offer the online video service as an option on their set-top boxes, according to The Wall Street Journal.

by Desiree Everts DeNunzio October 13, 2013 4:39 PM PDT

(Credit: Netflix)Netflix, which has long had a love-hate relationship with the cable industry, could finally be looking to get cozier with US pay-TV providers.

According to a report Sunday in The Wall Street Journal (subscription required), Netflix is in talks with Comcast, Suddenlink Communications, and other service providers to offer its online video service as an app on their set-top boxes.

However, the talks are in early stages and no deal is imminent, people familiar with the matter told the Journal.

Netflix last month inked a deal with the UK's Virgin Media that will allow it to integrate its streaming service into Virgin's service through TiVo set-top boxes. But a similar deal with US pay TV providers would be the first of its kind.

If such a deal were to come to fruition, it would not only give consumers yet more devices from which to access the online video service, but it would mean US pay-TV providers are no longer working so hard to keep Netflix at arm's length.

Netflix has been hoping to forge partnerships with US pay-TV providers for some time. Last month, David Wells, Netflix's chief financial officer, told Bloomberg during an investor conference that it's had a standing invitation to US cable operators to add Netflix for two years.

SacBee: Secession brews in the ‘State of Jefferson’

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 08:05 PM PDT

Good article by Peter of the Sacramento Bee this week on State of Jefferson - Daniel Webster

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Secession brews in the 'State of Jefferson'

By Peter Hecht
Published: Thursday, Oct. 10, 2013 - 12:00 am

Peter Hecht /

Steve Brown, loading his truck outside his Modoc Farm Supply in Alturas, supports the secession effort, saying "something has to be done  to wake up the politicians."

ALTURAS -- At the 1908 Niles Hotel, newly restored in this Modoc County outpost of 2,700 residents, cattlemen in spurred boots and leather chaps are back at the saloon.

New local owners resurrected the long-shuttered hotel, remodeling rooms with ornate furnishings and reopening its tavern. They placed an American flag on a giant mounted elk in the saloon, where they serve up beer and hard liquor at a polished bar adorned with a sign: "If you're drinking to forget, please pay in advance."

These days, people in Modoc County and its neighbor county to the west, Siskiyou, are aiming to pull off a decidedly more stunning do-over. Last month, supervisors in the remote counties passed formal declarations affirming their desire to "start over" by withdrawing from California.

This improbable political rebellion, which seeks to recruit other counties to form a new State of Jefferson, is stoked with regional folklore.

It recalls the time, in 1941, when ornery residents in several counties in far Northern California and Southern Oregon staged a "secession." They named a retired judge from Crescent City as governor. Men with hunting rifles were stationed at mythical state borders. They raised the flag of Jefferson – marked with two Xs to protest the double-crossing politicians in Sacramento and Salem who failed to build roads for copper mining.

This year, on Sept. 3 and Sept. 23, respectively, county supervisors in Siskiyou and Modoc passed declarations supporting withdrawal from California as a first step toward forming the State of Jefferson. Enacted before packed galleries, the declarations asserted that state lawmakers neglected to represent the interests of "rural and frontier counties" by failing to protect property and water rights, passing gun restrictions and approving an "illegal fire tax."

The declarations also decried proposals endorsed by the U.S. Interior Department to remove four hydroelectric dams on the Klamath River in southwestern Oregon to restore historic spawning habitat for salmon and steelhead, a plan some ranchers view as a theft of water from local agriculture.

"We had a standing-room-only crowd and all but two people were in favor of it," said Modoc board chairwoman Geri Byrne, who endorsed the declaration that called for "protecting the rights, liberty, public health and safety of the people of a new State of Jefferson."

"The board members, whether they think it will happen or not, all voted for it because that's what the citizens want," Byrne said.

In Alturas, cattlemen stopping at the Niles Hotel offered another motive for the upstart revolt: anger over lost traditions.

For 11 years, the Niles, the grand palace in this timber and ranching town near the Oregon border, lay abandoned. Its boarded-up windows fairly wept over the generational loss of logging mills that had sent tired and thirsty workers into Alturas and once supported three local car dealerships – compared to the current single sales lot with its two lonely pickups.

In Modoc County, earnings from timber harvests plummeted from $35.4 million in 1994 to $4.5 million in 2011, with production a fraction of logging heydays in the 1970s and 1980s. These days, more than 18 percent of residents live in poverty. In Siskiyou, timber revenues dropped from $62.6 million in 1994 to $39.2 million in 2011. Seventeen percent of residents live in poverty.

