Monday, November 11, 2013

Words From Webster Today 12 New Posts

Words From Webster Today 12 New Posts

Klamath Falls Oregon Herald and News

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 09:51 AM PST

Klamath Falls Oregon Herald and News

Law enforcement Monday

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 09:25 AM PST

Klamath County Jail

2 Gonzaga students on probation for having guns

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 08:43 AM PST

Gonzaga University has agreed to review its weapons policy as two students who used a pistol to drive an intruder from their apartment appeal their probation for having guns in their university-owned

Veterans Day: Events and ceremonies around nation

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 08:39 AM PST

Across the nation, Americans are commemorating Veterans Day with parades, wreath-laying ceremonies, monument dedications and other events.

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Calif. company recalls prepackaged salad, sandwich: See list here

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 08:37 AM PST

RICHMOND, Calif. (AP) — More than 90 tons of ready-to-eat salads and sandwiches by a California catering company are being recalled after 26 people in three states were sickened by a bacterial strain

Pope's ambassador tells US bishops to live simply

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 08:36 AM PST

The Vatican ambassador to the United States says American bishops should make Roman Catholics feel more at home in the church.

Schools boost security after Texas party shootings

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 08:16 AM PST

Security will be boosted and grief counselors provided by a suburban Houston school district following a shooting at a house party that left two teenagers dead, a school official said Monday.

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PM: Canadian gold mine project set to be rejected

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 08:04 AM PST

A Romanian parliamentary commission is set on Monday to reject a bill that would have permitted Europe's biggest open gold mine, after 14 years of protest and debate about whether the foreign investme

Man fatally shoots 3 ex-bandmates, himself in NYC

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 07:58 AM PST

A man kicked out of his indie rock band shot three of his bandmates to death in their Brooklyn apartment early Monday and wounded a fourth before killing himself on the roof, police said.

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Horses, riders say 'nay' to French tax hike

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 07:59 AM PST

Thousands of riding enthusiasts _ and hundreds of horses _ took over Paris' Bastille square Monday to say "nay" to a proposed tax hike on riding schools.

US, Europe resume talks on new trade pact

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 07:49 AM PST

The United States and the European Union sought Monday to get past a rough patch in diplomatic relations to resume talks on a free trade deal that would grow what is already the world's biggest busine

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3 people die in small plane crash near Amarillo

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 07:31 AM PST

Emergency personnel have located the burned remains of a single-engine plane that crashed in the Texas Panhandle, killing all three people on board.

Oregon Hooters hosts middle school team party

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 07:31 AM PST

Hooters' waitresses in orange shorts and tight tops lined up in two rows to cheer Corbett Middle School football players who arrived for an after-season party at the Jantzen Beach restaurant in Portla

UN: Cambodia wins temple dispute over Thailand

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 07:25 AM PST

Cambodia, not Thailand, has sovereignty over a disputed promontory around a 1,000-year-old temple, the U.N.'s highest court ruled Monday in a unanimous decision on a long-simmering border dispute.

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Morning report: Klamath County: "We Honor Veterans"

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 07:13 AM PST

The reminders of their sacrifices are everywhere: by a plaque outside the courthouse, at the park near the shores of Lake Euwana, by their clubhouses downtown. But the signs welcoming visitors into Kl

100s attend funeral of World War II veteran

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 07:05 AM PST

Hundreds have attended the funeral of a 99-year-old former World War II airman who died without family after a nursing home appealed for strangers to give him a send-off.

Springfield police car totaled, officer OK

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 07:05 AM PST

A police officer was unhurt but her patrol car was totaled when it was rear-ended Sunday on Highway 126 in Springfield.

Mercy Corps gears up to help typhoon victims

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 06:59 AM PST

Portland-based Mercy Corps is sending two staff members to the Philippines to assess typhoon damage.

Madras traffic fatality wasn't found for hours

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 07:01 AM PST

A man who was killed when his SUV crashed off Highway 26 south of Madras early Sunday was not found for several hours.

French president booed at WWI ceremony

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 06:36 AM PST

France's unpopular president ignored jeers by protesters as he laid flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier during a ceremony marking the end of World War I.

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Bomb scare on Amtrak train at Eugene

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 06:20 AM PST

A phone conversation overheard by another passenger led to a bomb scare on an Amtrak train that authorities stopped Sunday at Eugene.

Russian artist nails his genitals to Red Square

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 06:17 AM PST

A Russian performance artist nailed his genitals to the ground outside Moscow's Red Square in protest over Russia's "police state" as the country marked national police day.

Bulgaria starts probe into refugee applications

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 06:09 AM PST

Bulgarian prosecutors have launched a probe into the government's handling of refugee applications.

In need of a good home: 80 parrots

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 06:07 AM PST

Maybe 10 times a week, someone calls Steve Lazicki looking to get rid of a parrot. They're too loud, too demanding and sometimes just too long-lived.

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Tymoshenko's lawyer arrested in Ukraine

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 05:44 AM PST

Ukraine's opposition says a top lawyer for the jailed former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko has been arrested amid strong Western pressure to release Tymoshenko.

Charges dropped in journalists' kidnap case

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 05:34 AM PST

British prosecutors have dropped their case against two British brothers charged over the kidnapping of journalists in Syria.

Jefferson Declaration

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 09:41 AM PST

Jefferson Declaration

Siskiyou citizen comments on CBS Sunday Morning News on State of Jefferson

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 09:58 PM PST

By Rex Cozzalio, Siskiyou County

It is greatly distressing and disappointing seeing CBS Sunday Morning's elitist policy manipulation of public perception.  The complete disconnect and sarcastic dismissal of the untenable destructive conditions forcibly imposed  upon the very people who provide you the 'sustainable' food, shelter, and comforts you so enjoy demonstrates the very reason this desperate act has become necessary.  Rather than attempt to investigate the justifications prompting a vast majority within affected areas to consider statehood, you instead relegate the issues costing the lives and homes of thousands within our region alone to an insignificant transitory 'movement' to be chuckled at over at morning coffee.  In doing so, you use Mr. Douglas Brinkley from Rice University to give a color of credibility, regurgitating the same unaffected agenda driven opinions that brought us to this point in the first place.  Virtually NONE of Mr. Brinkley's statements were either substantiated or correct, and his offensive and patronizing derogatory stereotyped label would never be tolerated or aired by your 'politically correct' media regarding ANY group of citizens other than the targeted rural residents.  As example:

-          While Geri Byrne did a fine job to the edited superficial level she saw aired, the countless examples of regulatory oppression and exposed agenda corruption justifying the 'unhappiness with regulatory decisions' were never even acknowledged as existing.  Whether from complete ignorance of the issues or a more likely condoning of the inequities, Mr. Binkley essentially rendered our devastated region as whining children.

-          The reason individuals were 'guaranteed' unalienable rights under our Constitution was the knowledge that without them any democracy will by 'majority vote' subjugate and consume a convenient minority for the unaffected benefit of that majority.  Under the current regulatory onslaught, individual rights and futures are being confiscated along with vested property and interests in an effective 'condemnation without compensation' attrition of our 'precedent setting' region.  We are one of four generations living at the same location and we, as have the majority from our region, have watched our communities and environment systematically destroyed by agenda driven boilerplate profiting 'policies' imposed from non-vested entities deaf to the history, knowledge and experience of regional residents.  Decades of cited 'public comment', documented history, and unbiased current studies and results contradicting imposed policies from affected residents  regarding the region they know better than any has resulted in ZERO effective 'public process' incorporation.

-          Mr. Brinkley's misleading statements regarding Congressional representation are ludicrous.  First of all, Constitutional primary power falls to the people and the State.  Any State having drastically disparate environmental conditions and populations will see the most populous region living one experience subjugate those other regions living another.  That majority elects 'representatives' who do NOT serve the needs or interests of those other regions.  That reality is the reason voting districts AND multiple States were conceived as a means to minimize those inherent inequities.  If such distinctly different and geographically definable regional experiences are found within the same State , the interest of any vastly outnumbered 'minority' region will be effectively 'unrepresented' both at the State and Federal levels.  Our Constitutional authors knew that, which is why THEY PROVIDED THE MEANS TO SEPARATE A STATE.  If not intended or necessary as the means to mitigate realized inequity, as Mr. Brinkley so casually states, then why is there a provision to do so!  Only for geographically defined areas having a general commonality of regional experience and distribution is an effective representation approached within the 'political process'.  Our State does NOT enjoy such a condition as it stands, but a far more equitable geographical representation is easily possible in our circumstance.  Will it likely occur in the face of a Legislative majority reticent to release its hold?  Perhaps not, but it is the only option that appears to remain short of watching the absolute disintegration of the beloved regional communities and environment we have all sacrificed so much to protect over the generations.  Mr. Brinkley's assertion that 'further division' within an unchanged population base will somehow 'weaken the nation' is equally ludicrous, especially when such a revision enhances effective representation for all regions involved.  By his rationale, we should recombine everything into the 13 original States, although with his seeming bent towards consolidated government concerns, perhaps he feels a one-world government would be even better….

-          Perhaps the greatest arrogant affront to our region was Mr. Brinkley's 'comment' that (to paraphrase) 'when you reach the core of any secessionist, you will find a (implied ignorant) person afraid of other cultures and colors'.  Nothing displays his bigotry and arrogant ignorance more than his 'opinion' of the very people condemned and of whom he obviously knows nothing.  Our region was made up of radically different races and cultures living together in a bond of common experience and background long before Mr. Brinkley could suck pabulum or ever heard of 'racial equality'.  I, as likely most in our area, am multi-racial and multi-cultural, including Native American.  Coming from a county having had the first black county Sheriff in the State of California, elected multiple times based upon the quality of his character, with blacks comprising the smallest percentage of county population, for our regional destruction to be marginalized as inherently  comprised of racists and bigots 'afraid of change' was infuriating to say the least.

While happy to at last see recognition that we even exist, it is a shame that the 'mega-city majority' imposed attrition of our effectively unrepresented rural communities, regional resources, and wisdom which support our nation are dismissed as an amusing anecdote. 

# # #

Link to the 11-3-13 CBS Sunday Morning News — if you want a refresher !

Link to State of Jefferson story on CBS Sunday Morning show this morning:

Another grievance in CA: L.A. and more taxes

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 09:55 PM PST

Griffith   Park: Another City Hall Inspired Raid on DWP's Ratepayers –Taxed Via Rates

by Stephen Frank on 11/06/2013 

Should those that pay for water and power in Los Angeles have added to   their bills a subsidy of Griffith Park—a recreational facility in LA.    In fact the city is taking money meant for repairing or expanding the water   and power and financing other parts of the government.  Then the   Department has to go back and raise rates since they do not have enough money   to pay for their main job.

This is how government raises taxes without a vote—they steal money, then   raise rates—in this case it is really a tax.

"Under the current system, the Department of Recreation and Parks receives   a discount of more than 50% on its water rates compared to homeowners,   renters, landlords, and business establishments.  Furthermore, unlike   the rest of us, Recreation and Parks is not charged for higher rates once its   usage surpasses predetermined levels. These "tiered" rates are designed to   encourage conservation.

Based on some rough assumptions on the amount of water used by Recreation   and Parks and the amount of the discount, the "savings" are in the range of   $10 to $15 million.  Of course, the Ratepayers are once again stuck with   the bill."

See the full story by   clicking on the red headline

Newsletter,   please help my readership grow by passing it around. If some one sent this to   you, and you would like your own subscription, you can sign up on my web page   at

Another grievance from California Political News and Views 11-7-13

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 09:49 PM PST

Vast Majority of "Jobs" Created in California Last Month Were Part Time

by Stephen Frank on 11/06/2013 

Read this article carefully.  Note it talks about jobs being created in California—but what type of jobs?  "By far, the service sector added the most jobs last month – some 17,300, says ADP. The "goods producing" sector tacked on a net increase of only 1,770 jobs."

The term "service industry" is for restaurant employees, car wash workers, and other such places of work.  These are mostly part time, low pay/no benefit jobs.  Thanks to ObamaCare and the rest of the Obama economic polices, 70% of jobs created in the United States are part time.

California is in a Depression.  We have a debt/deficit of $132 billion, our real unemployment is over 14%.  Our taxes are high and regulations killing whole industries.  The "creation" of 19,000 new jobs in a month is not good news, it is a reminder that elections have consequences—this is the Obama/Brown Depression.

See the full story by clicking on the red headline

MailTribune Latest Headlines

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 09:40 AM PST

MailTribune Latest Headlines

Greenway work paves latest link near fairgrounds

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 03:59 AM PST

CENTRAL POINT — The newest link in the Bear Creek Greenway will make a 20-mile continuous path through Southern Oregon, and crews are busy completing the task.

November 11, 1913

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 11:05 PM PST

November 11, 1913

Gold Hill seeks part-time police officer

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 11:05 PM PST

GOLD HILL — Hoping to stem vandalism and other shenanigans at downtown parks and the city beach next year, city officials have directed City Manager Rick Hohnbaum to negotiate with the Jackson County Sheriff's Department for a part-time public...

Get up and Go

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 11:05 PM PST

KC-97 TOURS: Civil Air Patrol will host free tours of a Boeing KC-97 Stratofreighter, a retired U.S. Air Force cargo plane built in 1952, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. today at the Medford airport near Medford Air Service, 4002 Cirrus Drive.

Ashland mulls downtown projects

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 11:05 PM PST

City of Ashland officials intend to craft a plan for spending hotel tax money that could include further improvements to the downtown and beautification projects in other parts of the city.