Mike LaGrande, a Colusa County rancher with a wide-brimmed hat and weathered features who had just finished driving a herd of cattle to grazing lands near Alturas, looked over the town's restored hotel with his emotions torn.

"When I was a little boy, this was the place, the Niles Hotel," he said. "Everyone stayed here. There were poker games upstairs. This was the dream. People came to town more. They looked for things to rally around."

The old cowboy finished on a downer.

"It was all before timber was run out of this county," LaGrande said. "We ranchers and farmers have seen what the environmentalists have done. We feel we are next. They want us off the public lands. They want our water."

A breakaway spirit

Nearby, at the sprawling Modoc Cattle Auction, the notion of the State of Jefferson stirred a young cowboy. "If only it were true," he shouted as he brought his horse to a gallop, herding straggling cows into livestock pens.

With 9,300 residents, Modoc County has the third smallest population among California's 58 counties. Siskiyou is not much bigger: the 14th smallest with 44,000 residents. But some diehard believers think they can pull off statehood.

Such a feat would require approval of the California Legislature, as well as lawmakers in Oregon if counties there join the Jefferson movement, and ultimately passage by Congress. The last time that happened was in 1863, when West Virginia broke from Virginia during the Civil War. So far, no Oregon counties have officially signed on to the new effort.

Peter Laufer, author of a recent book on the region, "The Elusive State of Jefferson," said its breakaway spirit reflects the bitter political climate and an enduring myth that the 1941 Jefferson statehood drive would have succeeded if it weren't abruptly dropped after the Japanese attackedPearl Harbor and America entered World War II.

"The Jefferson region is a metaphor for the divisiveness around the country," said Laufer, a journalism professor at the University of Oregon. "And there are conflicts between the loggers, the fishermen, the environmentalists, the equity flight re-settlers from urban California and the descendants of the Oregon Trail. All these people have conflicting interests and they act as if they are unresolvable."

In Mount Shasta city, Kathleen Hitt, conservation director for the Siskiyou Land Trust, worries that "frustration and emotion" fanned by the State of Jefferson movement could upset the organization's efforts to work cooperatively with property owners to purchase and preserve forest lands and wildlife habitat. "I think the State of Jefferson is very fear-driven and it shuts the door on conversation," she said.

In the Modoc town of Lookout, State of Jefferson supporter Gary Monchamp, whose family for generations ran the former Lookout Logging Co., blames the government for the region's decline. He brings together his thumb and middle finger, cut in half in a logging accident long ago, to describe the inch-thick stack of paperwork he says California requires for even small logging jobs on private property.

"Their utopian philosophy in Sacramento just doesn't apply here," Monchamp said. "California doesn't want our timber, yet they want redwood decks. They don't want cattle grazing. Yet they want leather belts and beef and Jell-O."

'The greater good'

The same economic challenges that drive this secessionist movement raise questions about whether the region could support itself as a new state. Both Modoc and Siskiyou counties get far more money from California in state social services than residents pay in state income and sales taxes. And while farming in the area generates more than $85 million in annual earnings, government is the largest employer. County, state and federal jobs account for more than one-third of the labor force.

Yet in the Siskiyou County seat of Yreka, a new banner in a shop on downtown Miner Street welcomes visitors to "the Capital of the State of Jefferson." An accompanying sign announces a petition drive to prepare a "territorial government" for the coming state.

Blocks away, Mark Baird, owner of Yreka's FM country and classic rock Buffalo Radio, raises the classic 1941 Jefferson flag outside the station.

Baird, 61, is a 747 cargo pilot and a cattle and buffalo rancher. He helped draft the declarations passed in Siskiyou and Modoc and is trying to rally other northern counties to join, often enumerating rural residents' exasperation over legislative actions in Sacramento.

He blasts firearms legislation that treats "my ground squirrel gun" as if it were "a military weapon" and expresses incredulity over a new law protecting bathroom choices for transgender children. "We look at things like that and are horrified," he said.

He insists the State of Jefferson is the answer to revive logging, protect ranching and lure new businesses. He bristles at suggestions that these counties need to subsist on social services.

"It's absolutely infuriating to people up here, this idea that we're little children and we must have our hands held out," Baird said. "Well, we would make our own way. We are intelligent, creative, hardworking people, and without the morass of failed social engineering experiments here, we would do fine."

For now, the reopened Niles Hotel is the newest experiment in this region of Jefferson. Jim Cavasso, owner of Modoc Steel & Supply, and his wife, Elizabeth, a 37-year employee with the U.S. Forest Service, brought the hotel back to life with 500 gallons of paint and 800 pounds of grout. They collected antiques to furnish it. Local residents donated heirlooms, including a baby grand piano rumored to have been danced upon by Gene Kelly.

The couple is unsure about the State of Jefferson. Jim Cavasso wonders if the plan can clear "the bureaucratic bull." His wife said, "It has to be for the greater good, not just anger." But they agree the region needs a comeback story.

"People like Jim and I are rallying," Elizabeth said. "People say just seeing this hotel come back gives them faith."

Trinity Journal: State of Jefferson efforts go back a long way in North State

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 08:03 PM PDT

Thank you Trinity Journal for the State of Jefferson coverage. Yes, Trinity and its Jefferson history goes back a long way. Trinity is an important piece of the puzzle. - Daniel Webster

Full Article

State of Jefferson efforts go back a long way in North State

Posted: Wednesday, October 9, 2013 6:15 am

By Dottie Smith Special to The Trinity Journal 

In 1935, a group of unhappy citizens from southern Oregon and Northern California felt they were being unfairly treated by their state capitals at Salem, Ore., and Sacramento and began a move to establish a new state. Because they felt their respective state capitals were ignoring their region's needs, they threatened to secede from their respective states and establish a new one. But their plan went nowhere and eventually fizzled out.

Six years later in the fall of 1941, the move to establish a new state came alive again. The citizens were by now really fed up and began making serious plans to secede from their respective states and form their own. A contest was held to name their new state. "Jefferson" was the winner, named for Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States. Because Thomas Jefferson's picture was on the $2 bill, the bill became the "official" money for the state of Jefferson. The winner of the state naming contest won a $2 bill as his prize.

NY Daily News: Dying dad keeps ‘promise I made’: Walks daughter down the aisle — on a gurney

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 08:00 PM PDT

This is simply a cool story of hope and love. - Daniel Webster

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Dying dad keeps 'promise I made': Walks daughter down the aisle — on a gurney

Scott Nagy, 56, who is terminally ill with metastatic urethral cancer, pulled up to the First Evangelical Lutheran Church in an ambulance to fulfill a vow made to his 'princess,' daughter Sarah Nagy, 24.

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2013, 7:39 PM

Bride Sarah Nagy, right, begins to cry as she is escorted by her father, Scott, down the aisle during her wedding ceremony Oct. 12, 2013 at First Lutheran Church.

An Ohio man walked his daughter down the aisle on a hospital gurney.

Scott Nagy, 56, who is terminally ill, arrived at the First Evangelical Lutheran Church in Strongsville Saturday by ambulance to fulfill a promise to his daughter Sarah Nagy, 24, reported The Plain Dealer.

"It was a promise I made in March, to walk her down the aisle," Nagy told the Cleveland newspaper. "She's my princess. This is my definition of walking down the aisle."

Salon: 5 far-right groups trying to secede from America

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 07:59 PM PDT

The reporter not so subtly points out that any movement needs to attack and dominate the internet and social media. To do otherwise, in this day and age, in mere silliness. In the State of Jefferson, the "sides" need to get together and stop the bickering and backbiting. Any State of Jefferson proponent who is not for all the people, from all walks of life and all political persuasions, missed the point of The State of Jefferson and needs to get out of the way and shut up. The backbiters will destroy this movement. - Daniel Webster

Full article

5 far-right groups trying to secede from America

Each is composed of a rural population that feels ignored, if not outright antagonized, by its big city legislature


(Credit: PhotosbyAndy via Shutterstock)

There's nothing more American than seceding. At least, that's what every secessionist movement would have you believe. Enchanted by the opening lines of the Declaration of Independence, scores of small movements have found it necessary to dissolve political bonds with their state and federal legislatures, though none has successfully done so since the creation of West Virginia in 1863.

The hundreds of secessionist movements throughout U.S. history—over 200 in California alone—have mostly grown from the same root: a small, culturally homogenous, and usually conservative rural population that feels ignored, if not outright antagonized, by its big city legislature. This grievance sharpened in recent years as the ideological split over issues like gay marriage and especially gun control became geographically acute, and as vague anti-urban tendencies were focused by theories like Agenda 21, which see city planning policies as masks for fascistic attempts to confiscate resources and currencies.