Gold Hill gets extra time for wastewater plant fix

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 11:05 PM PST

GOLD HILL — The city's ailing wastewater treatment plant along Highway 234 isn't collecting as much waste as expected, leading city and state officials this week to extend the timeline — by as much as two years — for finding the best...

Eagle Point looks into RVTD bus service

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 11:05 PM PST

EAGLE POINT — City officials and the Rogue Valley Transportation District are studying a plan to extend bus service to this community.

Phoenix High School brings 'Coraline' to stage

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 11:05 PM PST

PHOENIX — Phoenix High School is bringing a popular children's story and recent stop-motion hit to the stage.

Emergency Services

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 11:05 PM PST

Felony arrests

Restaurant Inspections: October 2013

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 11:05 PM PST

Jackson County health inspectors evaluated 128 restaurants in October. One restaurant failed its semiannual inspection, and 58 received perfect scores of 100. All scores are published in weekly portions in the Mail Tribune.

Veterans Day: Those who served speak out

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 08:12 PM PST

Today's holiday marks the end of fighting in World War I, when an armistice between the Allied nations and Germany went into effect on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.

Medford Mail Tribune Sports

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 09:38 AM PST

Medford Mail Tribune Sports

Kirk hangs on for McGladrey Classic win

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 12:20 AM PST

ST. SIMONS ISLAND, Ga. — Chris Kirk knew he was doing enough right Sunday at Sea Island to win a tournament that means so much to him. He just didn't realize it would take something that went so wrong for Briny Baird.

49ers listless against surging Panthers

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 12:20 AM PST

SAN FRANCISCO — The Carolina Panthers can now say they have that signature win everybody has been waiting to see: on the road, against the reigning NFC champions, in November.

Florida Turmoil Bowl is on

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 12:20 AM PST

TAMPA, Fla. — Here we go again. That splash you just heard was the Miami Dolphins being thrown back into the turbulent pool of controversy for another day as the nation watches and judges.

Mariota was injured, but who knew that?

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 12:20 AM PST

SEATTLE — Days after Stanford's big upset of Oregon, implications continue to be felt, including the prospect for help elsewhere for both teams' big-bowl chances.

Ducks drop to sixth in BCS standings

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 12:20 AM PST

The Oregon Ducks dropped to sixth place in the latest BCS standings, while Florida State took firm hold of second place behind top-ranked Alabama and grabbed the inside track to the national championship game.

Beavers load up on wins in opener

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 12:20 AM PST

FOREST GROVE — The Oregon State wrestling team wrapped up its first official competition of the season with eight out of 10 wrestlers claiming individual weight-class titles at the Mike Clock Open on Sunday.

Local NHRA racer Pollacheck falls in final

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 12:20 AM PST

POMONA, Calif. — NHRA Pro Stock Motorcycle racer Scotty Pollacheck, a Central Point resident and co-owner of Quality Tire in Medford, advanced to the Auto Club NHRA Finals before falling to Eddie Krawiec on Sunday.

Johnson widens points lead

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 12:20 AM PST

AVONDALE, Ariz. — Jimmie Johnson seized control of the championship battle following a disastrous performance by Matt Kenseth on Sunday at Phoenix International Raceway.

Timbers cut down

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 12:20 AM PST

SANDY, Utah — One year after making an early playoff exit while struggling to score as the season wound down, it's a much different story for Real Salt Lake this time.

Ashland water polo earns all-state honors

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 09:24 PM PST

Sabrina Scoggin and Taos Cadarette-Stewart headlined the all-state first-team selections for the Ashland water polo teams over the weekend.

Redding California KRCR ABC 7 News

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 09:35 AM PST

Redding California KRCR ABC 7 News

New film documents the" Monks of Vina" in Tehama County

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 06:42 AM PST

The new documentary will premiere this week at the Napa Film Festival

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Man hit and killed by train in downtown Redding

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 08:57 PM PST

A train has hit and killed a man in downtown Redding, closing several railroad crossings.

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Bikers drop-off toys in annual holiday tradition

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 05:43 PM PST

Hundreds of bikers rode through Shasta County with gift-giving on the mind.

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Missing man in Butte County found safe

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 09:35 AM PST

A man missing in Butte County since late Friday night was found safe Sunday morning.

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Redding California Sports News KRCR ABC 7

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 09:31 AM PST

Redding California Sports News KRCR ABC 7

Lesson learned for Garcia after 'horrible' Tiger slur

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 08:27 AM PST

Tiger Woods was whacking golf balls across a bridge in Turkey last week, but back in Spain, Sergio Garcia is still feeling the need to build them following the "fried chicken" saga earlier this year.

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The Atlanta Braves are moving

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 08:21 AM PST

The Atlanta Braves are planning to leave downtown Atlanta.

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Harvick wins race; Johnson increases points lead

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 07:36 AM PST

Kevin Harvick took advantage of Carl Edwards' fuel shortage to win his fourth race of the season in Sunday's AdvoCare 500 at Phoenix International Raceway, keeping alive his faint hopes of winning the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series championship.

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Richie Incognito: Texts came from 'love'

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 12:18 AM PST

Suspended NFL player Richie Incognito said his alleged bullying of Miami Dolphin teammate Jonathan Martin is misunderstood because "people don't know how Jon and I communicate to one another." Incognito acknowledged in an interview aired on "Fox NFL S...

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Manning leads Broncos over Chargers

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 11:51 PM PST

Whatever momentum the Denver Broncos had, they didn't misplace it over their bye week. Now they hope they will not lose quarterback Peyton Manning.

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Wolves beat Lakers for first time in 23 tries

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 10:56 PM PST

The last time Minnesota beat the Los Angeles Lakers, Kevin Garnett was in a Timberwolves uniform. On Sunday, two different Kevins made quick work of the Lakers and ended a long drought.

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Saints set first-down record, clobber Cowboys

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 10:32 PM PST

Except for the digital clock cranking out the growth of the national debt, numbers rarely flip as often as they did Sunday night at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome.

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Ducks remain perfect at home, beat Canucks

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 09:42 PM PST

Right winger Corey Perry had a goal and an assist, and rookie goaltender Frederik Andersen stopped 35 shots as the Anaheim Ducks beat the Vancouver Canucks 3-1 Sunday.

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Alabama, Florida State atop BCS standings

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 07:49 PM PST

The national-championship picture became clearer as Alabama and Florida State retained the top two spots in the BCS standings released on Sunday, and it appears that they will meet for the national title if both win their remaining games.

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Palmer leads Cadinals over Texans

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 05:09 PM PST

If the Houston Texans didn't think they could fall any further, they found out Sunday that they could.