The modern secessionist movements are very much of a piece with this history, with some crucial updates: their founders have morphed from hard-scrabble eccentrics to successful businessmen, and the printed declarations of separation have become Facebook pages and (woefully underfollowed) Twitter accounts. Below are five current secessionist movements currently kicking up dust in the overlooked section of their states.

1. The 51st State Movement (Colorado). In a sign of the new secessionist movements, the 51st State non-profit is run by businessmen: President Thomas L. Gilley, CEO of a dry beans distributor ("our beans speak for themselves") and Treasurer Jeffrey Hare, CEO for an IT security firm. The men boast of their Colorado and farmer roots, a twin legacy they see threatened by the encroaching liberalism of the rest of the state.

"People think this is a radical idea," Hare told the New York Times. "It's really not. What we're attempting to do is restore liberty."

The eleven rural counties of the 51st State have depopulated over the past two decades, and though unemployment is low thanks to healthy oil and agriculture markets, the counties receive few resources from Denver. The movement was fired up when Colorado considered a slew of gun control measures following the Aurora shootings last year. (Not surprisingly, they cheered last month's recall of two state legislators over the issue.)

Rumor: Apple to Offer 12-Inch Retina MacBook in 2014

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 07:57 PM PDT

I love cool, fun rumors which involve new Apple product - Daniel Webster, Fan since Lisa

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Rumor: Apple to Offer 12-Inch Retina MacBook in 2014

BY ADARIO STRANGE2013-10-14 01:00:45 UTC

We only have a little over a week until the next batch of new Apple devices are reportedly set to be unveiled. But leading up to the big event, there's already a new report of what Apple fans can expect in the way of MacBooks next year.

In a research note shared by 9to5Mac, KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo predicts that Apple will release a 12-inch Retina MacBook sometime in either the second or third quarter of 2014.

The report claims that the laptop will sport an entirely new design. However, the device isn't termed as being a MacBook Air or MacBook Pro, so it's unclear if this might represent a new laptop category for the computer maker, or simply an upgrade to an existing model.

Aside from the MacBook rumor, Ming-Chi Kuo's report also claims that Apple may release a lower-cost iMac around the same time as the new MacBook, as well as a sixth-generation, 9.7-inch iPad with 30-40% higher PPI (pixels-per-inch) than the current Retina iPad.

Of course, only Apple knows what it really has planned for 2014. But Ming-Chi Kuo has a decent track record for making such long-range predictions.

So while it wouldn't be advisable to bet on these latest product forecasts as being 100 percent accurate, you can probably expect at least some of these rumors to come true this time next year.

IMF chief: U.S. dance with the debt limit is ‘very, very concerning’

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 07:55 PM PDT

Actually, there are pieces of the puzzle far more concerning - not if we dance with a debt limit, rather, how to reduce the debt and save the country. - Daniel Webster

Full Article

IMF chief: U.S. dance with the debt limit is 'very, very concerning'

By Tom Howell Jr.
The Washington Times
Sunday, October 13, 2013

International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Christine Lagarde listens to a question 

The chief of the International Monetary Fund said Sunday the United States' stalemate over spending and its debt limit is "very, very concerning" and has rocked the organization's annual meeting in Washington.

Christine Lagarde said things had been looking up around the world. Speaking with hundreds of finance ministers around the world, they believed that Japan had turned the corner, and that economies in the United States and Europe were on the upswing.

"And then they found out that the debt ceiling was the issue," she told NBC's Meet the Press. "They found out that the government had shut down and that there was no remedy in sight. So it really completely transformed the meeting in the last few days.

Cadillac's plug-in ELR priced higher than Tesla

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 07:47 PM PDT

Let me understand, Tesla is the standard for "bad pricing"? Maybe we should just rethink this electric car insanity. - Daniel Webster

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Cadillac's plug-in ELR priced higher than Tesla

Chris Woodyard, USA TODAY5:16 p.m. EDT October 11, 2013

The ELR features a full driving range exceeding 300 miles Steve Fecht for Cadillac

It will cost twice as much as a Chevrolet Volt which uses the same technology

(Photo: Steve Fecht for Cadillac)

Cadillac has priced its new ELR extended-range electric coupe at more than twice the price of Chevrolet Volt sedan which uses the same basic powertrain. ELR will start at $75,995, including delivery fees.

ELR is General Motor's first vehicle to use the plug-in technology of its breakthrough Volt. Volt starts at $34,995 after a $5,000 price reduction earlier this year. ELR is even priced higher than the cheapest all-electric Tesla Model S, at $69,900.

"With the electric vehicle space growing ever more competitive, the $75,000 price point of the Cadillac ELR will be out of reach for most," says Alec Gutierrez, senior analyst for Kelley Blue Book, in a statement. "Although mainstream buyers will likely shy away from the ELR, Tesla has established that there are buyers willing to shell out top dollar for an electric vehicle."

Like the Volt, it will be able to travel about 35 miles on battery power alone before its 1.4-liter, four-cylinder backup gas engine kicks in. For many drivers using the car for daily commuting, they will barely ever need to fill the car with gasoline.

Unlike Volt, ELR will come swaddled inside in wood and leather and equipped with a full suite of high-tech features, including Cadillac's advanced CUE infotainment system with a eight-inch, full-color touch screen; LED headlights and taillights; lane departure warning; forward collision alert; and the seat that vibrates if you're in danger of backing into another car.

"The ELR is a unique blend of dramatic design with electric vehicle technology capable of total range in excess of 300 miles," says Bob Ferguson, senior vice president for Cadillac, in a statement.

World should 'de-Americanise', says China, but they also think they discovered us 40,000

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 07:46 PM PDT

In honor of Columbus Day, we must remind ourselves that China is coming from a perspective of Chinese discovered America 40,000 years ago - Daniel Webster

World should 'de-Americanise', says China following default fears

US default fears prompts China's state-run media call for the world to "de-Americanise" as Christine Lagarde warns of "massive disruption the world over"

It is the third time since Barack Obama took power that budget negotiations have gone to the wire in this way Photo: AP

By Philip Sherwell, New York, Malcolm Moore in Beijing

8:04PM BST 13 Oct 2013


The looming prospect of a US default on debt prompted China to call for the world to "de-Americanise", amid warnings of a new global recession.

In China, Xinhua, the official government news agency, said that as American politicians continued to flounder over a deal to break the impasse, "it is perhaps a good time for the befuddled world to start considering building a de-Americanised world".

The jibe came as Christine Lagarde, the International Monetary Fund chief, raised the spectre of a repeat of the 2008 financial crash as hopes dwindled for a resolution of the crisis over the debt ceiling and partial government shutdown.

Harry Reid, the leader of the Democrat-controlled Senate and Mitch McConnell, who heads the Republican minority, met on Sunday for "preliminary" talks following the acrimonious collapse of negotiations between the White House and Republicans in the lower chamber.

Jack Lew, the Treasury secretary, has said that the US will run out of money to pay its bills on Thursday if Congress does not authorise an increase in federal borrowing limits.

Opinion: Take a look, Queen Elizabeth II of England was the President by Nita Still

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 05:57 PM PDT

Dear Editor,
In 1921 a Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter said, the United States has a government behind their government. Now that is a pretty strong statement. I am sure some of you unbelieving blogger's will surely disagree and criticize, condemn, and judge this statement as conspiracy. Well, the meaning of conspiracy is: "Several people or a group acting together in secret to plan an unlawful or harmful purpose such as murder, destruction or treason; a plot or an agreed upon unlawful plan."
In Revelations chapter 12 Archangel Michael booted these Fallen Angels who were the Giants out of Heaven, which one could call the Consciousness of God. 
Rev.12:7-9 "And there was war in heaven; Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which (whom) deceiveth the whole world, he was cast out onto the earth and his angels were cast out with him."
Their place is found in the United Nations and now, in most every government on this earth. The Stakeholders are accredited by the UN, (1946) and are parasites of Grants.
They all speak out of both sides of their mouth. Many of them are Attorney's. Some of these attorney's write the laws that are put upon us as well as most all of the Presidents Executive Orders. The private central banking systems are involved with them and create poverty. The American Medical system, the pharmaceutical systems, many Judges and some attorneys also conspire. We have many Cabal's and Cartel's who are behind the screens.
Just take a look at the "45 Goals of the Communist Party." January 1, 1963, this was read to the House and is in the Congressional Records- Appendix, pp. A34-A35. Look at it! You can see that most of their Goals have been implemented. There are also, "21 Goals of the Illuminati and the Committee of 300." The Committee of 300 was founded by the British Aristocracy in 1727.  Queen Elizabeth II of England is their President.
Nita Still
Yreka, CA