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Carolina beats 49ers 10-9 in defensive battle

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 04:45 PM PST

DeAngelo Williams scored on a 27-yard touchdown run, and Graham Gano kicked a 53-yard field goal, lifting the Carolina Panthers to a 10-9 victory over the San Francisco 49ers Sunday.

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Rams defeat Colts with 30 point lead

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 03:59 PM PST

Rookie Tavon Austin reeled in touchdown receptions of 57 and 81 yards after returning a punt 98 yards for a score as the visiting St. Louis Rams emphatically snapped a three-game skid with a 38-8 win over the Indianapolis Colts.

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Lions defeat Bears, claim first place in division

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 03:45 PM PST

Quarterback Jay Cutler's fast comeback from a torn left groin muscle was short-circuited Sunday by a new injury, to his left ankle, and it may have shifted the balance of power in the NFC's North division for the rest of the 2013 season.

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Nadal and Djokovic set for 'thrilling' final showdown in London

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 03:25 PM PST

Defending champion Novak Djokovic will play Rafael Nadal in the final of the ATP World Tour Finals at London's O2 Arena after both men comfortably overcame their Swiss opponents in Sunday's semifinals.

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Ravens defeat Bengals in overtime

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 03:14 PM PST

With their entire season hanging in the balance, the Baltimore Ravens found themselves as victims of one of the most improbable plays in the closing seconds against the Cincinnati Bengals on Sunday.

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Jaguars upset Titans for first win

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 03:07 PM PST

Throughout Sunday's game, Jacksonville cornerback Will Blackmon carried a crumpled piece of paper in his sock with personal and team goals written on it.

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Giants beat Raiders for third straight

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 02:17 PM PST

New York Giants cornerback Terrell Thomas, playing in his first season after two consecutive ACL surgeries, picked off Oakland Raiders quarterback Terrelle Pryor in the third quarter to spark a 24-20 win at MetLife Stadium on Sunday.

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Spurs top Knicks by 31 points

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 02:13 PM PST

The San Antonio Spurs ran their system of pick-and-rolls and constant movement to near perfection Sunday afternoon. In doing so, they knocked off the New York Knicks 120-89 at Madison Square Garden.

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Steelers beat Bills 23-10 at home

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 02:10 PM PST

The Buffalo Bills have always had a hard time winning in the Steel City. Nothing changed Sunday.

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Seahawks dominate Falcons in 33-10 win

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 02:09 PM PST

Russell Wilson threw two touchdown passes, and the Seahawks' defense smothered struggling Matt Ryan and the Falcons in a dominating 33-10 win on Sunday.

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Redding California Record Searchlight News

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 09:24 AM PST

Redding California Record Searchlight News

Cottonwood husband-and-wife share Veterans Day bond

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 06:00 PM PST

COTTONWOOD — Veterans Day has special meaning close to the hearts of James and Jeanette Hicks.

Another 'Most Wanted' suspect arrested

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 12:40 AM PST

One of Shasta County's "Most Wanted" suspects was arrested Sunday afternoon near Redding City Hall.

Today in History: Nov. 11, 2013

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 11:59 PM PST

1913: Six Redding youths, whose ages vary from 12 to 18, will have a hearing before the juvenile court Friday on complaint that they have been smoking, drinking and frequenting pool halls. Wilda Harrington, an officer of the court, made the complaints.

North state in brief: Nov. 11, 2013

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 10:00 PM PST

Man hit by train killed Sunday

WWII reunions poignant for dwindling veterans

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 06:00 PM PST

DAYTON, Ohio — Paul Young rarely talked about his service during World War II — about the B-25 bomber he piloted, about his 57 missions, about the dangers he faced or the fears he overcame.

Proponents of anti-transgender law say they have enough signatures for vote

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 06:00 PM PST

SAN FRANCISCO — Opponents of a new California law that gives transgender students certain rights said Sunday that they had collected enough signatures for an initiative that would repeal the law.

UPDATED: Man hit and killed by train in downtown Redding

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 03:20 PM PST

A man was killed this afternoon when he was struck by a train in downtown Redding, police said.

Reports of pedestrian hit by train in Redding

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 03:20 PM PST

Emergency crews are responding to reports of a pedestrian being hit by a train in downtown Redding near the intersection of Gold and Waldon Streets.

Medford Oregon | KOBI-TV NBC5 / KOTI-TV NBC2

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 09:20 AM PST

Medford Oregon | KOBI-TV NBC5 / KOTI-TV NBC2

Local Non Profits Score Big

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 08:05 AM PST

An event that brought together two Rogue Valley organizations finished up with big results.

The Oregon Shakespeare Festival took canned food donations from play-goers last week in exchange for 10 dollar tickets. All those cans, 12-hundred pounds worth... and 6-hundred dollars went to ACCESS

That means more than 3500 meals will be provided to low-income Jackson County residents.

Veterans Day Events Around the Valley

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 08:04 AM PST

Millions of American's are celebrating Veterans Day--     
and there are a number of events scheduled here in the Rogue Valley.

In Medford:
Veteran's Day Parade
Main street, Hawthorne to Oakdale
11 A.M.

Medford Veterans Park
Maple Grove and Armory Dr.
2 P.M.

In Central Point:

Annual Oregon Fallen War Heroes Memorial Commemoration Ceremony
Don Jones City Park
9 A.M.

In White City:

Honoring America's Fallen Heros
Southern Oregon Resource Center and Clinic
10 A.M


In Klamath Falls:

Veteran's Day Parade
Main street to Veterans Memorial Park
10 A.M.
Ceremony follows at 11 A.M.

Free breakfast
OIT campus
Reserve your place at 541-885-1100

Fire Serves As Reminder For Home Heating Safety

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 10:53 PM PST


Roma Villavicencio

With the weather starting to get colder people are doing whatever it takes to stay warm.

An attic fire in Ashland, Saturday, is believed to have been caused by a stove pipe not properly maintained, serves as a reminder to use caution when firing up those chimneys, heaters, and wood stoves.

"Every year this time of year any time you have homes that have wood stoves or their burning wood products, they create a bi-product called creosote and that creosote builds up," said Dana Sallee of Ashland Fire.

"It is probably one of the most difficult fires to put out because of access its beneath the ceiling and bellow the roof and those are hard places for us to get there."

To try and prevent fires like that from happening he says keep wood stove's maintained by cleaning out the piping at least once a year and make sure you are using the right materials.

"A lot of wood thats green. That's not really dry thats another reason why you can get a lot of build up in the flu, it can damage the flu. If it catches on fire it can crack the brick and that allows fire to get into the attic space."

Another alternative to keeping your house warm could come from space heaters, such as oil radiating heaters or infrared heaters.

Katy Ratliff from Home Depot said, "the oil will heat up so it continually radiates it doesnt kick on and off creating the energy to be used a little bit more."

But no matter what it is that you'll be using this  season, Sallee says be aware of your surroundings.

VFW Calling Out For Younger Veterans

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 10:50 PM PST

As America begin to prepare for one of the biggest days to remember and honor those who have fought in wars, a local organization says they want younger veterans to join in their community.

The Veterans of Foreign Wars or V.F.W. is a support and service center for men and women back from duty.

They say they don't see too many young veterans and hope that changes.

One veteran said wants veterans to know the VFW is there to be a second family to them. He says its all about working together as a community.

Siskiyou Youth Sports News

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 09:14 AM PST

Siskiyou Youth Sports News

Etna football finishes 2nd in SCL with win over Weed

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 10:57 PM PST

Article by Jimmy Hausauer, photos by Mallory Pappas

The Weed Cougars lost a heart breaker at home against the Etna Lions, on Friday night, 27-26. The game was a back and forth affair, with Weed taking an early lead, only to see the Lions battle back to win it. The Lion victory earned them 2nd place in the Shasta Cascade League at 3-1. Weed finished 3rd at 2-2. Etna (8-2) received the 5-seed for the NSCIF D-IV playoffs and will travel to 4-seed Chester (8-2) next Friday. Weed (6-4) is the 7-seed and will go to 2-seed Biggs (9-1).

Weed’s first offensive play was a screen to Edgar Casorla who gained only one yard before being brought down. The second play for the Cougars was a big 37-yard ramble by Carlos Sanchez, who drove down to the Etna 33 yard line. Aidan Hagarty, the Cougar QB, went deep and found Rashaan Broomfield for a touchdown. Sanchez added the PAT and Weed went out to an early 7-0 lead.

After recovering a fumble on the Weed 30-yard-line in the second quarter, the Lions went to work starting with Finley running for 26 yards to the 4-yard-line. The Cougar defense hammered down on the Lions next run, dropping the back for a yard loss. However, Hausauer carried the ball on the next play and found pay-dirt from five yards out, getting Etna on the board. The PAT was no good, leaving the Cougars ahead, 7-6.

The Lions began their next possession on their own 33. Hausauer got the carry on the first play and went 10 yards. The next play was Hansen who went 17 yards on the outside. A holding call brought Etna back 10, but that wasn’t slowing the Lions down. Finley did some hard running for 12 yards making it 2nd and 8 for the Lions. A false start pushed Etna back five yards. A screen to Hansen went for 26 yards with some quick moves and good down field blocking. Hansen got the call again and earned six off the edge putting Etna on the Weed 23. The Cougar defense locked down the off-tackle and stopped the Lions next run at the line. A hard 17-yard-run by Beltran brought the Lions down to the 4-yard-line. Hausauer got the call and worked into the end zone once more, giving the Lions a 12-6 lead. Etna went for the 2-point conversion, but Broomfield picked off the pass.

The Cougars next drive started on the 50, after a bad kick by the Lions. Shaffer rushed for five yards on the first carry, Hagarty scrambled for four yards, and Broomfield rushed for five. Lions J.T. Murray and Kaae took down Shaffer for a loss of three yards on the following play. The 5th play of the drive was another scramble by Hagarty for two yards. A 3rd and 11 called for another drop back by Hagarty who threw to Casorla, but Hansen put a stop to that play leaving the Cougars with a 4th down. Weed had a trick up their sleeve though, as they came out in punt formation. Broomfield was lined up to kick but dropped back to throw, and found Hagarty for a first down. The following play was a screen to Broomfield who took it 37 yards to the 3-yard-line. The Cougars’ offense was looking to score, as Hagarty dropped back to pass. With pressure coming, Hagarty found Sanchez in the end zone for a touchdown. The PAT was blocked, but Weed had the lead 13-12, going into the intermission.

On their first possession of the second half, the Lions set-up on the Weed 35, following a short punt. Hausauer, Beltran, and Brad Scoville helped Etna to a first down at the Weed 9-yard-line. Hausauer took it 4 yards, then Hansen finished the drive with a dive into the end zone for a Lion touchdown. The Lions did a direct snap to Finley who took it in for a 2-point conversion, giving Etna the advantage, 20-13.

The Cougars went 3-and-out on the next drive due to the Lions’ pass rush and Kaae who recorded two tackles for a loss. The Cougars punted to Nadig who returned it to Weed’s 15, but the ball was fumbled and the Cougars recovered. On two plays Broomfield rushed for 85 yards down to the Lion 5-yard-line. Hagarty kept it on the outside and stretched across the goal line for the score. The PAT was good, tying the contest, 20-20.

Nadig, who was looking for redemption, took the ensuing kickoff 80 yards for an Etna touchdown. Finley added the PAT, putting the Lions back on top, 27-20, at the end of the third quarter.

At the beginning of the fourth quarter, the Etna punt returner was Scoville who took the punt for 60 yards. However, the play was called back on a penalty and the Lions set-up on their 46. Combined running by Finley and Hausauer moved the Lions down to the 5-yard-line. Due to a tough goal line stand by the Cougars, the Lions found no success on the drive, as they were shutdown the next four plays.

Weed’s offense took over on the 4-yard-line, Broomfield rushed for five and Casrola rushed for 12. On 1st down, Hagarty dropped back and fired down field but the pass fell incomplete. Another screen for no gain, and another sack for the Lions defense caused the Cougars to punt.

Etna also was forced to punt on its next drive, as the Cougars defense kept the Lions from gaining any big yards.

Following the Lion punt, Weed started on their own 33, where Broomfield racked up 37 yards rushing and receiving on six plays. With close to a minute left in the game, the next three Weed plays were an incomplete pass, a running back dropped by Kaae at the line, and a pass deflected by Beltran. On 4th and 10 Hagarty tossed a 36-yard TD strike to Broomfield, bringing the Cougars to within a point, 27-26. The Cougars attempted a gutsy 2-point conversion for the win, but the Lions defense wasn’t going to have it. Broomfield was immediately wrapped up by Scoville and Austin Winklehausen, leaving Etna with the 27-26 lead.

Weed attempted an onside kick, but the ball had a bad spin and rolled backwards and out of bounds securing the win for the Lions.

Final Shasta Cascade League standings

Fall River 4-0 (7-3)
Etna 3-1 (8-2)
Weed 3-1 (6-4)
Modoc 1-3 (3-7)
Burney 0-4 (0-10)

Contributor Jimmy Hausauer is a senior at Etna High School. Photographer Mallory Pappas is a junior at Weed High School.

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Miners varsity football and cheerleading against Lassen

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 07:44 PM PST

Even with a season-ending injury to star quarterback and all-section safety Kaden Culp during a scrimmage, the Yreka Miners still started the 2013 season strong. The Miners went 4-1 in preseason, and won their first Northern Athletic League contest against Anderson. Among the preseason wins were a 49-27 blowout over Skyline League co-champion Klamath Union, and a 42-30 win over Sacramento Valley League co-champ Trinity.