Opinion: Hello America, we have a problem by Maria Mesing

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 05:42 PM PDT

Hello America,
Houston, we have a problem! The world is now spiraling out of control into that black hole, out in some Lala land universe, and the United States is in a parallel position with no checks and balances, and no one has a clue as to what to do. The world has gone insane and is in total chaos people. And we have leaders walking around like pompous Jackasses that only care for themselves and getting re-elected, not for what is best for this country or caring what the American people need or want.
We're heading for that perfect storm, no leader at the helm, the boat is sinking,and there are no life boats for the American people who are drowning and why is that? Because you and I are no longer sustainable, but we will leave that for another topic to discuss.
We need to talk America. Turned on the news lately? Not looking so good right? Who do you believe anymore and who do you trust to tell the truth? Well, it all depends who you choose to listen to, or for that matter if you are open to hearing the truth and the factual information that is out there for all to do their own homework and start connecting the dots many don't want you to know.
Over at MS NBC you have two blubbering- slobbering idiots having their love-fest going on for Obama so they will never hold this President accountable for anything. At CNN, NBC, CBS anchorman, women liberals and critics with their adoration and Kum-bya club are going on for their King Obama and let's all play, "blame the Republicans for everything," a broken record and getting old real fast, but those who elected him are part of the problem!
The Federal Government has gotten too big and now has control of everything and everyone; dismantling and disregarding our Constitution, strangling the life and livelihood from the people with so many regulations upon regulations that are illegal and unconstitutional.
We have, "It's my way or the highway," Obama the Teflon Man plastered on TV in our face daily, a malignant narcissist talking with two lips on each side of this mouth running this great country into the ground from lack of leadership,incompetence and no experience- Nada! Zilch! But that does not seem to matter now or then to those who elected him, but, a man who went to
"Havad" and school mates who can't even remember him being there, showed his knowledge on geography, when he said he campaigned in 57 states and said, "I will fundamentally transform America." All of the naive-stupids elected him not once but twice and bought all of what the Snake Oil Charmer had to sell.
We have Congress and the House running around like the Keystone Cops, that can't agree on anything, turning on each other, each party shooting themselves in the foot.
The Three Stooges, Obama, Reid and Pelosi are handling this "shutdown" like it is some game, but as hard it is on many it has finally brought many people to open up their eyes to what these people are really like and their true colors.
The poor judgment and handling of it is shameful and disgraceful, especially the treatment of our Veterans and their families. Men and women who fought, gave their sweat, tears and blood and the sacrifices made for this country'sfreedoms, and all these stooges can do is make pathetic excuses and play Pass the buck then the blame game begins act dumb with those blank expressions andactually have the gaul to face the American people with, ", I know nothing!No one knows or knew nothing or why or how it happened. Pitiful isn't it? It is inexcusable if you ask me.
America is now saying from all the polls if you put any stock in them, "Fire them all. Get all the bums out of Congress." They are at their lowest approval and Obama is falling from grace with his loving drooling- fans and is digging his own grave and putting in his last nails to his coffin. So, how's your Hope and Change working for ya all? Don't get discouraged, you're all in for a ride you will never forget. You will regret Obamacare that is now in full bloom and know everything you were promised was a lie and we will be watching the worst train-wreck this country has seen as we quickly see our economy collapse before our very own eyes. You thought unemployment was bad before? Enjoy your part-time work for you ain't seen nothing yet folks!
Lets go to the battlefront now. We were so close to getting into a war with Syria. Notice how long it took before Obama could even respond or react for any solution to handle Syria with its Chemical weapons and what should be done to stopAssad murdering innocent children and people? Obama: Which way do we go Clyde? His administration and Joint Chief of staffs, military experts and critics came out firing on all points of view. Do we open up Pandora's Box, is it unwise to start a war, go in, stay out, mind our own business, bomb them, scare them, shoot over the bow with a warning shot? Obama and some said, that will work at the cost of what, $1.04 million for a Tomahawk missile? Great scare tactic if you're making an action movie for the Terminator; a bit costly just to shake up things a bit to put the fear of God in them to let them know Obama is in full control. Obama needs a reality check folks, not an easy task from being an Organizer once working hand in hand with the Snow White-Acorn Org. to being a Commander and Chief trying to solve all of the worlds problems.
So, continue to play Patty Cakes with them many said, talking is the best solution and lets not forget we must still send Syria their yearly allowance of $115 million for God only knows what they use it for and why we must give them money at all is the deep question no one ever understands fully and by all means we must have tolerance, be the worlds Policeman and play being politically correct while it is destroying our country. But have no fear Patriots, what thatwishy-washy Savior, Mighty Mouse Obama could not do, here comes to the rescue, "I'm So Sexy without my shirt," Putin with his sound reasoning and solution that has Syria turning in all of their Chemical weapons to the UN. Yeah, that was a smart move, you trust them more than as far as you can spit? Wheeling and dealing will be going on what they can sell or hide before they claim all has been turned in. Time will tell, because like clockwork folks, with Obama and this administration we never run out of a crisis to distract us all from what is really going on; while the IRS and Benghazi corruption are quietly being swept under the carpet, no one will ever be held accountable.
And don't you love the Assad interview being treated like he was some glorified statesman by CBS, denying all charges of chemical weapons being used by him, when asked, "who me? I would not hurt a fly," as we see ghastly images of the people being gassed with chemical weapons that somehow just appeared out of nowhere, try digging up Iraq's leader Saddam Hussein, he may have a clue to where he shipped his chemicals weapons and who has them now. There one day, gone the next, just as Iran is telling all who will believe and trust them.
Maybe folks, some day just as they held those accountable in the Nuremberg trials in Germany for Hitlers horrific crimes done against humanity to wipe out one race, todays radical extreme dictators and many others will have to pay for their crimes, but don't hold your breath. Obama and Attorney Eric Holder have seen to it that all terrorists will now stand trial in our legal court system withMiranda rights to receive a fair trial. Isn't our County great or what? The enemy now have choices, they can hire Defense attorney Gloria Allred, the Ambulance Chaser, who will take on any case, loves the publicity, the ACLU will beat the drums for them, make a terrorist famous, and now the victim not the predator, a jury will have sympathy for them, plead an insanity case and then here comes the best, try them and convict them on "job and work related stress;" maybe do a few years in One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest, nurse Ratchetwill give them some Meds, get dental and Obamacare, can't get any better than that, be released, turn on CNN-they've gone back, joined the Jihadist, bombing some Embassy and what was it again that was to be accomplished by all of this?
Oh yeah, shove democracy down their throats to countries that hate our Republic guts! Somehow in ones mind this system seems fair, just and balanced to the liberals and Democrats with their "politically correct crap" so as not to step on one's toes, and they can say to themselves, we did what is right we showed the enemy we are a just and compassionate society and now I can feel sooo good about myself. But unfortunately, we the taxpayers have to pay for it all and one has to question if we were to step into their country would we get a fair trial or just disappear into the night with no head attached?
All the American people want is accountability from our elected leaders to do the job they were elected to do. They are the servant for We the People. We are are not to be their servants or robots. We want our country back, men and woman to have secure jobs and businesses to prosper, we want peace and good will to be done to others, too many sacrifices were made from so many to allow this continue. Our country is in great peril, and all of our freedoms are in jeopardy if we all cannot stand up to them.
You want to come to this great country to flee from oppressions and torture by your government? Many immigrants before you came to this land of honey. Our ancestors, who saw America and kissed the ground when they stepped foot in America. No one decided their ways and religion trumped no control over the people and their unalienable God given rights for them to now be taken from them.
Those brave immigrants, our parents, grandparents, greatgrand-parents some came here with barely five dollars to their name and helped build America, not to tear America down. You adapt to our ways, not us adapt to your ways. You may been given the wrong impression that we are weak and easy targets but rest assured we, the American people when push comes to shove, will not allow or tolerate for our rights, liberties and freedoms to be taken by others nor have God and Jesus mocked and silenced. This is our land, our Country-America the beautiful, and We are One Nation under God, We are Christians. We love our country, We are fighters and survivors; We have one Flag, Old Glory, that flys with pride and was carried into every battle by valiant warriors for our Freedom's and In God do we Trust.
"Lead, Follow, or get out of the Way."
'Till next time, God Bless. Liberty Belle
Maria Mesing
Yreka, CA

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