Although he finished the game, Yreka lost quarterback and safety Ty Currie to a broken thumb against Anderson. In six games, Currie had thrown for 522 yards and nine touchdowns. He had also run for 481 yards and six TDs.

Soon after losing Currie, Yreka lost wide receiver, defensive back, punter and kick returner Michael Schuler to shoulder surgery. Schuler had accounted for 580 total yards and five TDs.

Add in some additional injuries, and the undermanned Miners had a tall task ahead of them going into Friday’s game against Lassen (5-5).

Lassen scored on its first four possessions to lead 28-0 at the half. The Grizzlies scored on their first possession of the second half, for a 35-0 lead–the eventual final score.

Yreka was able to move the ball a bit early in the game, reaching the red zone a couple of times, but was hurt by penalties and miscues.

The Miners finished the regular season 1-4 in the NAL, and 5-5 overall. Yreka is the 8-seed in the NSCIF D-II playoffs and will travel to Cottonwood next Friday to play number-1 West Valley (5-0, 9-1). West Valley’s only loss was to undefeated D-I Enterprise, 28-3.

Final Northern Athletic League standings

West Valley 5-0 (9-1)
Central Valley 4-1 (7-3)
Corning 3-2, (7-3)
Lassen 2-3 (5-5)
Yreka 1-4 (5-5)
Anderson 0-5 (1-9)

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Siskiyou Heat ASA Softball meeting

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 06:48 PM PST

While it seems girls softball is a long way off, it will be here before you know it. To plan for a successful 2014 season, the Siskiyou Heat will be meeting Wednesday, November 13 at 6:00 pm at Round Table Pizza in Yreka.

This is an important meeting looking toward 2014. Some of the items on the agenda are election of Board officers, coaching assignments and a possible registration fee increase.

Financing four to five teams a season for tournaments and equipment will necessitate additional fundraising ideas, and more volunteers will be needed to meet 2014 needs. If you are interested in coaching, have a player interested in playing competitive fast pitch softball, or have suggestions to help with fundraising, please try to attend.

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Trinity defeats Bears for Homecoming, earns a share of SVL championship

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 01:43 PM PST

(Video: Watch this video on the post page)

Video by Richard Allan

 style=The Trinity Wolves celebrated Homecoming on Friday night with a 62-19 win over the Mt. Shasta Bears. The win earned the Wolves a share of the Sacramento Valley League title. Trinity finished the SVL season at 4-1, tied with Durham. Trinity was ranked number-3 and received the 3-seed for the NSCIF D-III playoffs. Durham was ranked number-2 and received the 2-seed. Colusa (8-2) is the top seed.

Scoring summary

First quarter

9:03 Tony Adair 5-yard run,
2-P.A.T. run; Trinity (0-8)

8:34 Elijah Chapman 48-yard run,
P.A.T. kick; Mt. Shasta (7-8)

5:48 Greg Akins 4-yard run,
2-P.A.T. run; Trinity; (7-16)

Second quarter

8:30 Cory Cook 1-yard run,
2-P.A.T. run; Trinity (7-24)

5:35 Elijah Chapman 12-yard run,
P.A.T. failed; Mt. Shasta (24-13)

3:40 Tony Adair 5-yard run,
2-P.A.T. run; Trinity (13-32)

:35 Ryan Higgins to Izak Steele 14-yard pass,
2-P.A.T. run; Trinity (13-40)

Third quarter

8:51 Ryan Higgins to Daniel Hill 79-yard pass,
2-P.A.T. run; Trinity (13-48)

Start of running clock.

3:15 Brandon Acord to Cesar Gonzalez 37-yard pass,
P.A.T. failed; Mt. Shasta (19-48)

:14 Greg Akins 76-yard kickoff return,
2-P.A.T. run; Trinity (19-56)

Fourth quarter

3:50 Brandon Brookover 4-yard run,
P.A.T. failed; Trinity (19-62)

Final SVL standings

Durham 4-1, 7-3
Trinity 4-1, 8-2
Willows 3-2, 6-4
Pierce 3-2, 6-4
Mt. Shasta 1-4, 3-7
Live Oak 0-5, 2-8

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Tigers advance to semi-finals, lead North sweep of the South

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 01:07 PM PST

Photos by Chelsea Helms

The Dunsmuir Tigers led the way, as the North 8-man football teams demolished the South teams in the 1st round of the NSCIF 8-man playoffs. Top-seeded Dunsmuir shutout the South’s 4-seed 48-0 on Friday night. It was far from being that close of a game. Dunsmuir led 40-0 at the half. In other 8-man playoff games, (N2) Redding Christian crushed (S3) Loyalton 52-0. (N3) Butte Valley defeated (S2) Greenville 59-42. The North’s number-four team, Big Valley, dominated the South’s best team, Princeton, 66-38. The North Section’s 5th best 8-man team, Hayfork, has moved on to preparing for basketball due to a system that rewards mediocrity rather than accomplishment (Yep, that’s opinion, but look at the results of RD-1 for verification).

Tiger Dayton Pepperdine threw for 95 yards and a TD against Mercy. He also ran for 90 yards and a TD. Chase Sordahl led Dunsmuir in rushing with 95 yards and three TDs on eight carries, as well as hauling in a TD pass. CJ Palmer went for 79 yards and scored a TD.

Palmer led the Tigers defense with 12 total tackles, 11 of which were solo. Randy Hix had 9 total tackles, and Joey Campbell had 8. Hix and Campbell each had 1.5 sacks, and Trent Johnson had a sack. Palmer had an interception, and Hix recovered a fumble.

Dunsmuir (11-0) hosts Butte Valley (8-2) in a semi-final game on Friday at 6:00 pm. The winner will face the winner of Redding Christian versus Big Valley for the championship.

Photographer Chelsea Helms is a senior at Dunsmuir High School.

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Posted: 11 Nov 2013 09:12 AM PST


Veterans Day Happenings

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 08:03 AM PST

veterans day

There are several ways to celebrate and honor veterans today.   Here is a list of a few happenings going on throughout the area today.

Central Point Veterans Day Commemoration

Where: Oregon Fallen War Heroes Memorial

When: 9 a.m. – noon

Everyone is invited to attend, North Medford High School Choir will be singing, and Rep. Greg Walden will be speaking.

Department of Veteran Affairs Veterans Day Celebration

Where: 8495 Crater Lake Highway White City, Or

When: 10 a.m.-noon

Speakers include Rep. Greg Walden, and First Sergeant Mark Dalton with the local Army National Guard Unit who served two tours in Iraq.

Medford Veterans Day Parade

When: 11 a.m- noon

Where: Main Street from Hawthorne Park to Oakdale Avenue in Medford

Parade entries range from military vehicles and car clubs to veteran’s organizations and scouts.  After the parade at 3 p.m, the American Legion Post 15 at 100 E. Jackson Street will serve free hot dogs to veterans.

Veterans Day Ceremony

When: 2 p.m

Where: Medford Veterans Park

Greg Walden will speak

Avenue of the Flags

When: Meet at 10:45 a.m. at the Ashpole Center at 17 S. Buchanan Street in Eagle Point

Where: Walk down Main St. to the covered bridge

Mayor will speak along with a decorated VFW member, and other performances.

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Fog this Morning, Partly Sunny Today

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 08:01 AM PST

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A dense fog advisory is in place for Jackson, Josephine, Douglas & Eastern Curry Counties through 10am. Widespread and dense fog this morning will eventually burn off and partly sunny to mostly sunny conditions are expected by late afternoon across all locations.

A cold front sitting just off to our West is going to push eastward this evening. This will bring rain showers to the Coast around midnight, and isolated showers across inland areas through the morning. By the afternoon, skies should clear some and showers will have wrapped up.

Following this system, a high pressure ridge will build in for the middle of the week and bring dry weather through Friday. Morning fog and low lying clouds are anticipated through this time, with clearing skies into midday.


Meteorologist Alyssa Caroprese



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More Renovations for Downtown Ashland

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 07:30 PM PST

11-10 jbo ashlandASHLAND, Ore. – The city of Ashland is looking to renovate its downtown yet again.

On December 17th, the city council will hear proposals for how to spend a $128,000 fund generated from hotel taxes.

The changes will include all of downtown, not just the plaza, and will be mostly aesthetic. Councilors say it won’t cost residents a dime, but there are some voicing concern.

About 500 people have signed a petition to change the color of the bricks in the plaza from the current grey to a color they say would be a bit more pleasing.

"The original plan that was given to us, the council, showed salmon colored pavers, not charcoal grey," said City Councilor Carol Voisin. "So that’s what I thought was going to be there."

Replacing the plaza bricks would cost around $20,000 out of $128,000 fund.

The council will hear proposals for renovations on December 17th.

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The Show Must Go On for Local Musician

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 07:23 PM PST

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GRANTS PASS, Ore. – A local blues musician gets the opportunity of a lifetime – to compete in an international music competition in Memphis, the blues capital of the world. But that dream was dealt a blow when he discovered that all his instruments and equipment had been stolen.

Grants Pass resident Phil Newton and his band partner David Pinsky competed as a duo at the Eugene Blues Society for the chance to make the trip.

The two normally perform in separate bands. Learning how to play together, and as a two-piece unit, was no small challenge.

"He and I simply honed our act as a duo and worked on that for about a year to get the parts to fit right," said Newton.

But after winning the prize this fall, the unthinkable happened. The two were performing a gig at a Selma bar. When Newton pulled up to the bar he went to get his gear from his truck, but discovered it empty.

"We were doing the fundraiser to go to Memphis… I turned around to get my harmonicas and they were gone, along with the mics and everything else," said Newton.

Newton says he isn’t concerned about the money – the equipment is insured after all. But some of it is one-of-a-kind.

"Some of the equipment that was stolen I can’t… I can’t replace," said Newton. "It’s one of a kind of stuff, and has huge sentimental value as well."

But not sentimental enough to stop him.

Newton has played and admired the blues ever since he was a kid. Whether borrowed or backup, he says he’ll find what he needs to compete.

"I bought the tickets today," said Newton. "We’re on our way, the hotel rooms are reserved!"

The Memphis International Blues Challenge kicks off in January.

Until then you can catch Phil Newton and his band, Broadway Phil & the Shouters, playing gigs all over the valley to raise money for the competition.

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Cold & Foggy Night, Showers Tuesday

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 06:44 PM PST

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Tonight will be very similar to last night with areas of fog and low clouds developing by morning with patchy freezing fog. Fog will linger the longest in the Illinois Valley tomorrow not burning off until the afternoon with most other valley locations seeing clearing my mid to late morning. A cold front will approach the coast Monday night bringing rain overnight Monday into Tuesday morning, mainly at the coast with a few showers inland. Most of the rain will fall during this time period with only isolated showers through the day Tuesday.

Fog will persist through the extended with increasing afternoon sunshine Wednesday and Thursday. A long wave trough will move in next weekend which is a set up that allows disturbances to slide in and bring unsettled weather to the region. Our first chance for rain arrives Saturday with the heaviest rain falling at the coast.

Share your weather photos with me on Facebook and Twitter! Thanks for logging on and have a great evening!

Meteorologist Megan Parry

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Flea Market Re-Opens After Gov. Shutdown

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 06:27 PM PST

flea market

MEDFORD, Ore. — The government shutdown is over, but it is still affecting some businesses a month later.

The Medford Flea Market uses the armory once a month to host their market.  However because of the shutdown last month, the Oregon National Guard needed the space for their monthly training, and this left the Medford Flea Market homeless.

This month they are back up and running as usual, but both the vendors and the market owners said the cancellation cost them money.

The flea market has been around for more than 40 years and has only closed two other times before, once due to a flood, and once due to a wild fire.

The owners of the flea market had to call each vendor individually and tell them about the cancelation.

They also spent money on advertisements to inform the public about the cancellation.  Overall, they said the closure cost them money.

"I can take a wild shot and say we were out a couple thousand, which not having to pay what we pay a day here for the armory — it helped and hurt at the same time," said Medford Flea Market owner, Dennis Nelson.

The flea market pays the National Guard Armory $1,200 a day to rent out the space so they said they did save that money that way, but by the time they rent out tables to vendors and charge and entry fee they make a profit, a profit they lost out on last month.

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Typhoon Haiyan Devastates Philippines

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 11:38 AM PST

typhoonBy Andrew Stevens

TACLOBAN, Philippines (CNN) — As Vietnam braced for the arrival of a weakened but still powerful Typhoon Haiyan, Filipinos grappled with devastation on a scale they have never seen before.

No electricity. No food. No water. Houses and buildings leveled. Bodies scattered on the streets. Hospitals overrun with patients. Medical supplies running out…and a death toll that could soar.

The Philippine Red Cross estimated at least 1,200 people were killed by Haiyan, but that number could change as officials make their way to remote, nearly inaccessible places pummeled by the storm.

The town of Tacloban, in Leyte province, is a city on edge. It was one of the hardest-hit places. Tacloban’s mayor said 10,000 people may have died.

“People here were convinced that it looked like a tsunami,” Alfred Romualdez told CNN.

“I have not spoken to anyone who has not lost someone, a relative close to them. We are looking for as many as we can,” he said.

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Klamath Falls Oregon Herald and News Sports

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 09:06 AM PST

Klamath Falls Oregon Herald and News Sports

Braves to build stadium that opens in 2017

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 07:38 AM PST

The Braves say they will be leaving Turner Field and moving into a new 42,000-seat, $672 million stadium 11 miles from downtown in 2017. It's not clear how much it will cost taxpayers.

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Czechs pick interim captain for Davis Cup final

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 06:02 AM PST

Vladimir Safarik has taken over as captain of the Czech Republic's Davis Cup team for this week's final against Serbia after Jaroslav Navratil was hospitalized with a blood clot.

Olympic torch returns home from space station

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 02:27 AM PST

A Russian space capsule carrying the Sochi Olympic torch and three astronauts returned to Earth on Monday from the International Space Station in a flawless landing on the steppes of Kazakhstan.

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Brees, Saints set records, torch Cowboys 49-17

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 02:09 AM PST

Sean Payton had a choice to make.

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Federer hoping for brighter spell in 2014

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 02:02 AM PST

A disappointing year ended with another loss for Roger Federer. However, after a mini-resurgence late in the season, though, the former top-ranked men's player has reason to believe he can still compe

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Sea Island still feels like home to Chris Kirk

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 01:54 AM PST

Chris Kirk watches golf on television when he's not playing. He likes seeing how players cope with pressure and pull off great shots because he can appreciate the nerves. And it never ceases to amaze

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5 things to know after Eagles beat Packers 27-13

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 01:47 AM PST

Nick Foles deferred a question about the Philadelphia Eagles' starting quarterback job to his head coach.

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Arizona's defense takes charge in win over Texans

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 01:41 AM PST

For all of its problems, Houston entered its game against Arizona with the No. 1 defense in the league, at least as far as statistics go.

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Ravens re-enter AFC North race by beating Bengals

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 01:16 AM PST

There's really no telling whether the Baltimore Ravens can rebound from a lackluster start to make a run at defending their AFC North title.

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Column: Shakedown? Rite of passage? Or a bargain?

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 01:08 AM PST

A friend makes vague threats if you refuse to kick $15,000 into the kitty so he and his pals can take a trip to Vegas without you.

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'Complete' Seahawks dominate Falcons, 33-10

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 12:56 AM PST

Ten games into the season, the Seattle Seahawks finally delivered a complete victory, showing they are the team that deserves to carry the NFC's best record.

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Giants stretch win streak to 3, beat Raiders 24-20

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 12:57 AM PST

It's easy to find fault with the New York Giants' three-game winning streak.

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5 things to know after Broncos beat Chargers 28-20

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 12:57 AM PST

Peyton Manning and the rest of the Denver Broncos will present a game ball to John Fox as soon as the coach rejoins them after recovering from heart surgery.

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Panthers' 5th straight win, beat 49ers 10-9

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 12:56 AM PST

Carolina coach Ron Rivera has heard all the skeptics questioning whether his Panthers were really as good as their record.

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Steelers bounce back, drop sluggish Bills 23-10

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 12:57 AM PST

Ben Roethlisberger, like the other 52 players in the Pittsburgh Steelers' locker room, is frustrated by his team's lethargic first half.

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Austin takes big step as Rams blow out Colts 38-8

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 12:57 AM PST

The Rams drafted Tavon Austin to be their game-changer.

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Lions beat Bears 21-19 in key NFC North matchup

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 12:57 AM PST

When the Detroit Lions needed to put together a scoring drive in the fourth quarter, Reggie Bush carried the load.

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5 things to know after Jaguars beat Titans 29-27

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 12:57 AM PST

The Jacksonville Jaguars sure would like to schedule the Tennessee Titans every week if they could. They just might be perfect.

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Drew Brees leads Saints past Cowboys, 49-17

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 11:05 PM PST

Nothing like nighttime in New Orleans to inspire a memorable performance from Drew Brees and the Saints.

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Cowboys shredded by Brees, Saints in 49-17 loss

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 10:57 PM PST

Dallas safety Jeff Heath missed a tackle in the second quarter and watched New Orleans running back Pierre Thomas cruise into the end zone. That was one of the rare times when a Cowboys defender even

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LSU advances in WNIT over Saint Joseph's, 80-64

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 10:51 PM PST

DaShawn Harden had 19 points and 5 steals to lead No. 15 Louisiana State to the preseason WNIT semifinal round over Saint Joseph's 80-64.

No. 11 Sooners power past Wichita St. 89-70

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 10:47 PM PST

Sharane Campbell matched her career-high as she scored 24 points to lead No. 11 Oklahoma past Wichita St. 89-70 in the second round of the Preseason WNIT.

No. 9 Cal women show promise in loss to No. 2 Duke

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 10:05 PM PST

California senior Afure Jemerigbe shared a special moment with her best friend of more than 10 years following the ninth-ranked Golden Bears' 70-58 loss to No. 2 Duke on Sunday.

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Timberwolves end 22-game skid vs Lakers, 113-90

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 09:59 PM PST

Nobody in the Minnesota locker room had to say much before the game about the Timberwolves' 22-game losing streak to the Lakers.

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Ducks improve to 15-3-1 with 3-1 win over Canucks

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 09:03 PM PST

Rookie goalie Frederik Andersen won his sixth straight game to start his NHL career, making 35 saves in place of ailing Jonas Hiller, and the league-leading Anaheim Ducks extended their winning streak

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dWebServe Submit News Opinions Worldwide

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 05:15 PM PST

dWebServe Submit News Opinions Worldwide

This special beef is not found in your grocery store

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 08:45 AM PST

Jenner Family Beef Etna California Mail Order Meat
Find out more about Jenner Family Beef:
No Added Hormones | No Added Antibiotics | Corn-Free Vegetarian Diet
USDA inspected | Source Verified | Locally Pasture Raised
Jenner Family Beef offers a unique quality of beef for the quality-seeking consumer.

This beef is not found in your grocery store because it requires extra handling and time to produce a product of this standard. The quality of feed impacts the quality of the beef; our cows, Angus-cross bred, never leave the ranch where they are born but are raised on pasture grass -- much of which is native grass -- in the spring, summer and fall. In winter, when temperatures drop into the teens or lower, we feed our own grass-alfalfa hay. Finally, we keep our animals for a longer period of time, which increases the flavor of the final product.

If you haven't visited our website yet, check out our WINTER SPECIAL! It includes 1 chuck roast, 1 london broil, 1 sirloin tip, 2 pkgs of short ribs, and 2 pkgs of shanks (great for Ossobuco!)

Daniel Webster's Words From Webster from Your Local News Submission Service

Celebrate a Veteran today

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 08:07 AM PST

veterans, vet, vets, veterans day, veteran, parade, etna, california, news
Join us and Celebrate a Veteran today! 
We honor, love, cherish and thank our Veterans in Scott Valley
Add your thanks, honor and love for your Veteran you wish to cherish and celebrate right here as a comment.
Thank you Scott Valley Photographer Mel Fechter for bringing us this moment from the Etna Veteran's Parade in Scott Valley, California
Yreka News Siskiyou News Mount Shasta News Northern California State of Jefferson

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